Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 452: All Beasts Qi Zhao

Chapter 452

The situation suddenly reversed, but people couldn't understand why such a ferocious and bloodthirsty monster suddenly knelt down on the ground. What happened just now?

Seeing He Lianqian's appearance, obviously even she doesn't know what happened!

Mu Wushuang shook the bracelet on his wrist boredly, looked at He Lianqian, with a light tone:

"Miss Helian, aren't you the darling of the heavens? Haven't you awakened the powerful summoner skills? That's the ability?"

"Mu Wushuang, what are you proud of? No matter what, the fact that I am a summoner will not change. Do you know the prophecy of the holy master? The natural phoenix in the words of the holy master is me, because I am the only summoner in this world. Summon Ten Thousand Beasts! What about you and Young Emperor? You are not righteous at all!"

He Lianqian said angrily.

This also means to show off. No matter how lucky Mu Wushuang is, she is just a wild woman, and He Lianqian's own fate is a perfect match for Young Emperor. They are a natural match, and Mu Wushuang cannot get it. God blessed, it looks beautiful on the surface now, but in the end it will not end well!

"Can you summon ten thousand beasts?"

Mu Wushuang laughed out loud, pointing at the creeping monster beasts and said: "Here is full of calculations, there are only 30 monsters, and it seems a little far away from 10,000 monsters."

But He Lianqian looked arrogant:

"A few months ago, I could only summon three or five monsters, but now I can summon 30 monsters. It won’t be long before I can summon hundreds of monsters. My progress is so great that it’s less than tens of thousands of monsters. Is the beast still far away? Mu Wushuang, I know you are jealous, because you don't have my ability, you will never be recognized by the Azure Dragon Shrine!"


Mu Wushuang leaned forward and backward with a smile. She looked at He Lianqian, "He Lianqian, I should show you what is called Qi Zhao of Wan Beasts!"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly became imposing, and the sky was suddenly black!

"what happened!"

"What happened! Why did the sky suddenly darken!"

People looked at the suddenly darkening sky, puzzled.

At this moment, someone pointed to the sky and made a shocking cry:

"Fuck! The sky is an overwhelming monster bird!"


Everyone was shocked, and they took a closer look, where there was a dark cloud above the sky, that was clearly a flying monster that was crushed by the sky!

Gosh! When did these monsters appear!

Why are there so many monsters!

"I'll go! It's densely packed, there must be tens of thousands of monsters! I have goose bumps!"

"Could it be that He Lianqian summoned it? Mother! This is too scary!"

"He Lianqian is so powerful? There are quite a few rank six and seven beasts in these monster birds!"

"He Lianqian is a blockbuster!"

People panicked and shocked when they looked at the demon bird like a black cloud crushing the city.

This scene is really shocking!

"This was summoned by my mother! It was not summoned by that bad woman!"

Xiao Xuanxi said in a crisp voice.

Someone nearby heard it and laughed and said loudly: "He Lianqian is the only summoner, only she can summon so many monsters!"

In other words, little guy, your mother is not a summoner, how can you summon a monster? Do not make jokes!

Someone said with emotion: "He Lianqian is really surprising. I didn't expect that she could summon so many monsters. She is really powerful!"

Xiao Xuanxi was not angry, but smiled.

Because he knew that his mother would soon slap these people in the face.

Everyone thought that He Lianqian had summoned these monsters, and even He Lianqian felt that she had summoned these monsters.

She had been trying to summon monsters just now, but no monster was summoned by her, she felt frustrated.

But now seeing so many monsters descending from the sky, a burst of ecstasy rose in her heart. It must be the ancestor's manifestation that made her ability upgrade again!

He Lianhai smiled with relief and joy. Her daughter was suddenly so powerful, she must have awakened a stronger summoning ability, and the family could be more prosperous!

"Qian'er! Quickly kill Mu Wushuang!" he said excitedly.

He Lianqian nodded, pointed at Mu Wushuang, and commanded loudly to the demon bird that was flying down: "You will kill her for me!"

She wants to use her most proud ability to kill Mu Wushuang!

The monster birds swooped over, and He Lianqian was smiling, stepping back, waiting for these high-level monster birds to kill Mu Wushuang.

But at this moment, He Lianqian's smile solidified on her face, because all the demon birds did not fly towards Mu Wushuang, instead they came in her direction with a hurricane of flames!

She responded in a panic, but there were too many monsters, tens of thousands, surrounded her, and outsiders couldn't even see her!

But Mu Wushuang, who was supposed to be attacked, still stood in place, with white hair and no wind, his appearance was immortal, and he looked like a fairy.

There was an eighth-order blue-winged white tiger under her body, crawling under her feet, and when she sat lightly, the white tiger lifted her up.

He Lianqian's voice screamed and screamed from the monster group.

Everyone is stupid, and now they see that something is wrong!

But how did it become like this?

Why is the situation the other way around?

The person who was surrounded and attacked by monsters should be Mu Wushuang, how did he become Helianqian?

Could it be that Mu Wushuang was the one who summoned these tens of thousands of demon birds?

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly remembered the situation where the twenty or thirty monster beasts He Lianqian had summoned before attacked Mu Wushuang, suddenly kneeling to the ground!

These monsters, they did not listen to He Lianqian's words, but surrendered to Mu Wushuang!

What kind of identity is Mu Wushuang, how can she summon monsters? Why does no one know?

Now it seems that He Lianqian is too ridiculous. She hacked at the door and summoned the monster to show off before Mu Wushuang, but she didn't know that Mu Wushuang was the most powerful summoner!

It turns out that there is more than one summoner in this world!

"She is also a summoner!" The queen gritted her teeth and suddenly thought of the prophecy of the master, her face even more ugly.

"Give up! Qian'er! Give up!" He Lianhai suddenly shouted to the group of demon birds.

He didn't care about uploading the sound anymore, he couldn't let He Lianqian fall here!

He Lianqian was still gritting her teeth among the monster birds. Although her cultivation level was high, she lacked actual combat experience. What's more, the siege of so many high-level monsters made her almost impossible to resist.

But she just didn't want to admit defeat!

How could she be such a noble person to give in to a woman like Mu Wushuang!

Mu Wushuang touched the white tiger's fluff under him, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up. He Lianqian, if you don't admit defeat, you will admit defeat. Reality will make you lower your head that you think is noble, and then I will slowly, step by step. Yes, crush your dignity!

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