Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 462: Behave

Chapter 462

Why are they all metallic heavenly roots?

Is Tianlinggen as common as carrot and cabbage now?

Obviously impossible, there must be some secret existence in Bronze Town.

Mu Wushuang asked the young man to test the spiritual roots, and this test, as she expected, was still the metallic spiritual roots.

She asked the old man to test it again, and as expected, it was still a metallic spiritual root.

In other words, all Bronze Towns, regardless of age, sex, are the roots of metal.

The five elements regenerate and restrain each other, and each has its own laws: wood generates fire, fire generates soil, native gold, gold generates water, aquatic wood; wood restrains soil, soil restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains gold, and gold restrains wood.

Native gold, gold generates water, fire suppresses gold, and gold suppresses wood.

The people in Bronze Town are all metallic heavenly roots, rather than other attributes, which are determined by the rules.

It's just that Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen can't figure it out.

Not long after, every household brought in the dusty books at home, and Mu Wushuang and Long Mo flipped through them. They were so knowledgeable and shocked at this moment-they were all heavenly skills. law!

There are at most a dozen Heaven-rank exercises in this world, but there are 32 books here, which is more than the entire continent.

They said that if it were not for a wildfire a few years ago, these ancestors would have uploaded more books.

What kind of place is this Bronze Town, it can save so many Heavenly rank techniques!

Mu Wushuang asked everyone: "These are the top-notch techniques. You have excellent spiritual roots, which shows that you have a high talent. Why don't you practice?"

"We don't know that this is a technique, let alone how to practice it. No one has ever practiced in our ancestors before. Besides, we don't know these words."

Said an old man with the most prestige in town.

"Don't read?"

Mu Wushuang understood that the words on these exercises were all ancient, very mysterious, and it was normal for them to not understand.

But she still felt very puzzled. With so many exercises, their ancestors should have known ancient Chinese. Why didn't they teach them how to practice?

Mu Wushuang suddenly said to everyone:

"Your ancestral training is in your body, you can't go half a step beyond Bronze Town. For you, cultivation is actually optional."

After all, there are ordinary animals within a hundred miles here. Even if they cultivate, they can't use their skills, in fact, there is no need for cultivation.

"That's not the case, girl, don't you know that in the past few years, more than 20 young adults in our Bronze Town have died under the mouth of a beast. We are also trying to protect ourselves!"

The most prestigious old man said sadly.

There were several women beside them sobbing, thinking of their sadness, and could not help themselves.

The others also showed their grief.

"What kind of beast?"

Long Moshen asked.

"It's a leopard, a breed that we have never seen before. It has a pattern like a cloud on its body. It is very powerful. A slap can interrupt a tree that is thick with two people. The deep pit trap we set I couldn't trap it. It was seriously injured and recovered within half a month. It took several of our brothers."

A young man said heavily.

Listening to his description, Mu Wushuang said to the emperor: "It should be a Tier 1 monster."

Only Tier 1 monsters have this ability, and ordinary monsters can hardly slap a tree.

"It seems that perhaps the restriction has been loosened, and a Tier 1 monster ran in." Long Moshen said to her.

The two discussed a few words and decided to take a look.

Knowing that they were going to a place where there was a beast, everyone was a little worried. Several old people advised them not to go. After all, so many people died in the mouth of the beast. Even if they knew they were capable, they didn't dare to let them take risks.

"Don't worry, we can deal with it easily."

She is a monster summoner!

With their son, Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen flew up and disappeared into the sky.

"It really looks like a fairy!"

Everyone was shocked.

They have lived for so long and have never seen a spiritual cultivator that can fly to the sky and escape the earth. In their eyes, Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen are just like immortals.

I have great expectations and longings in my heart. It would be great if two masters could teach them to practice.

According to the direction pointed by the villagers, Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen quickly found the first-order leopard monster.

The leopard that harmed Bronze Town crawled on the ground, shivering under the pressure.

"Where did you come in Bronze Town?"

Mu Wushuang communicated with it.

The first-order monsters were very low in spirit, and it took a long time to understand what she meant, and hurriedly led them over.

"The prohibition here really loosened."

Long Moshen checked for a while and said.

"Can you fix it?"

Mu Wushuang asked.

Long Moshen shook his head at her: "Shuang'er, this prohibition has existed for too long. The person who arranged this prohibition is at least the cultivation base of the spiritual emperor, unless you find a strong spiritual emperor who is familiar with the prohibition to arrange it. "

Mu Wushuang naturally knew this was impossible.

"The prohibition will slowly loosen, and low-level monsters will come in through the loose places, but it will take decades to fully open."

"In other words, if they can cultivate and have the ability to completely protect themselves within decades, they are not afraid of the complete collapse of this restriction." Mu Wushuang said.

Therefore, Bronze Town originally had this catastrophe, and she and the emperor were the only hope to save the people in Bronze Town.

Now that she encounters such a thing, with her heart, naturally she will not die.

I don’t know if the ancestors of Bronze Town were so powerful, did they count this day?

Mu Wushuang stepped out of the restriction, his aura suddenly rose, and countless monsters from the mountains gathered and surrendered to the ground.

"Any monster beast must remember that he must not step into Bronze Town."

She gave orders.

Wan Beast nodded together, and Mu Wushuang waved his hand to let them leave.

The reason she did this was because Bronze Town was so special, and she wanted to figure out what was so strange about Bronze Town.

So she ordered the monster not to enter Bronze Town.

When the people in Bronze Town become stronger, at least they will not face much threat.

"Mother, you are so kind!"

Xiao Xuanxi said happily.

He didn't want any trouble with those little friends, because the jerky they gave was so delicious.

Mu Wushuang taught his son how to behave in the world:

"My mother did this, not to teach you to be nosy, but to tell you that you can do things that do not endanger your own safety within the scope of your ability. But if you endanger your own safety, you should use yourself Safety is the priority."

Xiao Xuanxi nodded seriously:

"Mother, Xixi understands, just like what happened just now is just a small matter in my mother's eyes, but for them, it is a great and good thing, so that Xiao Zhuang and their fathers will not be eaten by monsters There is no daddy like an iron egg."

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