Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 454: Jealous

Chapter 454

He Lianqian still knelt on the ground and did not stand up for a while.

She has suffered a lot of internal injuries, and the trauma looks more serious, with torn clothes, messy hair, and bloodstained all over her body.

But she was hit harder psychologically.

As a proud girl of heaven, she was superior from the moment she was born.

She is the eldest daughter of the four major superfamily Helian family. Since she was young, no one of her age has bettered her, regardless of status or qualifications.

She has always been a genius, and her appearance is far superior to the world. There is nothing wrong with her.

Later, she also awakened the ability of the summoner, which made her feel that she was the heroine in the storybook, who was born with all the attention and always surpassed other women of the same age.

Otherwise, why is she so special and powerful?

However, from this moment on, her arrogance was completely destroyed!

In other words, from the moment Mu Wushuang ordered tens of thousands of monsters to watch her, she was sober!

These monsters weren't summoned by her, they were Mu Wushuang!

Mu Wushuang, this woman she has always looked down upon, this woman from a low-level continent, not only took away the man she liked, but also the glory that belonged to her!

Since Shengyu and He Shengliang, why does Mu Wushuang appear with her! ?


Mu Wushuang sat on top of the white tiger, pure white and flawless, in sharp contrast with the blood-stained He Lianqian. She looked at He Lianqian condescendingly, with a pair of delicate phoenix eyes with indifferent mockery.

He Lianqian suddenly raised her head, and a strong hatred burst into her eyes.

"Mu Wushuang, you did it deliberately! You have never shown the ability of your summoner before, just for today, in full view, give me a heavy blow!"

Mu Wushuang curled his lips and admitted lightly, "Yes."

She just wants to use He Lianqian's most proud ability to defeat her!

Isn't she the only summoner in the world? Didn't she say she is the proud girl of heaven?

If you slap your face, you have to hit it on the spot, otherwise, what's the point?


He Lianqian didn't expect that she would confess bluntly. It turns out that she has been watching her own jokes!

Young Emperor probably already knew that Mu Wushuang had such a powerful summoner ability, but he was trying to show off his ability like a jumping clown.

Suddenly, He Lianqian thought of the holy master's prediction, and her face changed drastically.

The prophecy of the saint said that the phoenix of the nine heavens will come, and the beasts will be summoned;

Mu Wushuang came from Jiuxiao Continent!

"Impossible! Impossible! I am the Feng Ge in the Saint Master's prophecy!"

He Lianqian shook her head vigorously, unwilling to believe her guess.

Mu Wushuang sneered, He Lianqian had guessed it by herself, but it was hopeless to deceive herself and others.

He Lianqian got up from the ground, with disheveled head and embarrassment, she said to Mu Wushuang with gloomy eyes:

"It doesn't matter, you are going to die soon, but it is impossible for the Holy Emperor of Qinglong Temple to let Young Emperor die. After you die, I will definitely marry Young Emperor!"

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you, He Lianqian, I will not die, my life is much longer than yours." Mu Wushuang said with a chuckle.

"Your life is cheap!" He Lianqian cursed viciously.

"Tianjiao event, Spiritual Supreme Realm Challenge, Mu Wushuang wins, He Lianqian loses!"

Suddenly, the old man's voice came.

He Lianqian's face was stiff.

Everyone saw that He Lianqian's name had fallen to the second place on the top of the stone stele, and the three characters Mu Wushuang stood firmly on the top, faintly shining with light.

"Look, He Lianqian, you are destined to be trampled on the soles of my feet." Mu Wushuang said angrily.

He Lianqian was so angry that she almost poured out a mouthful of blood, and was forced by her life.

"Long live master sister!"

"Master Sister Niubi!"

"Master sister is tough!"

The disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect rushed in, smiling, and shouting joyfully around Mu Wushuang.

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai sat back in the auditorium, and their hearts finally fell back where they were.

The two of them cried with joy.

It turns out that their daughter is so powerful, she is actually a summoner, and her heart is filled with a sense of honor.

"Wan'er, look at your sister, how strong she is, she is our pride."

Yun Qiubai was wiping tears happily, while Yun Wan'er at the same side said.

It's a pity that Wushuang didn't kiss them. Otherwise, at this time, they would also like to run to congratulate their daughter. In order not to upset their daughter, they had better watch from a distance.


A smile appeared on Yun Wan'er's face.

But her smile was reluctant.

She was still shocked at this moment, she still couldn't believe that Mu Wushuang turned out to be a summoner!

It turned out to be a summoner tens of thousands of times stronger than Helianqian!

The gap between He Lianqian and Mu Wushuang is too big. He Lianqian can only summon Tier 5 monsters, and there are only 20 or 30 monsters, but Mu Wushuang summoned tens of thousands of monsters in silence. Hovering above the sky.

Yun Wan'er was extremely jealous and unwilling to look at the huge crowd of monsters in the sky like dark clouds.

Why is God so partial, not only giving Mu Wushuang a good life and good looks, but also giving her such a powerful talent?

That is the ability of a summoner!

Why doesn't she Yun Wan'er have such a powerful ability?

If she has such a powerful ability, her parents will definitely treat her better. She is their pride. What is Mu Wushuang?

She was mad with jealousy, and her mind was distorted.

She warned herself, "Yun Wan'er, keep your breath, she is about to die, she is dead, everything she owns!"

Not long ago, she even thought that when Mu Wushuang and Shaodi died, she would enter the Qinglong Shrine in the name of taking care of her nephew, Xiao Xuanxi. It is said that the Second Highness Long Xingyang is not yet married, so she can make ideas on this.

Even if the Second Highness looked down on her, she could get countless wealth as long as she was in the Azure Dragon Shrine, and everyone must respect her.

She only expects Mu Wushuang and Shaodi to die soon!


With a move of Mu Wushuang's mind, the demon birds in the sky scattered like a tide, flying away.

The sky is as blue as washing, and there is no cloud in the sky.

Xiao Xuanxi rushed into her arms and kissed her face several times.

"Mother, you are so powerful, Xixi will definitely be as powerful as my mother in the future! You are a role model for Xixi!" Xiao Xuanxi said.

"You will be better than me."

Mu Wushuang also kissed his tender cheek, encouraging.

She looked at the emperor's uncle who was walking slowly, his eyes were deep, like an endless vortex hidden inside, attracting people to fall into it unconsciously, unable to extricate themselves.

She threw her son on the ground and embraced the emperor.

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