Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 445: A little capable

Chapter 445

The action of that sword was extremely slow, almost everyone could see that there was indeed no trace of spiritual power in the sword from top to bottom, and just as the sword light fell, the hundreds of sword lights underground suddenly became blazing. The monstrous sword intent suddenly emerged, and a light ball composed of sword light gave birth to a thick meaning of killing!

In the next breath, the ball of light crashed on the body of the huge dragon. In an instant, a huge pit appeared on the dragon's body, blood gurgled out, but the dragon couldn't make any response!

When it was said that it was too late, the sword light on the ball of light suddenly flew out, flying towards the other parts of the dragon, but the thick-skinned dragon was still picked up piece by piece, flesh and blood. , The dragon swayed quickly, but the first ball of light had already damaged its vitality, and it was almost dying at this moment!

Everyone saw that the dragon in the sky was **** all over, as if it had just come out of a pool of blood, no part of the whole body was intact.

"I think……"

The extremely weak voice hadn't finished speaking, Mu Wushuang took another sword!

The huge dragon head fell directly from the sky to the ground!

Blood splattered!

The giant dragon's figure faded suddenly, and Helianshi fell from the sky, and his whole body was tumbling with bones, and the head had been separated from the body, and he couldn't die anymore!

Everyone looked at this scene, stunned, and it was a long time to return to their senses!

And that sword technique is really amazing, simple and natural, they have never seen such a weird sword technique!

"That's Qingyun Sword Art!" Wuji Zi said shockedly.

"What! Sovereign, the master sister just used Qingyun Sword Art?"

The disciples couldn't believe it.

They all practice the Azure Cloud Sword Art, but why are they not so powerful?

Wujizi said with unsteadiness and excitement: "Because your master sister has reached the tenth level! Throughout the ages, even the ancestors, ancestors, and ancestors have only practiced to this level! Your master sisters are too much for us. The door has a long face!"

Many disciples were shocked.

The master sister has actually reached the tenth level!

Legend has it that the tenth floor is the hardest! It is almost impossible to practice!

No wonder the master sister can crack the control of the Jian Ming monument!

"The sword is born from the heart, and the intention is the same as the sword. One move is simple and unpretentious. The sword comes out of ten thousand swords of silence, and the space is quiet." Wujizi said: "Your master sister, you have practiced kendo to the extreme!"

This is exactly the power that Mu Wushuang exerts, every sword Gujing Wubo is extremely powerful!

"Helianshi is dead!"

He Lianhai was shocked and angry.

This good seedling, the family did not know how much energy it took to make him have today!

But this trash, he died so quickly under Mu Wushuang's hands!

Even the Jianming Monument was lost!

Damn it!

"Mother is too good! Daddy!"

Xiao Xuanxi said excitedly.

Today is simply the home court of my mother alone. Under the world, no one can be more dazzling than my mother!

Long Moshen also slowly curled his lips.

Next, Mu Wushuang won several consecutive victories!

It was getting dark.

But Mu Wushuang was not tired at all, and continued to challenge others!

She is now fifty-three!

Such a speed is beyond everyone's expectations!

But she still feels that this speed is too slow, she will step on He Lianqian's name under her feet within three days!

"The next challenged---Jiang Manzi!"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, a bald-headed man holding a Buddhist prayer beads walked up slowly. He has a sordid breath, looks very different, he is obviously a monk, but he also wears golden clothes and jade boots.

"Amitabha, the monk will meet you!!"

But this monk's aura is a bit weird, far from the pure aura of some great powers in Buddhism, and his cultivation is also at the sixth level of the spiritual state.

Mu Wu was expressionless and didn't look down at him in his heart.

This person looks like a monk, but not like a monk.

"Jiang Manzi? The breath he gives is too cold, I don't know which Dharma practiced!"

Some people commented.

"He was a disciple of Guiyuanzong, but before he went to Yuanzong, he was a Buddhist disciple! Now he has changed his surname to Jiang, a dog of the Jiang family!"

Regarding people's discussion, Jiang Manzi looked indifferent. He closed his eyes and silently recited the scriptures in his mouth, his voice getting louder and louder.

Slowly, two golden apertures appeared behind his head, the golden light dazzled the eyes, and the loud Buddha sound resounded through the world.

"Tsk tut!"

The breath is huge and amazing, many people are dizzy and swollen, a vast Buddha power burst from Jiang Manzi, incarnate into a glaring Buddha more than ten feet high!

A huge golden hand "boomed" towards Mu Wushuang, like a land collapsed and a mountain destroyed, with the magic power to turn decay into a miracle, and countless lights and shadows passed through Mu Wushuang's mind. This Buddha's sound and light actually had an impact. The role of the human mind!

Mu Wushuang didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly ran Linglong's heart orifice, disintegrating the light in his mind. When he drew out a long sword, it was still the move of the previous game, a simple sword, but the speed was several times faster. This Buddha light is weird. Pervasive, unpleasant will not work!

The Buddha's voice is getting louder and louder. There is magic in this voice that makes people want to surrender. Many spiritual practitioners in the audience are already kneeling on the ground.

The golden Buddha behind Jiang Manzi was surrounded by a majestic Buddha light, and the phantoms of countless apertures swirled in the void, flying out like a glimpse of light, and one blow hit the circle of protective cover that Mu Wushuang arranged with sword light, clattering. There seems to be a sign of breaking.

Seeing this, the Buddha's voice in Jiang Manzi's mouth became louder. There seemed to be only one voice between the heavens and the earth. There was an illusion of coming to the temple of the Prosperity Buddha. The huge Buddha beads in his hand also took advantage of the situation, and it seemed that he did not intend to spend more time with Mu Wushuang. But want to fight quickly.

As soon as the Buddha beads hit the sword aperture, a crack with the length of the index finger appeared on it, followed by a burst of blows, and the light mask turned into nothingness.

Mu Wushuang was forced to step back a few steps, looking at the buddha beads, the sword in his hand was slowly raised.

"A bit capable!"

You want a quick fight, well, I'll end you!

Mu Wushuang's whole body flew up, the flying sword continued to rotate, and coupled with the power of the sword soul, a wave of overwhelming power suddenly burst out!

"This power is terrible, and the sword intent is so fierce!"

The sword in Mu Wu's hands spun quickly, but in the blink of an eye, the Buddha beads in front of her were broken by the fierce sword aura, and the black beads were scattered on the ground.

But the sword intent is getting stronger and stronger, and the majestic power brings up a long whirlpool, and the tip of the sword is flying straight towards Jiang Manzi!

Jiang Manzi kept chanting the Buddhist scriptures, and finally spit out the eight-character proverbs, all the size of a small mountain, pressing up in the direction of the sword, trying to resist.

But Mu Wushuang's swordsmanship was as fierce as a torrent, directly penetrating the eight golden characters and piercing Jiang Manzi with his hands together!

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