Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 484: Out of nothing

Chapter 484

Everyone felt that the words of the couple were not very credible, but they said Yun Wan'er was very vicious, and the expressions were so convincing that many people were confused.

Yun Wan'er is a little arrogant, but shouldn't it be bad?

At this time, King Dan and the saint appeared.

Behind them, there is their biological daughter Mu Wushuang, Shao Di, and the party concerned Yun Wan'er.

"King Dan! Saint! You can finally give it up! You return our innocent and kind daughter!"

As soon as the couple saw Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai, they almost rushed up and were stopped by a disciple of Guangming Shenjiao.

Mu Yuanhong frowned, and he recognized that these two people were indeed Wan'er's biological parents.

Seeing Yun Wan'er's face turned pale, Yun Qiubai thought she was too frightened to accept it, so she blocked Yun Wan'er behind.

She also comforted her and said: "Wan'er, don't be afraid, we are here for everything, mother will not let others hurt you."

There was a sneer at the corner of Mu Wushuang's mouth.

At this time, Yun Qiubai was still thinking about caring about Yun Wan'er. It seemed that she really took Yun Wan'er seriously.

But I have to say that Yun Wan'er has blinded them so much over the years, otherwise it would not be possible for them to think that Yun Wan'er has always been a simple and kind character.

However, I believe that soon, Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai will see the true face of Yun Wan'er.

Think about it, I really look forward to it.

The good daughter he cultivated wholeheartedly, but turned out to be a vicious and selfish liar, she will definitely collapse in her heart.

It’s just a good show.

Mu Wushuang picked up his son and let him watch the excitement too.

But soon, the son was forcibly hugged by someone.

Facing someone's expressionless Jun (vinegar) face, Mu Wushuang felt that if his son grew up a little bit, no one would let his son get close to her.

Do you want to have another daughter?

"Wang Zhu, Liu family, I remember, when we adopted Wan'er, you promised that you wouldn't come here forever. Did you lose faith so soon?"

Mu Yuanhong's tone was majestic and condescendingly questioned.

Anyone who knows him knows that he is very angry now.

But what shocked everyone was that Mu Yuanhong's words just admitted that they were Yun Wan'er's biological parents!

"They are really Yun Wan'er's biological parents!"

"Oh my God, the biological parents of Miss Guangming Shenjiao are actually inferior!"

"This identity is nothing short of extraordinary!"

"Unexpectedly, Yun Wan'er was born at such a low level, her parents are inferior, she should be inferior too!"

There was a whisper in the surroundings, and her gaze at Yuan Wan'er was full of contempt.

It's like, the person I've been looking up to has always envied her status and status. As a result, this person's true identity is a hundred times worse than my own!

This feeling is like being deceived.

In my heart, I can’t wait to get down and despise it so that I can vent my unhappiness.

Yun Wan'er looked at the various eyes around her, she knew that at this moment, her identity had completely collapsed, and she would no longer be respected by others.

She hated her biological parents, why their status is inferior, so that she can not lift her head completely.

The hatred spread in her heart, but she could only show a dazed and unbelievable look, so that Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai would feel sorry for her.

In any case, she couldn't let Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai hate herself.

Because everything she has to rely on Mu Yuanhong and his wife.

Wang Zhu and Liu were here to ask for their son's life-saving money. Even if Mu Yuanhong wanted to kill them, he would achieve his goal today and get five million high-grade spirit stones.

And there is only one way to get this huge amount of spiritual stone, and that is to ask Mu Yuanhong and his wife why they have cultivated their good daughters into vicious temperaments and let them pay compensation!

So the two couples looked at each other, hysterical madness and cruelty appeared in their eyes.

"King Dan, you are right, we promised you, but why did you **** develop our daughter into ungrateful father-killing character? You think she is not your biological daughter, so you are Raise her on purpose!"

Wang Zhu asked sadly and loudly.

Mu Yuanhong sternly said: "Shut up! Wan'er has a pure and innocent character, so how can she kill her father and her mother!"

Yun Qiubai also said angrily: "Aren't you just for the spirit stone? If you want it, why do you want to slander Wan'er, she is also your biological daughter!"

The two naturally did not believe the nonsense of the couple, thinking that they were saying this to slander Yun Wan'er.

At this time, Baili Linlang couldn't stand it anymore and stood out from the crowd.

It is obvious that Yun Wan'er is so hypocritical, why can't the Dan Wang and his wife be as blind as they are?

Also pure and kind! I bother!

Baili Linlang said loudly:

"Uncle and Auntie, they are not slandering Yun Wan'er. I heard Yun Wan'er say killing her father and her mother last night. If you don't believe it, I have evidence for you to see!"

As soon as she said this, Yun Wan'er suddenly changed her color, and her body was crumbling!


Baili Linlang actually has evidence?

This is impossible!

Others whispered to each other. They didn’t believe that Yun Waner would kill her father and her mother, but Baili Linlang said that she had evidence. Would the inferior couple say the truth? ?

This is really a good show.

Mu Yuanhong still didn't believe it. Wan'er was sometimes a little arrogant, but she was kind and didn't want to kill even small animals. How could she kill her father and her mother?

Besides, Wan'er had never seen her biological parents. How could she do that kind of thing yesterday?

He said coldly: "Bai Li Linlang, I know that you are guilty with Wan'er, but you can't help the wicked to slander Wan'er. Wan'er doesn't know who her biological parents are, so why would she kill them? "

Baili Linlang blinked. What a Yun Wan'er, she actually coaxed King Dan around. It turned out that King Dan didn't know that Yun Wan'er had already met her biological parents!

"Hmph, I just can't stand Yun Wan'er hurting people in Baili Linlang, so I kindly came over to help this couple identify Yun Wan'er. How come I was born out of nothing?"

She said: "If you don't believe it, don't believe it. When the evidence comes out, I believe that the king and the saint will be surprised. It turns out that the kind adopted daughter in your heart is of this character."

After speaking, she looked at Yun Wan'er again: "Yun Wan'er, in front of so many people, I will give you another chance. It is you who admit your mistakes and apologize to your adoptive parents and biological parents. If you show evidence to expose you, choose one yourself."

Baili Linlang felt that she herself was really kind, and it was this time to give Yun Wan'er the last face.

However, Yun Wan'er did not appreciate it.

She hated Baili Linlang to death in her heart.

With a pale face and clenched fists, Yun Wan'er quickly recalled what happened last night. She felt that Baili Linlang must have deliberately defrauded her. There was no so-called evidence at all. Otherwise, with Baili Linlang's character, she would definitely take it out. Evidence, rather than hypocritically give her a chance!

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