Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 463: Incense continues

Chapter 463

After such a short period of time, Xiao Xuanxi had even remembered the names of those little friends. He also knew who had lost his father, and knew the importance of what the mother did to the people in Bronze Town.

Mu Wushuang thinks her son is great, and she believes that in the future, her son will definitely be a dragon and a phoenix.

Complimenting his son a few words, the family of three returned to Bronze Town.

The people of Bronze Town all gathered under the old banyan tree and waited anxiously. Seeing the three of them descend from the sky, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, no injuries!

"That leopard is a beast that has become a spirit. You mortals can't compete with it. Now the leopard has been driven away. In recent years, there will be no monsters in Bronze Town. Don't worry."

Long Moshen said to everyone.

Everyone did not understand what a monster beast is. Mu Wushuang patiently explained it to everyone. Everyone understood that animals can also practice cultivation. Those who become spirits are called monsters, and those who do not become spirits are beasts. In order to be high and low, some monster beasts are very powerful and can destroy a village in the blink of an eye.

Everyone had lingering fears, and fortunately, only a Tier 1 monster came in. If it were stronger, it might not be as simple as losing ten or twenty people.

Mu Wushuang also told them that the reason why they were not attacked by monsters before was because the location of Bronze Town within a hundred li was placed under a powerful restriction. The monsters could not enter. Now that the restriction is loose, the monsters will run. Come in, and when the restrictions are completely loosened in the future, any monster beast can enter.


Everyone took a deep breath. A monster beast killed so many people. When all the monsters could come and go freely, wouldn't they become the meat of the monster beast's captivity?

"My mother has already driven away all the monsters for you. There will be no monsters coming in in recent years. You can rest assured!"

Seeing everyone's expressions full of worry, Xiao Xuanxi said hurriedly.

At this time, the most prestigious old man in the town plopped and knelt in front of Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen.

"Old man, what are you doing?"

Mu Wushuang quickly wanted to support him.

However, everyone behind the old man knelt down.

The old man's voice said loudly:

"The old man and everyone in Bronze Town are grateful for the two great virtues, but the old man wants to cheeky and kneel to pray for the two juniors who can teach us Bronze Town to practice, so that they can protect themselves and keep them between the mountains. Incense. There is nothing good in Bronze Town that can be used as a thank you gift. Only these exercises can be obtained. If you don't dislike it, these exercises will be given to both of you!"

Long Mo's eyes were deep and deep, and said: "Do you know what these techniques mean?"

The old man said: "Naturally, the two of you said before that these exercises are all heavenly exercises, the best exercises in the world. If they are taken out, they will be a good thing to be robbed."

"Since you know that these exercises are extraordinary, why are you willing to give them to us?" Long Mo said deeply.

The old man said: "Although these exercises are good, but our ancestors in Bronze Town, younger generations must not leave the scope of Bronze Town for a hundred miles. We only ask for self-protection. For us, these exercises are like a pearl. We have great favors, so we must repay our favors if we smash the pot and sell the iron."

"Yes, I beg you two to accept it!"

"Accept it!"

Everyone said expectantly.

Long Moshen shook his head, "We don't lack the Heavenly Rank Technique."

Everyone was anxious, thinking that he had refused to teach their children to practice cultivation.

Mu Wushuang stood up and said with a smile: "My husband means that these heavenly-level exercises are of no use to us, because we are not short, so you can collect these exercises by yourself, and we don’t need any rewards from you. I am also happy to teach you."

She knows very well that the few sentences the emperor asked just now is purely to know why everyone is willing to take out such valuable things.

And the villagers' answers moved her. They just wanted to survive in this huge mountain range and keep the incense sticks forever. No matter how precious the heavenly techniques are, it is not the most important thing for them.

Long Moshen held Mu Wushuang's hand, his eyes narrowed, Shuang'er really had a close relationship with him, and knew what he was thinking.

As soon as Mu Wushuang's words came out, everyone was excited, and the old man took the lead in kowtow to them.

Mu Wushuang quickly got them all up. To her and the emperor, this matter was not worth mentioning. They didn't need to kneel and kowtow.

But the villagers all know that their nodding promise means that their children and grandchildren will continue in the future. For such an important matter, just a few heads are nothing.

"Not only children can cultivate, but young people and old people can also cultivate. Each of you has spiritual roots. Heavenly spiritual roots are one of the best spiritual roots for spiritual cultivation. Good spiritual roots mean good qualifications. His spiritual roots have shrunk, but as I saw just now, it’s not that cultivation is impossible, and cultivation still relies on understanding. The better the understanding, the faster you will enter cultivation.

Mu Wushuang said.

"Really? We can also practice?"

Several old people were surprised. They didn't expect that they would still be able to cultivate if they had a handful of old bones.

Mu Wushuang smiled and said: "Naturally, there are many people who only start to practice when they are old. When they reach a certain level of cultivation, they will be full of aura, full of blood, and they will be able to rejuvenate."

"Then can I punch the tiger to death?" a child asked with a naive look.

"Of course, Brother Tiedan." Xiao Xuanxi said with a smile.

Tiedan was very excited when he heard this.

Everyone was very excited and raised their own questions.

Mu Wushuang answered them one by one.

It was almost time for lunch. She asked everyone to go back to cook and eat. Two hours later, they came to meet under the old banyan tree. Today, she and the emperor began to teach them the most basic cultivation methods.

Several enthusiastic aunts invited them home for dinner.

"My youngest son hit a hare in the morning. My eldest daughter-in-law is very good at cooking. If you don't dislike it, you can go to our house for lunch." The most prestigious old man also said to Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen.

Mu Wushuang glanced at his shining son, then nodded to the old man, "Then it will be troublesome."

Xiao Xuanxi jumped up excitedly.

The old man’s eldest daughter-in-law, who was in her thirties, came over quickly and proudly said: “My cooking skills are the best in town. No one’s cooking is as delicious as I do. The three distinguished guests are disappointed!"

Sure enough, when she put the braised rabbit meat on the table, smelling the tangy fragrance, Mu Wushuang completely believed her boast.

The old man's surname is Lin, the mayor of Bronze Town. He has two sons. The eldest son died in the mouth of the leopard last year. The younger son has not yet married a wife. He also has a grandson who is twelve years old this year and Xiaofan. It was left by the eldest son.

Everyone sat down to dine together. The eldest daughter-in-law specially divided the dishes into two. One was on the side of Mu Wushuang and his family of three, and the other was on their side. The tableware was also the latest.

Mu Wushuang looked at his uncle's face as usual, and knew that he was quite satisfied, after all, this man's cleanliness was not light.

After taking a bite of rabbit meat, Mu Wushuang's brows stretched out, and it tasted good, but after that, she suddenly frowned. This meat was a little weird!

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