Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 485: Reveal the truth

Chapter 485

Yun Wan'er didn't believe that Baili Linlang would suddenly become kind, so she decided that Baili Linlang had no so-called evidence.

Thinking of this, the blood on her face recovered a little, and she felt confident in her heart.

She pretended to be scared and grasped Yun Qiubai's hand tightly, and said to Baili Linlang:

"I don't know what you are talking about, Baili Linlang. Although you and I have always been in a bad relationship, you should not slander me like this. And I have never seen them. I don't even know who my biological parents are. , How could it be possible to kill the father and the mother? You are falsely accused!"

"Wan'er is right, she would never do such a thing, Miss Baili, you can't talk so nonsense."

Yun Qiubai said solemnly.

Wan'er is so kind, how could she kill her father and her mother? She couldn't even think about it.

"Oh, if it weren't for me, I'm afraid Yun Wan'er had killed her biological parents last night, and there is no proof." Baili Linlang said with a bad face.

She didn’t expect Yun Qiubai to be deceived by Yun Wan’er, she kindly exposed Yuan Wan’er, she didn’t want the couple to take a good look at Yun Wan’er’s true face, and see if the baby girl they held in their palms was What kind of stuff.

"Yun Wan'er, you are still arguing here, pretending to be innocent and pure to deceive people. Since I gave you a chance and you didn't cherish it, don't blame me for exposing you in public!"

She said.

Anyway, she has given Yun Wan'er a choice, it is Yun Wan'er who is stubborn and wants to die.

With that, she took out a crystal ball.

Seeing this crystal ball, Yun Wan'er's expression changed drastically.

Isn't this the high-level magic weapon that can record images? There are not many in the whole continent, why would there be one in Baili Linlang's hand?

Yun Wan'er was really dead and never expected that Baili Linlang would have such a thing in her hands!

"Bai Li Lin Lang! I have something to tell you! Come with me!" Yun Wan'er screamed.

She believed it, she believed that Baili Linlang had evidence in her hand!

She is scared, she must stop Baili Linlang!

Baili Linlang smiled coldly: "Why, I know I'm afraid? Yun Wan'er, it's too late."

With that said, she has opened the crystal ball.

"Wan'er, don't be afraid, you are not afraid of the shadow slanting, mother will wash you innocence."

Looking at Yun Wan'er who was pale, Yun Qiubai comforted her.

Mu Yuanhong also said majesticly, "Wan'er, my parents will support you, don't be afraid."

But at this moment, Yun Wan'er appeared in the crystal ball.

She stood in a ruined temple, with dim flames, and she could even see her holding a sword, her eyes gloomy and murderous intent.

Opposite her were the old and angry faces of Wang Zhu and his wife.

As soon as they saw this picture, the expressions of Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai changed instantly, becoming unbelievable and extremely embarrassed.

Yun Wan'er said before that she did not know her biological parents, and they believed it, but the facts slapped their faces severely!

"Daddy, listen to me..."

Yun Waner hurriedly wanted to explain.

But her indifferent and hateful voice came from the crystal ball:

"I am going to kill my father and my mother today! From now on, no one can threaten me!"

Kill father and mother!

The people around were shocked.

Yun Wan'er actually said that she was going to kill her father and mother. This is not because Baili Linlang is framing her, but the fact is!

My God, why is Yun Wan'er so vicious that he wants to kill her biological parents!

Everyone looked at Yun Wan'er with eyes full of disgust.

Killing a father and a mother is simply ungrateful and ungrateful!

Mu Wushuang saw Yun Qiubai's face instantly pale after hearing this sentence, and his thin body took a step back, faltering.

But she didn't help her because she herself didn't recognize Yun Wan'er as a person. At this time, she was shocked, and it was also the reason why the couple did not recognize each other clearly.

They blindly think that Yun Wan'er is pure and kind, and never think of the bad side about Yun Wan'er. Only when the facts are in front of them can they believe the facts.

To put it bluntly, no matter how sad they are, they are asking themselves.

The crystal ball darkened, and the surroundings were silent. Everyone stared at Yun Wan'er, their expressions full of contempt.

Even if there are only a few breaths, the facts are already clear.

"Well, I haven't lied, I'm the most pragmatic person, I won't make things out of nothing, let alone slander people for no reason."

Baili Linlang broke the silence.

The expression on Mu Yuanhong's face had already sunk, he could see that he was angry, but he didn't show it.

He looked at Baili Linlang and said, "Girl Baili, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have misunderstood you. I apologize."

The pale Yun Qiubai also calmed down and said to Baili Linlang: "Little girl, I don't speak well to you, and I also apologize."

Baili Linlang waved her hand quickly, "Don't don't, don't apologize, you are just blinded by Yun Wan'er's appearance, I am not angry."

When Mu Wushuang saw this, he felt that Mu Yuanhong and his wife were indeed pretty good. They could first apologize to a junior in Baili Linlang, but they taught someone like Yun Wan'er. It seems that Yun Wan'er has such a natural nature.

As the saying goes, a dragon gives birth to a dragon and a phoenix, and a mouse makes holes when it is born.

Yun Wan'er's parents are also weird. They gave birth to Yun Wan'er with a bad temperament, and it is probably because of their genes.

"Father... mother... listen to me explain..."

Yun Wan'er looked at Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai carefully.

They calmed down, and the more afraid she became, she would rather they scold her.

Everyone sneered, Yun Wan'er was really cheeky, she could still call her father and mother, and said she wanted to explain, the evidence was in front of them, and she explained what a fart!

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai didn't even look at her.

"Have you heard it! Look at your good daughter!"

Yun Wan'er's biological father Wang Zhu immediately said loudly, wishing to curse.

At this time, Mu Yuanhong's cold voice said to everyone:

"Everyone, are all gone."

The disciples of the Guangming God Sect quickly expelled the outsiders, and then quickly dispersed. Anyway, the excitement has already been watched, and they dare not join in the excitement anymore.

Seeing the embarrassment surging in the air, Baili Linlang smiled and went back happily when facing the hateful glance cast by Yun Wan'er.

She could also think that Yun Wan'er was going to be unlucky.

She can retire successfully.

So everyone is almost gone.

Mu Wushuang still feels a little regretful, after all, the play hasn't finished singing, and there are more exciting parts that outsiders can't see.

However, she also knew that Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai could not expose their family ugliness in front of outsiders. Mu Yuanhong expelled outsiders to get a clear idea.

When Wang Zhu saw that everyone was gone, he was a little anxious, and said quickly:

"King Dan, you have to give us an explanation today! Our precious daughter was raised by you to this virtue, how do you let us face our ancestors?"

"You pay for our daughter! Pay for our kind daughter!" Wang cried.

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