Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 473: Yun Waner's biological parents

Chapter 473: Yun Waner's Birth Parents

"Oh, yes, I forgot if you don't tell me, today is your mother's sacrifice day."

The holy emperor said normally.

Can he remember the birthday of the emperor's uncle, will he not remember the birthday of the emperor's uncle's birth mother?

It's all the same day, will this be forgotten?

Mu Wushuang absolutely doesn't believe it!

"Holy Emperor! Mo Shen's mother is also your wife, how can you forget the sacrifice day of your dead wife!" Mu Wushuang asked coldly.


The Holy Emperor raised his eyebrows, looked at Mu Wushuang, and looked at Long Mo Shen, his expression as usual:

"Mo Shen, you are very angry? If you say you want to marry Mu Wushuang, but I order you to marry He Lianqian, in your heart, will He Lianqian be your wife?"

Long Mo's deep purple eyes seemed to have a cluster of fire: "What do you want to say?"

Mu Wushuang also frowned.

"I just want to tell you, Mo Shen, I didn't owe your mother anything before. You don't need to have a bitter hatred against me. My situation was very similar to you at the beginning. My heart belonged to you. Your mother tried everything. Married into the Azure Dragon Shrine and treated me with medicine, only then have you!"

The Holy Emperor said coldly, and at the end, his tone was already filled with anger.

"It's your mother who is slapped with her face and counts on me, but I never hurt her at all. Don't think that I killed you and her, everything about her is her own responsibility!"

"shut up!"

Long Mo said angrily.

"My mother is not that kind of person. What her grandparents said is totally different from what she said about you. You are just shirking your responsibility." He said coldly.

The emperor sat back steadily on the blue dragon throne in front of him, his expression cold.

The father and son look alike, even their cold faces are somewhat similar.

His tone became cold and he said to Long Moshen:

"The emperor has never been ashamed of anyone, willing to explain to you, because you are my son."

Long Moshen lowered his eyes, and sarcasm flashed in his eyes. Is he worthy of anyone? So for so many years, he never felt that those things he did were wrong, whether it was to kill himself or transfer the catastrophe of Qinglong Divine Palace to himself.

He didn't want to say more.

Too much is useless.

Mu Wushuang said in a loud voice, but not angry:

"Holy Emperor, you said that Long Moshen is your son at this time. Did you treat him as a son all these years? You injured him, transferred the catastrophe of the Azure Dragon Temple to him, and injured him seriously. In other continents, in the past twenty years, you have thought that he is your son!"

Seeing Shengdi's face a little harder to look, Mu Wushuang sneered:

"Why, because he needs him to help you clear the catastrophe of the Azure Dragon Temple, so the Holy Emperor now recognizes his son again, right?"

The holy emperor looked majestic, and anger flashed in his eyes, pointing to Mu Wushuang and said to Long Moshen:

"This is the woman you picked, a woman from a low-level continent, who behaves vulgarly, speaks rudely, and speaks nonsense without evidence!"

"My woman, you don't need your beak."

Long Mo said blankly.

The emperor slapped angrily on the seat, and said coldly: "The woman of the young emperor of the Qinglong Temple, as the emperor as your father, can't I object to it?"

The corners of Mu Wushuang's mouth curled up: "Holy Emperor, I just told a few truths, and you became irritated. If I say a few more words, won't you get angry?"

"Bastard thing!" Blue veins appeared on the holy emperor's head.

"The Holy Emperor said carefully." Long Moshen's eyes fixed on the eyes of the Holy Emperor.

Not even his father shouted, but called the Holy Emperor, which showed that he was very angry.

Long Mo said deeply: "My woman, no one can insult her, including the Holy Emperor."

The holy emperor is furious, his own daughter-in-law, can he still object?

Long Moshen shook Mu Wushuang's hand and continued: "A month later, I will be married with Shuang'er in the Qinglong Shrine. After half a month of the marriage, I will help Qinglong Shrine to resolve the catastrophe."

His tone was flat, and after speaking, he turned and led Wushuang and left.

The holy emperor looked ugly, raised the volume, and said angrily: "Mo Shen, you are threatening to be your father!"

Long Mo Shen did not look back, but his voice penetrated the entire hall and reached the ears of the Holy Emperor:

"On the day of the wedding, I will entertain the world spiritually. If the wedding specifications are not enough to satisfy me, the catastrophe of the Qinglong Temple has nothing to do with me."

This sentence made the Holy Emperor thunderous and furious.

The wings are stiff, how dare you threaten him so blatantly!


"Uncle Emperor, you are just so handsome! The Holy Emperor will be **** off by you!" Mu Wushuang said with a smile while holding his arm.

Long Moshen did not speak, there was still no expression on his face, no one could see what he was thinking.

Mu Wushuang knew that he was in a bad mood, and no one would be happy with such a partial and selfish father.

What's more, on the day of his mother's sacrifice today, the emperor slandered his mother in front of him, and he must feel uncomfortable.

Not wanting to make him unhappy, Mu Wushuang deliberately said something to make him happy.

Although today is his mother's sacrifice day, it is also his birthday. Even if he does not want to celebrate his birthday, he should be happy.

When he was about to leave the Azure Dragon Shrine, the emperor was finally coaxed to show a smile, although it was short-lived, it was also exceptionally intoxicating.

Coming out of the Qinglong Shrine, Mu Wushuang noticed that at the side door, an older couple knelt on the ground and begged the guard.

"Please, let us see the Second Highness, please!"

The two pleaded with noses and tears.

"I told you to get out of here, and if you don't leave, we will do it! I don't look at what place it is here or what your identities are. It's really whimsical to want to see the Second Highness!"

The guard shouted insults.

"I beg you to do it well, life is at stake, our son didn't intentionally burn the medicine field of His Royal Highness. Please allow your Royal Highness a few days' grace, and we must put the spirit stone together!"

The old woman cried and pleaded.

"Second Your Highness's medicinal field is worth several million high-grade spirit stones. You medicine servants can still afford it?" The guard looked at them with disdain, and sneered coldly.

"You can afford it! Our daughter is the eldest lady of the Guangming God Sect. She has a spirit stone and can save her brother!" the old man said immediately.

Mu Wushuang, who had walked far away, had a pause, then looked back at the old couple, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

"Uncle Emperor, they seem to be Yun Wan'er's biological parents. The son got into trouble and burned a medicine field in Long Xingyang, ready to go to Yun Wan'er for spiritual stones."

A hint of interest flashed in her phoenix eyes.

Long Mo deeply waved towards the dark and said, "Long Er, go and check."

Long Er left quietly.

By the time they returned to the Lingxiao Protoss, Long Er had already found out what happened.

It turned out that just as Mu Wushuang had expected, the old couple were really Yun Wan'er's biological parents.

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