Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 451: Out of control monster

Chapter 451-Uncontrollable Monster Beast

He Lianqian walked out slowly.

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, with a lofty arrogance, her head raised, looking at Mu Wushuang condescendingly.

"Mu Wushuang, you are really unexpected, you really got to this point. But what about that, you are destined to be stepped on by me! You are sent to the door to let me slap you in the face!"

She stared at Mu Wushuang coldly, her eyes seemed to be poisoned.

Mu Wushuang curled his lips and smiled, and said to He Lianqian: "Do you know what you look like now? Like a wild dog who has been forced to bite someone crazy."

He Lianqian's gloomy eyes suddenly rose up with soaring anger.

"You dare to call me a dog!"

Many people shook their heads. The eldest lady of the dignified family was so easily irritated. Compared with Mu Wushuang, her temperament was far worse.

He Lianqian's face sank as he listened to the surrounding discussion, and suddenly, she turned back and smiled:

"Mu Wushuang, you're just too sly, you are deliberately angering me, you want me to expose my flaws, but you are doomed to fail, you and I are very different in strength, no matter how you provoke me, the result will not change!"

Mu Wushuang looked at He Lianqian, this woman's brain is really pitted, where does she have a sense of superiority?

He Lianqian suddenly increased the volume and said: "I am the only monster summoner in the world, the darling of heaven, and you, Mu Wushuang, are just a clown, and you can never compare with me!"

After speaking, she chanted the spell and raised her arms, causing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to fluctuate.

Mu Wushuang looked at this scene with a weird expression, and asked the two beautiful boy spirits: "What is she doing? Could it be that she is summoning monsters?"

"Yes, this should be the lowest-level method of summoning monsters, it's not comparable to your master!"

Xiao Zhu said.

Xiao Que said: "She probably has to keep chanting curses and form a temporary contract to summon the monster beast."

When Mu Wushuang heard it, his expression was really hard to say.

She thought Helianqian was really capable, after all, I heard that the Helian family had a powerful summoner a long time ago.

However, in her eyes, this scene is no longer called "Ban Men", so let's call Jiajia to be more precise!

With a move of her mind, she could sense powerful monsters thousands of miles away and summon them, and He Lianqian had such a big formation, she didn't know how many of them could be summoned.

Mu Wushuang felt that her son was much better at summoning monsters than Helianqian.

I was a little curious that she could summon any monsters, so Mu Wushuang didn't move anything, just watched.

When the people in the audience saw this scene, they all started talking.

"What is He Lianqian doing?"

"She must be summoning monsters! Didn't you hear what she just said, she is the only summoner in this world, and she must summon monsters to come over and give Mu Wushuang a slap in the face!"

"He Lianqian is really amazing, she deserves to be a descendant of a big family! Even monsters can be summoned!"

"Mu Wushuang must be terrified, after all, He Lianqian is a summoner!"

"He Lianqian summons a group of monsters later, no matter how powerful Mu Wushuang is, she has no three heads and six arms, she is defeated!"

"Why doesn't Mu Wushuang take advantage of his mobile hand? Missing this opportunity, she has no chance to win!"

At this time, there are several black spots in the sky moving fast!

"Look! What is that in the sky!"

"The Eight Gods Ghost Eagle! That is the Eight Gods Ghost Eagle!"

"Fifth Tier Monster Beast!"

"Oh my God! He Lianqian actually summoned a Tier 5 monster! Wasn't she able to summon Tier 3 monsters not long ago? She has improved too much!"

There are five or six huge black eagles hovering in the sky. This black eagle is called the Eight Gods Ghost Eagle, with a grimace and very ferocious! They can release terrifying lightning and directly cleave people into coke!

Suddenly there was a huge kick on the ground. Everyone saw that in the direction of the destroyed medicine field, more than a dozen huge monsters were rushing quickly!

"That is! Yanwu Tapir!"

"Yanwu Tapir! It is also a Tier 5 monster!"

"The Yanwu tapir is huge, as strong as iron, and can spray magma. It is very dangerous!"

Countless people exclaimed.

"Mu Wushuang is going to be bad. Although the monsters He Lianqian summoned are only Tier 5, they have amazing defensive power. In addition, He Lianqian has the cultivation base of the later stage of the spiritual state. Wushuang has no power to fight back!"

Upon hearing these words, Yun Qiubai hurriedly shouted to Mu Wushuang in the court:

"Wushuang! Get away!"

"Hide? It's late!" He Lianqian sneered, summoned all the monsters, and attacked Mu Wushuang!

Everyone looked at this scene, only feeling lingering in their hearts, but Mu Wushuang remained motionless, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking something.

She even broke her mind and blinked at her son.

Xiao Xuanxi smiled with her little hand covering her mouth, a very special smile.

His stomach is about to laugh and hurt, only by covering his mouth, he won't laugh out loud.

Long Moshen patted his son on the back and went smoothly.

"Daddy, I'm going to die of laughter." Xiao Xuanxi said.

"Laughing to death, I will have another with your mother." Long Moshen said without changing his face.

Xiao Xuanxi's mouth was immediately pouted.

Everyone was worried and nervous, only their father and son and Mu Yuheng had a relaxed face.

When Ling Xiao's sage Sun Rong saw this, she was puzzled. At this time, why didn't they worry about Wushuang at all?

Could it be that Wushuang is more capable?

But the monsters Helianqian summoned were not simple!

All the monster beasts rushed towards Mu Wushuang fiercely, but Mu Wushuang still did not move. Seeing that the huge Yanwu tapir was about to step on Mu Wushuang's body, some people even blindfolded their eyes and dared not look at it. A **** scene.

But the **** scene did not happen, and the court suddenly became silent.

The timid person opened his eyes and found that all the ferocious monsters were kneeling on the ground!

"what happened!"

Someone asked in shock.

Everyone shook their heads and their faces were shocked.

This was just what happened in an instant. All the monsters attacked Mu Wushuang, but when they were about to turn Mu Wushuang into a meat sauce, those monsters suddenly knelt down!

As if surrendering something, these huge monster beasts all have their heads down, so well-behaved like obedient puppies!

He Lianhai and He Lianyuan stood up together, with a bad premonition rising in their hearts.

And He Lianqian was even more stunned there, her whole body as if she had received a huge shock, her eyes widened and her mouth wide open.

Because suddenly, the connection between her and the monster beast she summoned was cut off! She can no longer drive these monsters!

What made her even more unbelievable was that she tried to summon these monsters again, but these monsters actually showed a huge rejection of her!

Why is this happening!

Why is it out of control! Why are they all kneeling in front of Mu Wushuang! What went wrong!

He Lianqian can't figure it out!

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