Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 453: Unparalleled in the world

Chapter 453

Tens of thousands of various monsters and birds gathered in the Shengdu Square, and all the people in the Shengdu left the matter at hand, and the square was completely enclosed.

The scene they saw was unforgettable for their lifetime!

It was an extremely chaotic and shocking scene. Countless huge monsters attacked a person. The people inside threw out all kinds of magic weapons, emitting a hot light, and vaguely saw that the people inside were uncomfortable, and they were harsh. Swearing.

And in the center of this chaos, there is a woman in white, sitting peacefully on an eighth-order white tiger. She has a white silk and no wind, her beautiful face with a shallow smile, like a bright fairy in the moon, As if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

But how could it really be irrelevant? Among so many fierce monsters, she was at ease, not a monster hurt her, even the eighth-order monster was her mount!

This scene is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, I am afraid it will be unforgettable forever.

After the shock, people finally recovered.

"Who is this? Are these monsters summoned by her?"

"When I came, I thought these monsters were summoned by Miss Helian! By the way! Why didn't you see Helianqian?"

"This woman is amazing! Who is she?"

The person who had just arrived asked suspiciously.

Someone immediately puzzled:

"This is Wushuang, the great sister of Qingyun Jianzong!"

"Qingyun Jianzong? It's the Qingyun Jianzong who has just been promoted to a third-rate sect, what about the master sister, what is worth saying about this identity." Someone said.

Someone retorted: "Of course she is not simple! Because these monsters were summoned by her, and now the person besieged by the monsters is the dignified Miss Helian!"

"What! Isn't Miss Helian also a summoner? How could she be besieged by monsters?"

"Now it's the person cursing inside the monster, is He Lianqian?"

People find it incredible.

At the beginning, because Helianqian awakened the ability of the summoner, the Helian family announced it to the public, making it known to the whole world.

In everyone's eyes, He Lianqian, who has the ability of a summoner, is extremely powerful, because she has this ability alone in the world.

In the future, she can also become a god-level summoner and the lord of all beasts.

But now, someone told them that He Lianqian was not worth mentioning. A more powerful summoner was born, stepping on He Lianqian's feet, making He Lianqian helpless and swearing like a shrew.


This is really surprising.

"This Wushuang is too low-key, her ability is so much stronger than He Lianqian, but no one has ever known, but He Lianqian is a fledgling, but everyone knows!"

"Don't you know? She is the youngest Tier 6 alchemist in all ages!"

"What? She is the sixth-order alchemist?!" Many people have only heard of the name, but have never seen it. This time they are completely matched.

"I remember! Her father is Ghost Hand Pill King Mu Yuanhong!"

"Oh! The daughter of King Guishou Dan! It seems that the background is not small, but compared with He Lianqian's identity, it is still far behind!"

One person sneered:

"Far away? Mu Wushuang's grandfather is the head teacher of the Guangming Divine Sect, Yunchuanxing. She is the young emperor's woman. She is recognized by the patriarch and wife of the Lingxiao Protoss and defends her in every possible way, and she herself is the Azure Cloud Sword Sect. The next head, you say she is far from Helianqian? I think Helianqian is not as good as a finger of her! At least Mu Wushuang is relying on his own efforts to have everything he is now, but Helianqian relies on it It's the family!"

These words shut up the person who just made the sound.

Mu Wushuang is also a Tier 6 alchemist, a powerful summoner, and the successor to the future head, but he is no worse than Helianqian!

At this time, someone said: "No matter how good she is, she can only live for a few months."

"Why is this?" many people asked quickly.

"Don't you know? She and the young emperor entered the forbidden area of ​​the monster race before, and they were lucky to come out. However, affected by the weirdness in the forbidden area, the lifespan is constantly being lost. If they live for a few months at most, they will be alive and dead. Up!"

This person said a little gloating.

Look, no matter how noble the Emperor Rao is, no matter how powerful Mu Wushuang is, he still cannot escape his fate.

Tian is jealous of talents, this is also nothing.

Everyone just remembered this, and they all sighed. No wonder Mu Wushuang and Shaodi were all gray-haired, it turned out that their life is coming.

But looking at the beautiful woman in the center, she was calm, knowing that her life was about to run out, yet so calm and composed, she was truly unparalleled in the world, and she was worthy of this unparalleled name.

There is a deep sense of admiration in people's hearts, and they only feel that God is not long-sighted, so that such a good person is short-lived.

There was more discussion outside the court, and He Lianqian's screams and curses diminished.

Helianhai and Helianyuan were not calm anymore, anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

"Qian'er, hurry up and surrender!"

He Lianhai shouted again.

Without surrendering, Mu Wushuang would not stop, and He Lianqian could die under the siege of so many monsters.

"I surrender!"

Finally, He Lianqian's unwilling voice resounded from the group of monsters, as if gnawing his teeth to say this.

The horn of a monster was pressed against Helianqian's knee, and Helianqian knelt down with a plop.

And many monster beasts also faded like a tide, flying above the sky and hovering.

So everyone saw He Lianqian kneeling on the ground embarrassedly.

In this way, where is the slightest extravagance and arrogance of being Miss Helian.

No dignity.

"call out!"

Xiao Xuanxi blew a whistle, and many injured monsters flew towards him.

Countless people were surprised, isn't that the son of Mu Wushuang and Shaodi? Could he also summon monsters? How old is he!

I saw the handsome boy spread out his small hand, poured out a handful of pills from the pill bottle, and said: "Come here, one for each person, no, one for each demon."

Those with sharp eyes recognized that it was a sixth-order healing pill!

Such a good pill can be sold at a very high price, and a small one represents countless spirit stones!

And this must be the sixth-order pill without erysipelas refined by Mu Wushuang, and the price is even more priceless!

And Xiao Xuanxi actually gave such a precious medicine to the monster beast!

The key is that those ferocious monsters are very obedient to him, and a monster beast takes only one of it and flies into the sky.

It was not an elixir, but a white spirit stone! Many people watched this scene and felt distressed.

I can't help but admire, the wealth is rich!

"Our little Xuanxi has inherited her mother's talent and is also a monster summoner!"

Ling Xiaoxian and the eldest Sun Rong looked at the little great-grandson who could order the monster, and said in surprise.

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