Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 464: Nourish spiritual roots

Chapter 464 Nourish the Spiritual Root

Rabbit meat is a bit... weird, but I can't tell what's strange.

When Mu Wushuang stopped, Long Moshen also stopped.

It was Xiao Xuanxi, who was so happy when he ate, and he sucked his saliva while eating.

Mu Wushuang looked at the emperor, he put the rabbit meat in his mouth again, chewed it, swallowed it, and then felt the rabbit meat is different.

Seeing him like this, she knew that there was nothing wrong with rabbit meat, otherwise the emperor told her son to stop.

She also picked up the rabbit meat and swallowed it.

The rabbit meat is a bit chewy and tender. The spicy taste masks the inherent fishy taste of rabbit meat. The taste is undeniable and delicious.

The rabbit meat entered the esophagus, was accelerated by her spiritual power, and quickly entered the stomach.

When it entered the stomach for a while, Mu Wushuang felt something strange. The rabbit meat was heating up. A tiny strange energy dispersed from the decomposed rabbit meat, entered the internal organs, the odd meridian, and the eight veins, and finally reached the Dantian Linggen. The place, like nourishment, nourishes the spiritual root.

Her discovery surprised her.

This rabbit meat can actually decompose the nutrients that nourish the spiritual root!

How is this possible!

She suddenly thought that the spiritual root of everyone in Bronze Town is Heavenly Spirit Root. Could it be related to the food in Bronze Town?

However, unless it is a pill of the eighth rank or higher that is against the sky, it can make the Linggen better, I have never heard of other ways to change the Linggen!

If everyone's spiritual roots can be improved, there won't be so many waste materials in the world!

However, in the ancient times, it was an era of brilliant spiritual cultivation. There is a saying that goes like this: There are many spirits in the realm of spirits like dogs, and the fairyland of spirits is everywhere, and the realm of spirits is everywhere.

It is conceivable that there were so many flowers in ancient times, and the strong were like clouds.

If it can really change the spiritual roots of spiritual practitioners, then it is very possible to restore the glorious and prosperous era of the ancient times!

Thinking of this, Mu Wushuang's heartbeat speeded up. If this were true, she would be able to change the spiritual root of the sect disciple!

Naturally, she was not so bad-hearted enough to change the spiritual roots of spiritual cultivation in the world, but if possible, she could make the inner disciples of the sect strengthen the spiritual roots.

Many old disciples of the inner sect came to the sect before the sect was strong, and they joined earlier than Mu Wushuang, but many of them had ordinary aptitudes, had mixed spiritual roots, had limited cultivation skills, and were surpassed by the new disciples. Uncomfortable.

She saw in her eyes, but there was no way, unless she was promoted to an eighth-order alchemist and refined a pill that could strengthen the spiritual roots to change.

But she is still a long way away from even the seventh-order alchemist, let alone the eighth-order alchemist.

"Shuang'er, you can try other dishes and rice."

Suddenly, the emperor uncle spoke to her.

Mu Wushuang looked at him, and saw that he was chewing green vegetables gracefully.

There are two plates of greens on the table, one is water celery with bacon in it, which smells very good.

There is also a homemade sweet potato leaf, which looks very tender.

She picked up the sweet potato leaves with chopsticks, tasted it, and found that the sweet potato leaves also contain nutrients that can nourish the roots, but they are much less than rabbit meat.

She ate water celery and bacon again. The nutrients in water celery were similar to sweet potato leaves, and they were very few, but the nutrients in bacon were a little more than that in green vegetables.

She took a bite of rice, and the nutrients in the rice were less than those in the meat.

Mu Wushuang finally came to the conclusion that the food in Bronze Town contains nutrients that can nourish spiritual roots, and there are more nutrients in meat than vegetables.

After eating, the eldest daughter-in-law poured tea.

"This is the tea we picked in the tea garden on the back mountain, and the guests can only take it away."

Mu Wushuang felt the rich aura when the tea came up.

"Spirit tea?"

In the teacup, the tea leaves are tender and green, exuding a scent of tea, a bit like the spiritual tea outside, a sip can add a little spiritual power.

"It's not spiritual tea, it's bitter tea, we all call it that way here." The eldest daughter-in-law said with a smile.

Long Moshen picked up the tea cup, blew it, and took a sip.

Then he nodded towards Mu Wushuang.

Mu Wushuang suddenly understood that it seemed that the tea also contained nutrients to nourish spiritual roots.

She also took a sip, and the mouth was a bit bitter, but it quickly returned to sweetness, with a refreshing scent, as if with spiritual power.

Finally, a few strands of energy are formed, gathered at the spiritual root, nourishing the spiritual root.

This bitter tea has the same nutrients as rabbit meat.

"Sister, do you still have bitter tea?" Mu Wushuang asked.

"Yes! This year we picked more than two catties. Last year we only saved one year of old tea. There are four catties in total. If you like the girl, I will bring it for you." The eldest daughter-in-law said happily, as if she could make tea. It was a very happy thing to give to Mu Wushuang.

Four catties, it's a lot, you can drink for a long time.

But Mu Wushuang didn't want it for himself, so Shijin was not much.

She said: "Sister, do other people also have bitter tea? If there are more, I want more."

The eldest daughter-in-law nodded happily and said, "Don't worry, girl, I will go and collect tea for you."

After speaking, before Mu Wushuang could speak, he went out in a hurry.

Mu Wushuang smiled, and the eldest sister went out in a hurry before she took out her thank you gift.

"Old Lin, we can't ask for everyone's things for nothing, what do you lack here?" She asked the old man aside.

Old Lin waved his hand quickly:

"You are willing to teach everyone to practice. For us, it is a great benefactor and a salvation bodhisattva. How can we ask for a benefactor! Besides, bitter tea leaves can be picked every year on the mountain, and the output is 30 or 40 jin every year. This tea is a mouthwash for us, you like it, you can take the tea tree away."

Speaking of taking the tea tree away, Mu Wushuang was really moved.

Then I listened to the emperor's uncle: "Forget the tea tree, one side of the soil and the other side of the people, changing the place may not be effective anymore."

Mu Wushuang nodded, this is indeed the truth, because the dishes they ate just now were ordinary dishes. There are things everywhere, not special products here, but they can nourish the spiritual roots, which is obviously related to the land. I believe that bitter tea is the same. .

After a while, the eldest daughter-in-law came back with a basket carrying a basket, and her son Xiao Fan quickly helped her pick up the tea leaves.

"Girl, here are all bitter tea leaves, which are about 30 kilograms. This is only half. There will be another 20 or 30 kilograms for you later."

Mu Wushuang was flattered, "Enough is enough, so much tea, enough."

She thought she could collect up to 20 kilograms of tea, but she didn't expect everyone to save so much tea.

But it’s also right. People in Bronze Town don’t like to drink tea very much. Every few catties of tea can’t be drunk every year.

Tea leaves are more fragrant as they are stored, and it is no wonder that so many can be collected.

Knowing that the guests like bitter tea leaves, not long after, every household brought the tea leaves at home and delivered them.

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