Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 461: Strange town

Chapter 461

People finally appeared in the rolling mountains.

This is an ordinary town, and the people in it are all mortals, without any spiritual fluctuations.

But the old people here live a long life. Mu Wushuang noticed that many of the old people playing chess under the big banyan tree are over a hundred years old.

As soon as the family of three showed up, it caused onlookers.

They descended from the sky, they were too good-looking, with white hair and airy temperament, they looked like gods in mythology.

"Are you immortals?"

A teenager asked cautiously with curious eyes.

"We are not immortals." Mu Wushuang answered him.

"Then how did you come? Our Bronze Town hasn't been to outsiders for many, many years. The old man said that our place is too biased and no one will pass through here."

Mu Wushuang was surprised, how biased is this place, there are no outsiders passing by?

Soon she learned from the onlookers that their Bronze Town had existed a long time ago, but there was an ancestor's training, and future generations were not allowed to leave Bronze Town, otherwise they would suffer bad luck.

So they have never been outside the scope of Bronze Town. They don't know what it looks like outside.

They have lived on farming and hunting for generations, are self-sufficient, and have never left the area of ​​Bronze Town a hundred miles away.

Long Moshen released his divine consciousness hundreds of miles away, and suddenly discovered that within a hundred miles of Bronze Town, there was not a single monster, all ordinary animals and beasts that were not refined.

But hundreds of miles away, monsters are proliferating, and most of them are high-level monsters.

High-level monsters would not step into the scope of Bronze Town.

It seems that this bronze town is weird.

It’s just that the folks here are simple, warm and hospitable, and people’s eyes still have a sense of purity. Perhaps their ancestors were powerful spiritual practitioners, and they were restricted here to protect future generations.

Xiao Xuanxi quickly became a group with the children in the town. The children here have nothing to play. Because the adults live by hunting, the children play with small bows and arrows. They are usually more accurate than anyone else. it is good.

Xiao Xuanxi has never played bows and arrows, but he is talented, and after playing twice, he has made a lot of shots, arousing everyone's cheers.

A child gave out snacks to Xiao Xuanxi. Most of them were dried meat from various beasts, which was fragrant and chewy. Xiao Xuanxi liked it very much.

"Young man, come and play chess with our old man."

Under the banyan tree, several old people enthusiastically called Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen to play chess.

The hospitality was difficult, the two laughed and went to play chess with the old man.

After the second half of the game, a bright light suddenly burst from the side.

Mu Wushuang looked at it and stood up immediately.

Xiao Xuanxi didn't know when he took out the crystal ball of Linggen to play. Now the crystal ball is in the hands of a little boy. The crystal ball burst out with a strong golden light, which is very dazzling.

"Heavenly roots, metallic."

Long Moshen also stood up and said.

The two looked at each other, and both saw a look of surprise in their eyes.

What was surprised was not only the little boy's talent, but the little boy's bone age was still under twelve, and it was logically impossible to detect the spiritual root because the spiritual root had not yet fully grown.

But this seven or eight-year-old boy actually detected the spiritual root, which shows that his spiritual root has grown!

At this time, the little boy was startled by the strong light, and threw the crystal ball in his hand into the hands of his neighbor.

The crystal ball suddenly burst out with a strong and dazzling golden light.

"It's the metallic Tianling root again!"

Mu Wushuang exclaimed.

"Young man, what is going on?"

The old and middle-aged people asked them suspiciously.

Mu Wushuang said truthfully: "The crystal ball in their hands can test the spiritual root, which is the foundation of spiritual cultivation, and we are spiritual cultivation."

Worrying that they don't understand what spiritual cultivation is, she waved her hand, the momentum was huge, the dark clouds covered the sun, the birds and beasts were flying together, and the river was flowing backward.

"This is the ability of spiritual cultivation, overwhelming, omnipotent." She said.

The people in these Bronze Towns all stared wide and opened their mouths. They looked at the sky and the river in disbelief, and looked at Mu Wushuang again, without speaking for a long time.

"Girl, then you mean, can the little doll in our town practice like you?" an old man asked.

"Naturally, you can practice with exercises, but besides preventing you from leaving Bronze Town Baili, your ancestors have any ancestral training that prevents you from practicing?" she asked.

After all, she and the emperor uncle felt that there must have been a very powerful spiritual practice here, and a powerful restriction was placed outside a hundred miles, so that the monsters could not come in and hurt the people here.

But since their ancestors were so powerful, why didn't they leave a powerful technique? This is worth pondering.

If their ancestors did not want them to practice, then she and the emperor could not destroy their ancestral training.

"No, our ancestors have only one motto, that is, you can’t leave Bronze Town, otherwise you will be in bad luck. It wasn’t a young man who had no arrogance and wanted to go out and make a foray, but some did not come back, and some returned went crazy. Up."

An aunt said with lingering fear.

Since they are not prevented from practicing, why are they still mortals?

Mu Wushuang couldn't figure it out.

Long Mo said deeply: "Do you have any exercises left by your ancestors in your town?"

"What is a technique? There are a lot of books left by the ancestors, but there is no cultivation technique on it."

There was an old lady who lived next to her. She took out a book on the table under the legs of her table and asked Mu Wushuang: "Girl, look, is this the exercise you said?"

Mu Wushuang turned a few pages, his expression shocked, and quickly handed it to his uncle.

"Heaven-level cultivation technique." Long Moshen glanced a few times, his tone a little surprised.

Even the Azure Dragon Shrine doesn’t have a few heavenly-level exercises, this aunt actually uses the heavenly-level exercises to cushion the legs of the table?

Moreover, the paper quality of this book is very peculiar, the text on it is very old, it can be seen that the book is not a teenager, but even if it is used to pad the table, there is no rotten page.

"Do you have many books like this?" Mu Wushuang asked everyone.

"It used to be a lot. In the past few years, there was a wildfire, which burned a lot. Now there are not many. There are about dozens of copies left by each household."

The aunt said regretfully.

Not many dozens?

Mu Wushuang thought to himself, it shouldn't be all Heaven-Rank exercises, it is impossible to have so many Heaven-Rank exercises.

The aunt asked all households to take out the exercises for Mu Wushuang and Long Mo to see deeply.

The method Mu Wushuang used just now has shocked many people and made people yearn for. They all want to know if they can become such a powerful person as her.

Long Moshen walked to a group of children, picked up the crystal ball, and asked the children to test their spiritual roots.

By this test, he and Mu Wushuang were both surprised.

It turned out to be all Tianling roots and all metallic, which is strange.

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