Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 450: Admit defeat

Chapter 450

Feeling the danger, Qi Dong frowned, his feet moved slightly, and he had already left his position.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

With a few huge sounds, the breath of thunder and lightning spread, and the space shook slightly.

"It turned out to be attacking Fulu!"

"The look of coercion is still a magic talisman! The power is so powerful!"

Some people are surprised, because only a talisman can make magic charms! Qingyun City can sell them now, but the price is particularly expensive!

It can be said that the spirit level talisman is worth a thousand gold now, because the number of charms is too small, the price is naturally rare!

So some people were surprised that Mu Wushuang actually drew out a lot of powerful magic charms, this is simply burning spiritual stones!

But what is even more surprising and speechless is that Mu Wushuang took one out and then another one. Only a loud "bang-bang-bang" sound was heard on the ring, a smog!

There are not only talismans of thunder and lightning, but also extremely aggressive talismans of space, water, fire, and ice.

Qi Dong's Jinglian Demon Fire restrained Mu Wushuang's sword from above, and he couldn't bear to face these overwhelming talismans.

The terrible thing is that Mu Wu's hands keep throwing out the talisman!

Throwing out the talisman without money, many people are very painful. Just now, almost a hundred magic talisman have been discarded. How many spiritual stones have been obtained!

What everyone didn't know was that these magic charms were drawn by Mu Wushuang himself, and it was easier than writing.

She consumed Qi Dong, and when the other party was finally unsteady and coughing up blood, she directly commanded the sword and pierced the fire spirit fiercely with the power secret technique learned in the West Queen Mother Palace!


Huo Ling made a very harsh shout.

At this time, Mu Wushuang took out an eighth-order thunder talisman and threw it on Qi Dong who was about to drive the demon-fire of the lotus flower!

Qi Dong screamed, and his hands were cut by thunder!

Yes, she had always taken out low-level intermediate talisman, she deliberately hung Qi Dong, torturing Qi Dong.

She knew very well that the Jinglian Demon Fire had only been refined and recognized by Qi Dong not long ago, because it must have been given to Qi Dong temporarily by the Empress.

As the master of Jinglian Demon Fire, the weaker Qi Dong is, the weaker Jinglian Demon Fire is.

But she can’t claim Qi Dong’s life right away, because the Jinglian Demon Fire produced spiritual wisdom, gave birth to a fire spirit, and has her own wisdom. If Qi Dong has a life worry, the fire spirit may attack Qi Dong at any time. Run away.

How could she let Jinglian Demon Fire escape!

Little did she know that her nether red lotus was too greedy!


With a wave of Mu Wu's hands, Netherworld Honglian got out of her palm and ran towards the injured Fire Spirit in the sky.

The Nether Red Lotus is extremely powerful and fierce, the Jinglian Demon Fire, which has been in the greenhouse of the big family, does not have the madness of the Nether Red Lotus at all, and it will be swallowed by the Nether Red Lotus in a moment!


Qi Dong let out a more tragic scream.

He recognized the Jinglian Demon Fire as its master, and now the Jinglian Demon Fire was swallowed, and Qi Dong, the master, was also swallowed by a different fire, and his soul was in pain!


The holy queen stood up angrily.

Mu Wushuang looked at the Saint Empress with a smile, as if telling her that Mu Wushuang had nothing to fear.

She took a lot of time to watch the painful Qi Dong, the Netherworld Red Lotus is still swallowing, and it will take a while to swallow it completely. During this period, Qi Dong will feel the same way!

Everyone was shocked watching this scene.

Originally thought Mu Wushuang would definitely be dead under the demon fire of Jinglian.

Unexpectedly, the situation reversed so quickly!

Before Mu Wushuang took the talisman to smash Qi Dong, everyone only thought that Mu Wushuang had no more success, but now it seems that she is just adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, her real purpose is to swallow the Jinglian demon fire!

