Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 472: Holidays

Chapter 472

For an instant, Long Xingyang was overwhelmed by the pressure.

This is just a glance!

Long Xingyang's heart was extremely shocked and unbelievable.

Obviously, when he defeated Helianyuan at the Tianjiao event, there was no such terrible pressure!

This is clearly the cultivation base of the sixth floor of the Spirit Fairyland!

He...he was promoted again? In just one month!

Or is it that at the Tianjiao event, Long Moshen deliberately suppressed his cultivation?

Either way, Long Xingyang felt a great impact. Before the Tianjiao event, he thought he was much better than Long Moshen's brother, but it turned out that he didn't dare to play on the court, fearing that he would take the opportunity to be there. He killed himself, so he surrendered directly.

But before today, he thought that Long Moshen was already a dying person, but Long Moshen's cultivation was even higher, so profound that he was terrified!

"Brother...brother! Xingyang didn't mean that!"

Long Xingyang said quickly.

The terrible coercion was then taken back, and Long Xingyang gasped like a survivor.

"Twin come here."

Long Moshen stretched out his hand towards Mu Wushuang.

While Long Xingyang gasped, Yu Guang watched Mu Wushuang's reaction.

He had said so much just now, and he must have buried thorns in her heart. She didn't care on the surface, and she must hate it in her heart. He didn't forget the anger in her eyes.

Can she really willingly sacrifice her precious son to the Longmo Deep Blood Sacrifice, so that he can live for ten years?

Absolutely impossible!

She must be complaining about Long Moshen in her heart, hate him for keeping her in the dark, hate him for hitting her son with his ideas!

So she didn't show it on her face, but her body was honest. She must have hated Long Moshen's contact!

In an instant, Long Xingyang had thought of Mu Wushuang's rejection of Long Moshen.

However, he saw Mu Wushuang smiling at the corner of his mouth, walked towards Long Moshen without hesitation, and placed his hand on his hand. The two clasped their fingers together and clasped each other tightly.

Long Xingyang's eyes widened, how could this be!

Is there something wrong with this woman Mu Wushuang!

"Uncle Emperor, have you found it?"

Mu Wushuang asked like no one else.

"Well, I found it." Long Mo nodded at her gently, and his other hand stroked the hair on her forehead back to her head.

"What did the elder brother find?" Long Xingyang asked quickly.

He thought, it must be a secret technique to extend life with blood sacrifices!

Long Moshen came over suddenly, what else could it be besides finding this secret technique?

He wanted to expose him and let Mu Wushuang see clearly how selfish her man was.

Long Mo glanced at him indifferently, and said coldly: "You haven't said just now, why did I lie?"

Long Xingyang trembled, and Long Moshen's voice shook his heart with unrelenting pressure.

But he was very happy, even looking at Mu Wushuang, his eyes seemed to say, look, he didn't say it, it must be because the thing he was looking for was not good!

The goal has been achieved, he thought, Mu Wushuang must have planted the seeds of doubt in his heart, then he can leave.

Facing the question of his brother, he naturally denied:

"My elder brother must have heard it wrong. I just joked with my sister-in-law. How dare I say bad things about my brother? Since my brother has come out, I will not accompany my sister-in-law."

After speaking, Long Xingyang hurriedly left.

Long Mo watched Long Xingyang leave without expression, he could guess what Long Xingyang said to Shuang'er.

"Let's go, Uncle Emperor."

Mu Wushuang pulled him out.

The feeling of Qinglong Shrine was too depressing, she didn't like it, since she found it, she would go back and talk about it.

"Young... Young Emperor..."

Suddenly, there was a timid cry behind him.

It was the elders of the outer door who said that they had to know what book the young emperor went in and took out, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.

Long Mo turned his head deeply, took a cold look at the kneeling man on the ground, and then walked outside with Mu Wushuang.

The two elders broke out in cold sweat.

When the person walked out of sight, he dared to stand up, and the whole person collapsed for a while and broke out in a cold sweat.

"The plague **** is finally gone!"

"Hurry in and take a look, which book the Young Emperor took away!"

The two said.

They went in and checked, and finally they found that Shao Di hadn't taken any books.

Fortunately, the two of them felt that the young emperor hadn't taken any books, otherwise it would be really difficult for them to explain to the emperor.

"Young Emperor, the Holy Emperor wants to see you and Girl Mu."

Not long after walking out of the library, a guard stopped in front of Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang.

"not see."

Long Mo said with a deep cold face.

The guard said: "The Saint Emperor knew that Young Emperor was unwilling, so he asked his subordinates to give this to Young Emperor, saying that Young Emperor would definitely be willing to see him."

With that, the guard took out a jade slip.

Long Moshen did not answer.

Mu Wushuang was a little curious, took it, and looked into the divine sense, his whole face sank.

"Blood sacrifice secret technique!"

She gritted her teeth.

The holy emperor didn't cover it up, since he had taken out this vicious secret technique directly!

Long Moshen's face also became colder, and he held Mu Wushuang's hand tighter.

"Lead the way, let's go to see the emperor!"

Mu Wushuang said to the guard in a cold voice.

The guard nodded and led the way.

After walking all the way, Mu Wushuang had suppressed his anger, but the expression of the emperor's uncle was even more ugly. He didn't seem to want to see the emperor at all.

Arriving in front of a majestic hall, the guard stopped.

Long Moshen took Mu Wushuang's hand and led her up the stairs.

In the main hall, there was no one but the Saint Emperor, standing in the center with his backhand, as if looking at the Azure Dragon Throne directly above.


The emperor's voice was very weak, like the voice of an ordinary father when he saw a child.

He slowly turned around, the whole person was still majestic and solemn, and his brows were vaguely similar to Long Moshen.

"Today is your birthday, just stay and have a meal together."

The Holy Emperor said flatly to Long Moshen, but his tone was with a command that couldn't hold his beak.

Mu Wushuang could clearly feel that the aura on the emperor's body suddenly became violent, and the strength to hold her hand suddenly increased.

"Birthday? I never had a birthday. I just remember that today is my mother's day of sacrifice."

Long Mo's deep purple eyes stared at the Holy Emperor, hatred in his eyes.

Mu Wushuang only felt a pain in his heart, as if there was a hand holding her heart. The emperor's uncle never had a birthday, nor did he give his mother a sacrifice day. He said that he didn't want to mention these things.

Even Ling Xiaoxian and his wife knew this, so they never mentioned it in front of him, but the Holy Emperor deliberately said this. Mu Wushuang didn't believe that he would not know that today was the sacrifice day for his dead wife, but he deliberately mentioned it!

What is his heart? !

Does he just want his son to be better?

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