Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 471: Husband and Wife

Chapter 471

Long Xingyang felt that all his life-long qualities would be eaten by dogs, and at this time he wished to strangle Mu Wushuang.

But he knew that he couldn't do anything to Mu Wushuang. Now his father's intention is unknown, and he has also proposed to bring back Long Xuanxi's small wild species. He doesn't know what his father's attitude towards Mu Wushuang is.

If the father admits Mu Wushuang, then she is really his sister-in-law.

Long Xingyang didn’t see Long Moshen's life well, because Long Moshen was a sword hanging on his head. He knew from his mother since he was a child that there will only be one owner of the Qinglong Shrine in the future, either himself or Long Moshen.

If Long Moshen really became a saint emperor, then he and his mother would never have a good life.

Because they had done too many things to murder Long Moshen, the first thing he did when he took power would definitely be to settle accounts after Autumn.

Long Moshen must die, because he is the future master of Azure Dragon Shrine.

Long Xingyang, who had long been accustomed to blocking Long Moshen, came over deliberately just to provoke the relationship between Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang.

Aren't the two of them inseparable, and even the ghost places like the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu are not willing to separate?

If Mu Wushuang knew that Long Moshen wanted to live, he would have to trade their son's life in exchange, and she would definitely not be able to accept it!

Long Xingyang took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and stopped selling it, but said directly:

"Sister-in-law, our Qinglong Shrine has a secret technique that can prolong lifespan. You need to use the blood of your ancestors for blood sacrifices in exchange for ten years of life. Sister-in-law and your brother have such a good relationship. Xingyang is very curious. Who are you?"

He kept looking at Mu Wushuang's expression, unwilling to miss any emotions on her face.

Sure enough, a hint of anger flashed through her eyes.

The corners of Long Xingyang's mouth rose up, revealing an interesting smile.

Presumably Mu Wushuang must not know about this, so she is angry, is angry Long Moshen hiding her from her, or is angry Long Moshen going to sacrifice their son?

Human, it's that complicated.

In order to survive, even husbands and wives can turn against each other.

Long Xingyang pretended to be sorry and said:

"It's a pity your son, he is only four years old, he looks really like his brother, and he hasn't had time to see this world. But his brother is the young emperor, the future saint emperor of the Azure Dragon Palace, who bears a heavy burden. In order to save him, the father can only sacrifice your son. I believe that my elder brother thinks so, after all, he is not an ordinary person."

Mu Wushuang lowered his eyes to cover up the mockery in his eyes.

Some people are too selfish, so in their eyes, others are just as selfish as them.

Oh, she and the emperor had never thought of sacrificing anyone around them to achieve a certain goal.

But besides ridicule, there was anger in her heart.

Of course she was angry. She and the emperor had analyzed the idea of ​​the emperor before and guessed that the emperor had hit his son with the idea.

But at this time, when she heard this exactly from Long Xingyang's mouth, her heart was still burning with anger.

She worked so hard, and she almost gave birth to her precious son, when it was his turn for the Holy Emperor to make his own decision?

Although she sometimes always likes to educate her son with a straight face, in this world, no one cares more about Xiao Xuanxi than she does.

Xiao Xuanxi is her lifeblood, the crystallization of the love between her and the emperor's uncle. Whoever wants to hurt her son, even if she fights this life, she will have to pay the price!

"Sister-in-law, don't be sad. Brother can survive. Maybe you can find a way to make your sister-in-law live. The child can be born later."

Long Xingyang said deliberately.

Mu Wushuang raised his head, looking at Long Xingyang with a pair of cold phoenix eyes, and said:

"How does your Highness know that your brother will sacrifice our son to extend his life?"

Long Xingyang was startled, why is this?

People are selfish. Long Moshen knew that he could survive. He would definitely seize this opportunity. This time, Long Moshen came to Qinglong Shrine to look for books in the library. Isn't he just looking for the secret technique?

Why is this?

He said: "Sister-in-law, I know you don't believe me, but my elder brother is the young emperor of Qinglong Divine Palace. He is going to be a saint emperor in the future. How could he be a woman and ruin his life for a while!"

"Isn't there you still the Second Royal Highness? The Young Emperor is gone, aren't you the new Young Emperor?" Mu Wushuang said playfully.

Of course Long Xingyang wanted to be the new Young Emperor, but his father suddenly didn't want Long Moshen to die. What could he do? He couldn't change his father's thoughts, and he couldn't talk about it.

The only thing he can do is to make Long Moshen's backyard catch a fire, and the husband and wife turn back.

Or let Mu Wushuang take away their son, as long as the father and Long Moshen can't find him, wouldn't he be able to save Long Moshen?

"Sister-in-law, you can't say that. After we were born, Qinglong Temple chose who was the young emperor. Since the elder brother is the young emperor, then Xingyang naturally can't go beyond me."

Long Xingyang said: "Sister-in-law must be very sad and angry now?"

As long as she nodded, he could take the opportunity to remind her, and let her take her son away and fly away to a place where Long Moshen and Father Wang could not find it.

But Mu Wushuang squinted his eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, just listening to her:

"His Royal Highness, didn't I tell you? We found the sacred fruit of the flat peach. There is no need to use the secret technique you just mentioned, so don't worry about your Second Highness. Our family of three will definitely live well, your brother It will definitely take over the Qinglong Shrine."

It's flat peach again!

Long Xingyang almost vomited blood!

He was talking about it, Mu Wushuang, this woman, is still pretending to be crazy here! Regarding other things!

Flat peach! Flat peach! Where is the flat peach in this world!

If there were flat peaches that could live forever, this continent would have been full of immortals!

Long Xingyang said with a calm face:

"Sister-in-law, don’t fool me. The sacred fruit of the flat peach does not exist at all. If there is, everyone in the world can live thousands of years or tens of thousands of years. Isn’t the world messed up? It must be my brother who told my sister-in-law there is a flat peach Well, sister-in-law, don't think about it, why did you lie to you, brother?"

"Oh? Why didn't I know I lied?"

At this moment, a deep, magnetic voice came from the door.

The two elders who were still kneeling on the ground as the quail shortened their necks immediately, as if the air did not exist.

Long Mo's deep icy eyes fell on Long Xingyang's body, as if a substantive sharp sword intent made Long Xingyang not dare to emerge.

Why didn't you see him for a month, Long Moshen's cultivation seemed to be deeper?

Long Xingyang thought shockedly.

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