Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 478: In a good mood

Chapter 478

Yun Wan'er thought she was somewhat similar to Mu Wushuang when she was a child, but she was taken by Mu Yuanhong and his wife and forced to buy it back.

But she did not know that this was not the case.

The truth she knew was the false truth that her biological parents tried to deceive her.

She also hated Mu Yuanhong and his wife for this. If she hadn't forced her to buy her back then, she might not have developed such a vain temperament.

Maybe the family of four is poor but happy.

Of course, after seeing the patriarchal face of her biological parents, and her unlearned brother, she was fortunate that Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai had bought her back and did not let her live a hard life.

Therefore, she wants to keep her current identity even more. She is accustomed to being aloof, accustomed to the days of getting her hands out of clothes, and she is afraid of living hard.

Killed her, and didn't want to return to that kind of family.

However, now her brother's life is hanging by a thread. If there is no five million high-grade spirit stones, her brother will be killed to vent his anger.

If her brother dies, her parents will definitely make trouble with her. In the end, everyone in the world will know that her biological parents are lowly servants, and she can't even lift her face.

If her parents had to take her back to that house forcibly, then she would no longer be the eldest lady of the Guangming Sect, she was afraid of this happening.

She also hopes to be able to marry a powerful man. Her status is the adopted daughter of King Guishou Dan, and she is naturally much better than her status as a slave daughter.

The wrong door is not right, how can the proud of heaven look to her?

If it weren't for a fallout with Ma Wenhao, she would want to marry Ma Wenhao. But sometimes she is not reconciled. She is a highly talented alchemist and will definitely find a better man.

Mu Wushuang's man is the young emperor of Qinglong Divine Palace, she thinks she is not bad, it is impossible to find a man who is too far away from the young emperor.

"I can't let my parents know that my biological parents have contacted me, otherwise they will be disappointed that I deceived them for so long."

Yun Wan'er thought in her heart.

Her only backers now are Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai, and they must not be allowed to realize that she lied to them.

Fortunately, Mu Wushuang just smiled unclearly, and did not continue to question.

The maid made Lingju honey tea again, and Yun Waner quickly poured a cup for Xiao Xuanxi, and said to him kindly:

"Xixi, auntie will pour you another glass, you can see if it tastes good."

She really wanted to have a good relationship with Xiao Xuanxi, because Shao Di and Mu Wushuang didn't have many longevity, and they didn't know how old they would die.

However, Xiao Xuanxi is the son of the young emperor and the grandson of the emperor of the Qinglong Temple. With this level of identity, he will definitely be taken into the Qinglong Temple in the future.

She felt that if she could let Xiao Xuanxi treat her as her dearest person, then she would definitely benefit from her.

At that time, even if her parents knew that she had deceived them, she had a way out.

"The cup just now was too bad, so I don't want to drink it."

Xiao Xuanxi didn't look at the tea cup in front of him, and said slowly while biting the cake.

"Then what do you want to drink? Auntie go and let someone make it for you." Yun Wan'er was very enthusiastic.

Xiao Xuanxi raised her head to look at Yun Wan'er, and said unhappy: "Can't you cover your mouth when you speak? Your saliva is spurting out."

Everyone's eyes fell on Yun Wan'er, and Long Moshen's eyes were particularly cold and disgusting.

"Come here, change the tableware and dishes here again."

Long Mo said coldly.

Yun Wan'er's face was blue and red, very ugly, almost unable to control the muscles on her face.

She really wanted to choke Long Xuanxi! !

"Wan'er, don't just live around, just sit down!"

Mu Yuanhong said in a stern voice.

It was only a while, and Yun Wan'er had already upset his precious grandson twice!

As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water.

In the hearts of Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai, Mu Wushuang and Xiao Xuanxi must be more important than Yun Wan'er.

They also regretted these days and regretted assigning too much love to Yun Wan'er, so they felt guilty for Wushuang and Yuheng.

They also thought about sending Yun Wan'er back, but after raising her for so many years, Wan'er has a simple and kind-hearted personality, and she is not at ease when sending her back, afraid of sending her back to the fire.

Now that Yun Wan'er makes their baby grandson upset, they will naturally turn to Xiao Xuanxi in their hearts and blame Yuan Wan'er for uselessness and can't do little things.

Yun Wan'er wanted to please Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai and cheer them up. The result was a busy one, which made them both angry. Her mood was very depressed, and she even felt vomiting blood.

Mu Wushuang looked at his son, and when he looked over, the corners of his lips hooked.

Little guy, something will happen.

She was in a good mood and could make Yun Wan'er flattened. Seeing the expression on Yun Wan'er's face as if she had eaten a fly, her appetite improved.

Knowing that embarrassing Yun Wan'er would make her feel happy, she had already come.

This meal, everyone had a good time.

Of course, except for Yun Wan'er.

Because Yun Wan'er spoke, no one came to respond to her. She wanted to please others, but couldn't find the opportunity.

Even Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai didn't look at her a few times, because their minds were all on Wushuang and grandson Xiaoxuanxi, and they didn't even notice the expression of resentment from their adopted daughter.

Xiao Xuanxi's sweet mouth, one mouthful of one grandpa and grandmother, made Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai particularly happy. The red faces were like they had reached the pinnacle of their lives.

In the end, Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai both drank high.

Mu Wushuang also specially toasted them, and in the end they both drank and fell on the ground.

The accommodation of their family of three was arranged by Mu Yuanhong and his wife before they came, and they lived not far from them.

Asking someone to help the two of them back to rest, Yun Wan'er saw it, her eyes lit up, she didn't know what she was making, and followed up, saying she was going to serve her parents.

Mu Wushuang smiled badly: Yun Wan'er, Yun Wan'er, you have created such a good condition for you, you must not let me down.

Yun Wan'er followed to the residence of Mu Yuanhong and his wife, waited for them to take off their shoes and lie down, and then quickly waved back.


She called to Mu Yuanhong twice.


Called Yun Qiubai again.

There was no response, it seems that he was really drunk.

She cautiously went to get the storage ring in Mu Yuanhong's hand. She took it and didn't move it, she was a little discouraged.

The storage ring is recognized by the Lord, unless Mu Yuanhong's finger is cut off, his ring cannot be taken off, and he still needs his spiritual knowledge to open the storage ring.

But what to do? Many valuable things of Mu Yuanhong are in this storage ring.

"By the way! I remember, there seems to be a crystal card in the room!"

Yun Waner's mind suddenly flashed, and she remembered.

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