Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 479: Intent to kill

Chapter 479

Yun Wan'er had never lacked spiritual stones before, even if her biological parents often asked her for spiritual stones, she had never been stretched.

But since Mu Wushuang appeared, she found that Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai were not very caring about her, and they were not as fond of her as before, and no longer often bought her what she wanted.

Only give her three hundred high-grade spirit stones every month.

Three hundred high-grade spirit stones are quite a lot, and many people cannot earn three hundred high-grade spirit stones in a lifetime. You must know that three hundred high-grade spirit stones are equivalent to 30,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

But Yun Wan'er is used to being big-handed, using the best clothes. She will be able to use up these three hundred high-grade spirit stones soon, not to mention that her blood-sucking parents often ask her for spirit stones. Up.

So these days, she has reduced her expenses to make up for the holes in her biological parents.

Last month, she had asked Mu Yuanhong and his wife for a million high-grade spirit stones. At that time, she lied that she had seen a high-level magic weapon from a refiner, and the other party was willing to forge it for her only if she had to hand in Qi Lingshi. High-level magic weapon.

This time she wanted to find other excuses, but Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai were so drunk that she couldn't communicate with them, so she thought of stealing.

Yes, that's right, Yun Wan'er wanted to steal 5 million high-grade spirit stones to save her brother who caused trouble.

After all, there was a blood relationship, she couldn't just watch her brother die, so she didn't steal it completely because of the influence of her biological parents and fear of being revealed.

She felt in her heart that it was only five million top-grade spirit stones, and Mu Yuanhong and his wife were willing to take out tens of millions of top-grade spirit stones for Mu Wushuang. She was only asking for five million, which was nothing.

Besides, Mu Yuanhong is a seventh-order alchemist and has great ability to earn spirit stones. These five million taels of high-grade spirit stones can be earned back in a few months.

She even felt that Mu Yuanhong and his wife might not even notice that she stole the spirit stone.

"Where did you put it?"

Yun Wan'er flipped through everywhere, but never reached the crystal card.

She remembered that there were more than 10 million high-grade spirit stones stored in this crystal card. When she came to ask them for one million high-grade spirit stones, she heard Mu Yuanhong raise a mouth, and then randomly placed it. On the table.

After that, it must have been received somewhere, she thought they didn't take this crystal card with them.

"It was here!"

Yun Wan'er opened a drawer, and under a few jewels, she saw a Kyanite card left randomly.

On the blue crystal card, there can also be the words Chixiaotang.

Yun Wan'er showed ecstasy on her face. Great. She remembered this card. Mu Yuanhong once gave her this card and asked her to go to Chixiaotang to fetch the spirit stone. This card also has the imprint of her spiritual consciousness. She can also take out the spirit stones at will!

She looked at Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai who were sleeping, and said:

"Daddy, this bit of spirit stone is nothing to you, but it can save my brother's life, so I will take it first."

As for paying back, how could it be possible? She couldn't earn 5 million high-grade spirit stones.

After putting away the crystal card, she went out quietly, looking around, seeing that no one saw it, then gently closed the door and slipped away with a guilty conscience.

As everyone knows, what she did has already fallen into the eyes of others.

Yun Wan'er quickly left the Guangming Divine Sect and went to Chixiao Hall first, but after going there, she found that several Chixiao Halls in the holy capital had closed ahead of time.

Her teeth were itchy with anger and panic in her heart. She also wanted to quickly take the spirit stone and send the aquamarine card back.

In this way, when Mu Yuanhong and his wife discovered that they had lost five million high-grade spirit stones, they would not think she had taken them.

After all, in the hearts of Mu Yuanhong and his wife, she was still that simple and kind adopted daughter.

However, the **** Chixiao Hall closed early, and won't open until tomorrow morning!

At this moment, her newsletter Yu Jian lit up, and she panicked. Couldn't it be that Mu Yuanhong and his wife have woken up and discovered that she stole the crystal card?

When she opened it nervously, she turned out to be her biological parents. Yun Wan'er let out a long sigh, and Yu Jian popped out, an anxious voice came into her ears:

"Wan'er, have you got the spirit stone? If you don't take the spirit stone over at noon tomorrow, your brother will really be hacked to death!"

Hurry up! I only know the reminder all day long!

Yun Wan'er listened to her mother's voice, her face was ugly, she just wanted to curse.

"Where are you? I'm looking for you!"

Yun Wan'er said.

Soon, she found her parents, because Wang Renlong offended the Second Highness. They were now driven out by the employer, and the employer was also afraid of being involved.

The spirit stones on their bodies had long been hollowed out by Wang Renlong, and they had no place to live, so they had to spend the night in a ruined temple in the suburbs.

When Yun Wan'er came here, her parents were robbing some beggars to eat, but they were beaten to blood.

Yun Wan'er's cultivation was naturally higher than that of a few beggars. Just three or two beat the beggars to death, and crawled out.

"I give you so many spirit stones every month, you are actually worse than beggars!"

Yun Wan'er was so angry that she didn't even want to look at them, as if it would stain her eyes.

Her biological parents were old and sloppy, and if they weren't related by blood, she wouldn't even want to say a word to them.

But her biological parents didn't care about her disgust, instead they leaned forward and asked anxiously: "Wan'er, are the five million high-grade spirit stones already available? Your brother is too pitiful, I don't know. Now if there is anything to eat or drink, I don’t know if he is cold or not..."

As they said, the tears and nose of the two old people all flowed out.

Yun Wan'er was half-dead with anger, only their son was in their eyes, and they only cared whether she had brought five million high-grade spirit stones!

"I brought my mother and father's crystal card, and I will take out the spirit stone for you tomorrow morning!" Yun Wan'er said loudly, "Don't ask me for anything in the future. My benevolence is exhausted!"

As long as the son can be rescued, the two old couples agreed to everything and naturally nodded their heads after hearing the words.

But Yun Wan'er knew in her heart that they nodded now, and when her brother came out, they had to ask her for a spirit stone.

She didn't want to be threatened all the time. Looking at the blood stains all over her biological parents, she suddenly felt that if they died, no one would know that she was the daughter of the lower class, right?

Thinking of this, she herself was shocked.

Why does she think so?

They are her biological parents!

Clenching her fist, Yun Wan'er lowered her eyes, suppressing the killing intent in her heart.

"Five million high-grade spirit stones? Tsk tsk! I didn't expect such a rich man in the ruined temple!"

At this moment, two men in black suddenly jumped from the beam of the room, with weapons in their hands, glowing with a cold light.

Yun Wan'er was stunned!

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