At this time, everyone remembered that Mu Wushuang was an alchemist, and also a Tier 6 alchemist! He is the youngest Tier 6 alchemist in the entire continent!

So she has such a strange fire as Nether Red Lotus!

Now Nether Red Lotus is devouring the No. 1 Jinglian Demon Fire, then her Nether Red Lotus will be the most powerful alien fire in the world!

Gosh! This abnormal fire can not only refine alchemy, but also kill people invisible! It is comparable to the best magic weapon!

too terrifying!

It's no wonder that the face of the queen is so ugly, she would never have thought that she would kill Mu Wushuang's Jinglian Demon Fire, but in the end she made a wedding dress for Mu Wushuang, making her even stronger!

The queen is indeed very angry, very angry, and raging.

The Jinglian Demon Fire was taken out by her without the Saint Emperor, and when Qi Dong killed Mu Wushuang, she had to return it again.

Because the Jinglian Demon Fire can only be used by the blood of the Qinglong Divine Palace, in other words, she herself, even as a holy queen, is not qualified to use the Jinglian Demon Fire!

This is the rule of Qinglong Shrine.

But she broke the rules and didn't say anything, the Jinglian Demon Fire was also swallowed by Mu Wushuang's Nether Red Lotus, and she didn't even have to remedy it now!

Can Jiang Liyun not be angry?

Even though the Holy Emperor treated her differently, but she broke the rules of the ancestors, the Holy Emperor would never show mercy to her men.

Thinking of this, Jiang Liyun tickled her teeth with hatred!

Her nephew Jiang Hao died, and her brother also asked her to explain.

Now that the Jinglian Demon Fire is gone, how can she explain to the Holy Emperor to the Qinglong Temple?

Blame this **** Mu Wushuang!

Qi Dong has been swallowed up by the Demon-Fire of Jinglian, and he only recognized the Lord not long after the Demon-Fire of Jinglian was swallowed and refined. His backlash was even greater. His whole body seemed to be roasted by flames, making every drop of his blood surge. .

The Holy Empress kept giving him a voice transmission to let him surrender, because she could not let the Qinglong Divine Palace lose an excellent disciple, otherwise the Holy Emperor would be furious.

But Qi Dong couldn't hear it, or it was hard for him to yell a word when he heard it. He was too painful, every nerve was being bitten back, so painful, he screamed again and again on the ground.

Qi Dong stopped screaming until Mu Wushuang's Nether Red Lotus completely refined and swallowed the Jinglian Demon Fire.

"Qi Dong! Get up and give up!"

The holy queen yelled in anxious voice transmission.

But still a step slower, Mu Wushuang's sword tip moved, and a sharp sword energy agitated Qi Dong's body, directly smashing his internal organs.

Qi Dong didn't die, but he was also abolished. He was going to hang his life with the precious pill. Doesn't it mean that he was abolished?

Jiang Liyun's eyes are splitting, Mu Wushuang is deliberate! It's okay for Qi Dong to die, but he hasn't died but was abandoned like this, the holy emperor is not angry, and he must be angry at him when that time comes!

"It can't go on like this, it won't work!" Jiang Liyun told herself.

She immediately transmitted a message to another disciple of the Azure Dragon Shrine, asking him to surrender directly. If he was also abandoned in Mu Wushuang's hands, her trouble would be big!

In the future, she can think of other ways to kill Mu Wushuang, and if she is not reconciled, she can no longer lose the disciples of Qinglong Temple!

At this time, He Lianhai also passed on the order with a gloomy look. Mu Wushuang had too many methods and seemed to have a back hand. Even the people in the Qinglong Temple could be ruthless. This woman is crazy!

Therefore, after Mu Wushuang abandoned Qi Dong, a few people quickly surrendered.

After finally defeating a disciple of the Tianhu clan, everyone knew that the climax and tide were coming, and Mu Wushuang was going to challenge He Lianqian!

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