Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 460: Where is the evil

Chapter 460

"Daddy and mother, he is really pitiful, let's take him away!"

Xiao Xuanxi frowned pitifully and pleaded.

The son has never begged like this.

Mu Wushuang looked at his son and asked him, "Xixi, why do you think he is pitiful?"

Xiao Xuanxi said seriously: "He is crying. I just heard his cry. He wants us to take him out of here."

Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen looked at each other, and she saw the emperor uncle shook his head at her, indicating that he did not hear any crying.

That is, only the son himself heard the cry.

The son said before that he saw the baby blinking. It seems that it may not be an illusion of his son, but it is true!

Thinking of this, Mu Wushuang's heart beat faster.

"Shuang'er, take good care of your son, I will go out and have a look." Long Moshen said suddenly.

No matter what the monsters, he had to figure out what was fooling his son.

Mu Wushuang glanced at the corpse outside, and finally nodded, "Then you must be careful. My son and I are waiting for you here."

Long Moshen took a kiss on her forehead, then kissed her son, laid a barrier on their mother and son, and then opened the coffin and went out.

The coffin was re-covered by him.

Mu Wushuang saw the emperor swimming towards the little baby.

Long Moshen passed through the corpses and came to the little baby. He felt that the baby was a little weird in the coffin, and it seemed even more weird now.

All the corpses looked peaceful, as if they had died peacefully, except for the red belly-belly baby, who was a few months old, with a smile on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a playful expression like he was still in his mother's arms.

But Long Moshen acted rashly and did not touch the baby.

After observing for several breaths, Mu Wushuang discovered that this should not be an ordinary human child. There was a small red mole on the center of his eyebrows, and his slightly narrowed pupils were dark and pure, and his face was reflected inside.

Long Moshen's brows wrinkled, and he found that the baby's pupils hadn't spread, except that there was no sign of breathing, everything else was like a living person.

He slightly released a trace of his spiritual knowledge to explore the fat white baby. The baby had indeed died for countless years, but there was no damage in his body, and the cause of death could not be found at all.

Just as he was about to take back his consciousness, he suddenly discovered something terrible!

He didn't care much, so he put his hand on the baby and opened the red belly pocket.

Long Mo's complexion changed drastically after the bellyband was opened. It was a bright red umbilical cord, which was still attached to the baby's belly button. It was different from the color of human umbilical cords. It was so red that it was strangely red and scary!

But what makes Long Moshen feel weird is that the bellyband can actually isolate his spiritual consciousness, so that all his previous explorations are illusions.

He then injected a large amount of divine consciousness into the baby's body, only to find that the baby was as pure as a white cloud in the sky, but without a trace of human breath.

The baby has all internal organs, but the heart is replaced by a colorful stone, connected to the blood vessel on the umbilical cord.

He is not human!

Long Mo came to this conclusion in his heart.

He was very knowledgeable. Although he couldn't determine what kind of creature the baby was, and he couldn't detect the mystery in his body, his instinct told him that this chubby baby was different from the dead body on the bottom of the lake.

"Mother, he is so pitiful, look at him crying again!"

Xiao Xuanxi pointed at the baby and said sadly.

Crying again?

Nothing! In Mu Wushuang's eyes, the little baby didn't change anything.

She quickly transmitted the voice to the emperor uncle.

Long Mo frowned deeply and stared at the baby carefully. He really found that the baby's pupils were moist, not the same as before, but his face still had that lovely smile.

There is really a problem.

But he was so close, the little baby didn't show any dangerous feeling.

"Daddy! Take him!" Xiao Xuanxi's anxious voice came from the coffin.

Mu Wushuang sighed and said, "Take it with you."

No matter what weird this little baby is, having her and the emperor's uncle will not hurt his son.

Long Mo took a deep look at the little baby, picked it up, and brought it back into the coffin.

Mu Wushuang took the baby from the emperor's uncle, her hand stroking the baby's smiling face, the touch was so real, cold and flexible.

Just like Xiao Xuanxi when he was a child.

She looked outside. What happened to this lake? Why do so many seemingly ordinary people die here? Even many young babies are no longer alive.

She felt a little touched in her heart, giving birth to compassion.

"Let's go ashore."

Long Moshen said, and then he held the coffin to the upper reaches. The corpses in the lake were densely packed, but before long, there were no more corpses on the side of the coffin. The water was still extremely clear, and those corpses moved away from them as the coffin rose. , Only left deep in the bottom of the lake.

After a while, the coffin finally surfaced.

Opening the lid of the coffin and breathing the fresh air, Mu Wushuang felt relieved.

Surrounded by lush greenery, birds and flowers, and a few wild beasts flying across the grass, no one can think of this seemingly peaceful place, but there are so many dead bodies at the bottom of the lake.

She was worried that the baby would become corrupt when he left the lake. After all, there was no vitality in his body, but when she looked down, the baby did not change.

"He seems to be very happy!" Xiao Xuanxi said with a smile, and reached out to pinch the baby's hand.

"Don't touch, Xixi, you must make sure that he is not in danger before you can touch him." Mu Wushuang stopped his hand and said.

Xiao Xuanxi said, "But Xixi didn't think he was dangerous at all. He was very kind and friendly. I heard him laugh."

Mu Wushuang had a cold war, how come his son heard the little baby laugh!

"I'd better put him in the space, and study it later when I go back." She said to the emperor.

"Yeah." Long Moshen nodded: "Shuang'er, you don't have to be too close to the enemy, the baby should not be hostile to the son. I remembered something, but I need to go to the Qinglong Shrine to check the information."

He vaguely thought of something, the baby's heart should be able to detect something.

Even the emperor felt that this strange little baby was not hostile to his son, and Mu Wushuang was relieved, as long as it didn't harm her son, she didn't care what evil he was.

I don't know where it is here, there are endless forests in front.

Long Moshen took out the flying spirit weapon and flew for two days before seeing the crowd.

"Let's go down and rest for half a day." Mu Wushuang said.

After sitting on the flying spirit weapon for two days, my son was clamoring to eat hot rice.

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