Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 480: Killing father and mother

Chapter 480: Killing Father and Mother

Why are you so lucky!

Why are there two men in black hiding on the beam!

And they actually heard that she had five million high-grade spirit stones in her hand!

Yun Waner's face was pale, and she wanted to kill her biological parents!

They all said that the wealth was not exposed, but just now her parents cried and yelled about the five million high-grade spirit stones. Even if the two men in black were deaf, they heard it!

She stepped back subconsciously, she must not let anyone steal her crystal card, this is the crystal card of Mu Yuanhong and his wife! This is the life-saving money to save her brother!

It's all to her biological parents. Isn't it a good idea to spend some spirit stones in the inn? Come to this place!

"What are you doing?"

Yun Wan'er's parents hurriedly stopped in front of Yun Wan'er. They didn't want to save Yun Wan'er, but because the spirit stone in Yun Wan'er's hand could save their son.

"What are you doing? Of course it's making money and killing you, what else can you do?"

The man in black was smiling, but the killing intent on his body was boiling.

Yun Wan'er was shocked. The cultivation of these two men in black was above her. What should they do? They said they wanted to make money and kill, not only for spirit stones, but for life!

"Two adults, please do your best and forgive us!"

Yun Wan'er's father thumped and knelt on the ground.

Her mother also knelt down and cried out: "These five million high-grade spirit stones are our life-saving money, two adults, don't rob us, please!"


Yun Wan'er cursed in her heart. The two people knew at a glance that they were not good people. How could they let them go because they begged for mercy?

Really naive!

Yun Wan'er started to panic in her heart. She knew that she could not run away at this time, because she was not their opponent at all.

But she doesn't want to die, she is still so young, and there are countless good days to live!

The man in black sneered, raised his weapon, and forced two steps forward.

"You! You can't kill me!"

Yun Wan'er said scaredly: "I am the eldest lady of the Guangming Divine Sect, and my parents are the ghost hand pill king Mu Yuanhong and the sage Yun Qiubai of the Guangming Divine Sect! You kill me, it is equivalent to poking a hornet's nest!"

"Only you, still the eldest lady of Guangming Shenjiao? Lao Tzu or the young emperor of Qinglong Temple!"

The man in black sneered.

But he said in his heart: Master, the subordinates didn't offend you on purpose, but suddenly they didn't think of anyone else.

Yun Wan'er immediately showed her token, which bears the mark of Guangming Divine Sect, which is enough to prove her identity.

"I'm really the eldest lady of the Shining God Sect!"

The man in black paused, as if being photographed by her identity, but soon one of the men in black sneered:

"These two inferior talents are your parents. We all heard about it just now. You stole this token!"

"No!" Yun Wan'er said quickly: "This token is really mine, and my identity is also true. I am actually the adopted daughter of King Guishou Pill. They are my biological parents."

She pointed to her biological parents and said: "But they haven't raised me for a day. I met them out of filial piety. My adoptive parents love me the most. If they know something is wrong with me, they will definitely ask you for my life. of!"

The two men in black listened and fell silent.

When Yun Wan'er saw this, she was overjoyed. Look, she still needs a high status to deter others. If she didn't have the status of the adopted daughter of the Ghost Hand Pill King, she would have died long ago.

So she had to pay close attention to Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai, not to let them hate herself.

"You are the eldest lady of the Guangming Divine Sect, we don't need to kill you, but you must hand over the spirit stone."

The man in black suddenly said coldly.

Yun Wan'er was shocked, but she didn't expect that they would actually want to wall her spirit stone!

"No! This is my son's life-saving money!"

Before she could speak, her parents objected loudly.

Yun Wan'er became anxious, they would definitely anger the man in black!

Sure enough, the man in black had calmed down just now, but now his killing intent has become heavier.

"Don't kill me! I will give you the spirit stone!"

Yun Wan'er shouted.

Compared with Lingshi, her life is naturally more important!

"No! Wan'er! No! Your brother is still waiting for Lingshi to help him!" her parents shouted sternly.

Yun Wan'er was dying of anger. It was this kind of time, and they almost couldn't keep their lives, but they still thought of their precious son!


A sword light flashed, and a dagger was inserted into Yun Wan'er's father's shoulder.

Suddenly the blood was flowing.

Yun Wan'er thought to herself, why didn't this dagger stuck in his heart, it happened to die!

"Hand over the spirit stone!"

The man in black looked at Yun Wan'er with a murderous intent.

Yun Wan'er shivered with fright, and quickly took out the crystal card.

As soon as her mother saw Jingka, she rushed forward, trying to **** Jingka away.

Yun Wan'er's face condensed, kicked her mother away, and handed the crystal card to the man in black.

The black-clothed man gave Yun Wan'er a cold look, "If you are acquainted, today your grandpas are merciful, and you will spare your life!"

After speaking, the two men in black quickly disappeared.

The terrible killing intent finally disappeared. If Yun Wan'er was left behind, she would sit on the ground with a cold sweat.

Only a little bit, she was about to die under the sword of the man in black.

Her parents cried and shouted, yelling at Yun Wan'er:

"You are greedy of life and fear of death. You gave out your brother's life-saving money, what should your brother do!"

"If your brother dies, we won't make you feel better!"

"My poor dragon, your cruel sister doesn't want you to live! Your sister is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and there is no such brother in her heart!"

"My brother is dying, so I only think about his life and death! We don't have a bad daughter like you!"

Yun Wan'er clenched her teeth, and blue veins appeared on her forehead.

Wang Renlong's fate is fate, isn't her fate?

The same was born in the belly of a mother and father, why are you so cold-blooded to her?

Seeing them insulting themselves, it's like, they can't wait to exchange her life for Wang Renlong's life!

"Shut up!" she yelled.

With a gloomy look, she questioned them: "In the bottom of your heart, only Wang Renlong is your son, do you not consider me your biological daughter at all?"

Her father covered the wound on his shoulder and cursed: "What about your biological daughter? You are not a man. Can you leave our Wang family with incense? Only your brother is the species of our Wang family. Your current surname is Yun, Lian Our royal family are not!"

Yun Wan'er took out the sword, and the killing intent spread on her body.

"What are you going to do? Well, your Yun Wan'er, are you going to kill your father and your mother?"

Her father roared.

"I am going to kill my father and my mother today! From now on, no one can threaten me!" Yun Wan'er's face was gloomy, like a life-deathing ghost.

"Killing father and mother? This is really a good show, Yun Wan'er!"

A clear voice came from the door.

Yun Wan'er's face changed drastically, and her voice became much sharper: "Bai Li Lin Lang!"

How could she not hear the voice of Baili Linlang! Even if it turned to ashes, she could hear it!

Damn Baili Linlang, when did she come!

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