Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 489: Truth revealed

Chapter 489

Yun Wan'er poured out all the contents in the storage ring.

The ground was suddenly piled up with various objects.

There are spirit stones and magic weapons, all of which are rare things for ordinary people.

Wang Zhu and his wife looked blushing, and their muddy eyes were full of greed and resentment.

Fortunately, you Yun Wan'er, there are so many high-level magic weapons, high-grade spirit stones, but you are not willing to give her brother one!

Renlong got a semi-high-level magic weapon and was as happy as anything else, but didn't know his sister had so many good magic weapons, so he was reluctant to give him one!

If she had given Renlong a good magic weapon earlier, Renlong would not have burned his medicine field while studying the semi-high-level magic weapon.

He would not be detained by the Second Highness of the Azure Dragon God Palace and almost killed him!

Blame Yun Waner!

As a elder sister, I don’t think about my younger brother at all!

The two couples squatted down, flipping through Yun Wan'er's things while stuffing good things directly into their arms.

"What are you doing!"

Yun Wan'er suddenly shouted: "Take out my magic weapon! Those are my favorite magic weapons!"

"You are my daughter, and your things are mine!" Liu said with staring eyes.

She wants to take all these treasures back to her son Wang Renlong.

Renlong will be very happy.

"No! That is my magic weapon!" Yun Wan'er frowned.

These magic weapons are some of her favorite magic weapons, and they are the most convenient to use. She begged Mu Yuanhong to buy them for her. The price is very high. Each magic weapon has cost hundreds of thousands of high-grade spirit stones!

Why did she give her favorite magic weapon to Wang Renlong that waste!

Liu did not listen, and still took things into his arms.

Yun Waner was naturally unhappy, so she went to grab it.

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai looked into these things seriously and found that there was no blue crystal card. They seemed to be relieved. Of course, it is best to not have it. They don't want to see that they are in her storage ring. Steal something.

"Give it back to me!" Yun Wan'er grabbed her own things and was grabbed by Liu.

"Don't give it!" Liu cried tightly, and shouted, "You dead girl, not only learned to steal, but also so unfilial. I think you are rotten to the bottom of your heart. There is no good place!"

Yun Wan'er was almost mad, listen, this is what her biological mother said!

Said she was rotten to the heart!

Tell her so badly!

How could a biological mother insult her biological daughter so much!

She hates her. If she knew they were so cruel, she should have killed them early. Without knowing it, she would not cause so many things!

She used her spiritual power and grabbed the magic weapon in one fell swoop.

Liu suddenly started to splash like a shrew, stepped on the ground vigorously and kicked, cursing:

"Dead girl! Shameless to grab something with your mother! Ingrateful! Shameless! I should have strangled you back then! I should drown you in the urinal!"


Mu Yuanhong shouted: "Liu clan, this is the cult of Guangming, not a place where you go wild."

He believes that Wan'er's biological parents are really hateful. Such people, even their biological daughters, are not let go, which shows how bad their character is.

With such biological parents, Wan'er is really pitiful.

"Come here, blast them out!" Mu Yuanhong said loudly when Liu clan was still trampling there.

"No! Give us the spirit stone! Give us the spirit stone!"

Wang Zhu shouted.

"and many more."

A clear voice was inserted into the noise.

"Look, is that the blue crystal card?"

As soon as she said this, everyone calmed down and quickly looked in the direction of her fingers.

I saw a blue crystal card inserted in a yellowing exercise book.

This exercise was taken a few times by Liu, and the cover of the book was trampled on. Several pages were almost torn. From the inside of the book, half a blue crystal card appeared.

Liu's was the closest, so he picked up this crystal card all at once, and said loudly:

"Yes, it's this crystal card! It's this one!"

After speaking, as if reacting, she slapped Yun Wan'er's clothes and slapped her, her eyes were splitting.

"You black-hearted person, you even colluded with the man in black to **** the crystal card and swallowed more than a thousand spiritual stones! Why are you so cruel, you are going to kill your brother!"

If it wasn't for the scene she played with the people in black, how could this aquamarine card be in her hands?

Wang Zhu also came up angrily and slapped Yun Wan'er severely, scolding any nasty words.

But at this time Yun Wan'er was stunned. This is impossible. This aquamarine Cumming was snatched by the man in black. How could it be with her?

wrong! Someone must have framed her!

The moment Yun Qiubai saw this crystal card, his face turned pale, and he took a step back, faltering, it was Mu Yuanhong who held her, and she was useless to fall to the ground.

"I believe you so, you have been lying to me."

Now that the facts are in front of him, Yun Qiubai can no longer find any reason not to believe that Yun Wan'er lied.

Yun Qiubai was so disappointed, she almost dispelled her suspicion, because Yun Wan'er was so realistic.

What death Mingzhi is all fake!

"Mother! I didn't! Listen to me! Someone framed me! I don't have this crystal card in my storage ring! Someone framed me!"

Yun Wan'er panicked completely, knelt on the ground and loudly defended towards Yun Qiubai.

"People get stolen and get, and you still say that someone is framing you, how long do you have to quibble!"

Mu Yuanhong said sharply, the eyes that looked at Yun Wan'er had lost any temperature, as if they were looking at a stranger.

Yun Wan'er shook her head: "I really didn't steal it! Someone just put this crystal card here on purpose!"

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked at Mu Wushuang, widened her eyes, and pointed at Mu Wushuang:

"It's her, she just put it in when we weren't paying attention! It must be her! Yes! The man in black must have been hers last night! She deliberately grabbed my crystal card and put it in Enter my practice! Mu Wushuang! You are too vicious!"

It was Mu Wushuang who asked to search her storage ring, so she must have done it!

As everyone knows, the expressions of Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai became even more ugly when she said these words.

What she said just now has accidentally admitted that she had stolen the crystal card!

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai believe that Yun Wan'er actually blamed Wushuang for the sake of clearing the relationship!

But this matter has nothing to do with Wushuang from beginning to end!

Yun Wan'er still didn't know it, and pointed at Mu Wushuang and cursed: "You just see me not pleasing to your eyes and jealous of me, so you teamed up with the people in black to frame me. You are the darkest person in the world!"

"shut up!"

Mu Yuanhong shouted angrily.

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