Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 483: Daughter of the inferior

Chapter 483

The next person hesitated and finally said it.

After speaking, he quietly raised his head and glanced at King Dan, and saw that King Dan's face was ugly.

The next person thought to himself that he still considered the language and said things lightly. The words of the old couple were much worse than this. Later, King Dan, you will hear it yourself, I am afraid that you will be dizzy.

"Wan'er's biological parents are here?!"

Yun Qiubai came out of the door with a surprised expression.

They clearly gave the couple a large amount of spiritual stone back then, enough for them to live a peaceful life. They once said that they would not find it. Why did they come here now?

And what does it mean to ask them to raise Wan'er with bad character?

Could it be that they had seen Wan'er long ago?

Mu Yuanhong pulled his face down and asked his servant, "Where are they?"

"Go back to King Pill, they are fighting at the gate of the sect. Many people are watching the excitement outside." The servant replied, and then asked carefully:

"King Dan, maybe those two people came here to make trouble without reason, or would their subordinates have someone drive them away?"

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai looked at each other with hesitation in their eyes.

Yun Qiubai asked his servant: "Where is Wan'er now?"

The next person shook his head: "Miss Wan'er shouldn't know about this. I haven't seen Miss Wan'er come out. I must still be in the room."

At this moment, Yun Wan'er walked over gently from a distance.

"Daddy and mother, did you get up so early? Wan'er is still going to come and wait for you to get up."

Yun Wan'er said with a smile on her face as she didn't know anything.

Then she saw Mu Wushuang's family of three also not far away, and greeted them with a smile.

She thought that Mu Wushuang and the others would not respond. She saw Mu Wushuang smile at her, but the meaning of the smile was unknown, which made her feel nervous inexplicably.

Yun Qiubai also saw Wushuang smile, and thought that the relationship between their sisters had improved, and he was very pleased.

Just thinking that Wan'er's biological parents were making trouble outside, she couldn't be happy.

Yes, she felt that it must be Wan'er's parents making trouble unreasonably, she must have wanted to get the spirit stone from here.

Shouldn't let such a gentle and kind Wan'er contact her biological parents.

Thinking of this, Yun Qiubai said to the servant: "Send some spirit stones and drive people out."

After Yun Wan'er heard it, the corners of her mouth rose a little, but she pretended not to hear anything and didn't ask much.

She thought about it for a long time, only to realize that her biological parents did not even have the qualifications to see Mu Yuanhong and his wife. In that case, she was not afraid that they would say bad things about her. How many people would believe them?

What's more, as long as her image in front of her parents does not collapse, making them feel that she is still kind and innocent, they will feel sorry for her having such biological parents. In order to protect her, they will not let her hear these things.

Facts have proved that her guess is correct. Look, Yun Qiubai has directly driven people away, not intending to let herself know!

However, at this moment, Mu Wushuang said lazily: "We are ready to go back."

The clever little Xuanxi quickly said: "Grandpa and grandma, will you send us?"

"Of course, but only one night, are you leaving so soon?"

Mu Yuanhong asked.

"I have something to return to Qingyun Jianzong." Mu Wushuang replied.

Long Moshen also said: "Thank you very much for the hospitality of King Dan King, so I won't bother you much."

Seeing that the young emperor had spoken out, Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai knew that they had decided to go, and they were not good to stay.

Yun Wan'er hurriedly said, "Sister, Young Emperor, why don't you leave after breakfast?"

Going now, wouldn't it happen to meet her biological parents!

"We have already eaten." Looking at Yun Wan'er's eagerness, Mu Wushuang curled his lips.

"Then you won't talk to your grandfather and grandfather?" Yun Wan'er didn't notice Mu Wushuang's eyes and said hurriedly.

She must hold them back, not let them run into her biological parents, let alone Mu Yuanhong and his wife.

"We have already announced goodbye to our grandfather and foreigners, so please don't bother you." Mu Wushuang said.

After speaking, holding his son with his left hand and his right hand by the emperor's uncle, the family of three walked out.

Of course Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai also walked up. The daughter, son-in-law and grandson are leaving, they must be given away.

After all, I got closer, and I had more time to get along.

Yun Wan'er saw that everyone was gone, her eyes became gloomy for a while.

After clenching his teeth hard, he quickly followed.

"Wan'er, you won't use it, you go for breakfast." Yun Qiubai said to Yun Wan'er, thinking of the couple who were making trouble outside the mountain gate.

She didn't want Wan'er to see the bad couple.

Naturally, Yun Wan'er was unwilling. If she is not there, who knows what her biological parents will say, she can still find a way to stop their mouths when she is there.

"Mother, younger sister, they finally came here. Let's leave now. As a sister, I will definitely give it away." Yun Wan'er pretended to be gentle.

Mu Wushuang suddenly said, "You don't have to send it, it's just such a short distance."

"How can I do it!" Yun Wan'er shook her head, and said kindly to Mu Wushuang: "Sister, sister, I still want to talk to you."

"Oh, is it?" Mu Wushuang hooked his lips and said no more.

And along the way, Yun Wan'er racked his brains to talk to Mu Wushuang on the topic.

Mu Wushuang could respond to her with "oh" and "um".

After a while, he arrived at the gate of the Zongmen.

Sure enough, there were a lot of people gathered there, many of them were disciples of the Shining God Sect, and many of them were people who watched the excitement outside. There were three floors inside and three floors outside.

In the center of them, there is a couple who look like 50 or 60 years old. They have gray hair, old and loose skin, wearing the most common and cheap clothing, and their shoes are covered with yellow mud. You can tell at a glance. Is poor.

The eyes of their husband and wife were not big, they were red from crying, they were red and swollen, and their eyes became smaller.

But their eyes keep turning, and some forces do not look like peaceful people.

The tone of the speech is also very vulgar, and a few swear words pop out from time to time, which makes people can't help but frown.

But the most important thing is that all those present are spiritual practitioners, and you can see at a glance that the two people have the spiritual mark of inferior people.

These two people are the most inferior.

Everyone came to watch the excitement because these two inferior people actually said that they were Yun Wan'er's biological parents, which is really ridiculous.

Although everyone knows that Yun Wan'er is not the biological daughter of King Dan and the sage, but was adopted, but Yun Wan'er is still the eldest lady of the Guangming Divine Sect, and she is also aloof on weekdays.

This makes everyone feel that even if Yun Wan'er is not the biological daughter of King Dan and Saintess, her status should not be too low.

No matter how bad, it should be the daughter of an ordinary person, how can it be the biological daughter of two inferior people?

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