Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 490: No longer surnamed Yun

Chapter 490

Mu Yuanhong's voice was loud and cold, mixed with a surge of anger.

Yun Wan'er has never seen such an angry Mu Yuanhong. He has always been gentle. He has personally taught her alchemy with patience. No matter how bad she behaves, no matter how many alchemy furnaces are destroyed, he has never been black to her. Face once.

This time, she really knew she was afraid.

But she was not reconciled, it was clearly Mu Wushuang who was setting up her and setting her up, why didn't they believe it!

"Father... I really don't..."

She also wanted to defend.

"Enough!" Mu Yuanhong said coldly: "You have admitted that you stole the crystal card just now. Do you want to pour dirty water on Wushuang again?"

Yun Wan'er suddenly recalled what she had just said, her face turned pale in an instant, and her blood was gone.

She just said that it was Mu Wushuang who ordered the man in black to **** her crystal card!

She accidentally told the truth!

"No, it's not like this!" Yun Wan'er shook her head vigorously, trying to argue again, but found that there was no way to argue!

She had already admitted the crystal card she had stolen, so the previous ones were all lying in their eyes, and they would definitely never believe her again!

Yun Wan'er looked at Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai's disappointed icy eyes, she only felt like she had fallen into an ice cellar, shivering with the cold.

She embezzled more than 10 million high-grade spirit stones, and it was not clean!

That's it!

She is done!

When Wang Zhu and his wife saw the stitches, their faces were sour and said:

"Let’s see! King Dan! Saint! You have cultivated our daughter into this virtue! If Huang He is not dead, she will not admit her mistakes until the last moment! She is simply lying, shameless, pig What a dog!"

"You have not fulfilled your responsibilities at all! We knew that you were raising our daughter like this, even if you were eating chafing vegetables, we would not give your daughter to you!"

Mu Yuanhong was tired and interrupted them, "No need to say, five million for you, you can take her away."

He and Qiu Bai taught Yun Wan'er how to be a human since she was a child. She was so obedient and well-behaved at the time, but all of this was fake. Before she knew it, she had changed and became no longer theirs. The kind-hearted adopted daughter in my mind.

It was Yun Wan'er's appearance that blinded them. Why didn't they raise her properly?

But all this is useless any more, he doesn't want to see such a hypocritical adopted daughter.

"No! Dad! Don't let me leave you! I haven't done my filial piety to you!"

Yun Wan'er shouted.

She didn't want to leave the Guangming Sect, she didn't want to follow a pair of inferior parents, and she didn't want to get rid of her identity as the eldest of the Guangming Sect!

Even if she is only the adopted daughter of King Pill and Saintess, she can still be beautiful on the surface!

But after leaving them, she was nothing!

"I can also do my filial piety to grandpa and grandma." Xiao Xuanxi said obediently.

Yun Qiubai's eyes were red, and his mood was extremely complicated. Hearing Xiao Xuanxi's words, his heart was too warm.

She regretted that she shouldn't have adopted Yun Wan'er back then. Yun Wan'er's blood is the blood of inferior people. Her biological parents are so inferior, how can she become pure in her heart with their blood.

She was just reluctant to bear the bits and pieces of these twenty years. Although Yun Wan'er once liked to play tricks, she would not have such a bad character.

When she really heard her husband say to drive Yun Wan'er away, she was still very sad.

But just now, Xiao Xuanxi's words changed her mindset. Her biological daughter has returned, and she has a cute and well-behaved little grandson. She should have transferred her attention to her grandson.

Adopted daughter like Yun Wan'er, don't worry.

Touching the little grandson's head, Yun Qiubai closed his eyes cruelly, not wanting to look at Yun Wan'er again.

"You go, from now on, we will no longer be your adoptive parents."

Mu Yuanhong said in a deep voice.

"Father! Please, don't drive me away, give me another chance! Please!" Yun Wan'er hugged Mu Yuanhong's leg, crying and begging.

At this time, Wang Zhu said: "I won't want such a bad daughter, so that she will kill her father and mother! Also, King Pill, five million is too little, you add another million, we I won’t have anything to do with it anymore. I promise that I won’t come to you anymore.”

Seeing that King Dan was so bold, he sat down and raised the price.

At that time, he paid five million, and one million will be left for his son Wang Renlong. Then the three of them will live a good life.

Liu tightly held the crystal card and didn't want to return it, but she also knew that this kind of high-level thing needed to get the spirit stone in person, even if they had the crystal card, it was useless.

"She is your biological daughter, and it is your responsibility to raise her. If you don't take her away, I won't add one million to you." Mu Yuanhong said coldly.

Naturally, Wang Zhu and his wife said yes, they could get one million more, so that they would be willing to do anything.

"No! I won't go with them! Mother! Are you willing to let Wan'er leave?"

Yun Wan'er saw that Mu Yuanhong couldn't make sense, so she knelt to beg Yun Qiubai.

She knew that Yun Qiubai felt softest.

She cried: "Mother, Wan'er knows that she was wrong. Wan'er still remembers what her mother taught Wan'er before. Wan'er is guilty of death. She cheated her. Wan'er swears that she will never do it again, please. Please, let me stay here to redeem your sins! You have hurt Wan'er the most before. You feel so distressed when Wan'er knocks you. I will remember all your goodness in my heart, and I will never forget it in my life, so let Wan'er Stay and serve you!"

After finishing speaking, she kowtows to the ground vigorously, kowtow to blood.

Mu Wushuang watched this scene in his spare time. With Yun Qiubai's temperament, he would have softened his heart. If that was the case, it would disappoint her too much.

Sure enough, Yun Qiubai's brows loosened a bit, and he opened his eyes, with unbearable emotions in his eyes.

Mu Wushuang shook his head secretly and sneered.

At this time, Yun Qiubai said, "I won't keep you. From now on, your surname will no longer be Yun. Go back to where you should go."

Mu Wushuang raised the corners of his mouth slowly, which was really unexpected.

"Why! Why do you even treat me so cruelly! Didn't I just lie? You just lied, don't you even give me the opportunity to correct?"

As soon as Yun Wan'er heard Yun Qiubai's words, her whole face was distorted and she asked loudly.

Yun Qiubai shook his head disappointedly: "Do you think you just lied as simple as that? It seems that you didn't realize your real mistake at all. Let's go, and don't come to Guangming God to teach you again."

Is she just lying? It's not.

She was very hard-hearted. She wanted to kill her father and mother, steal things, and couldn't save her. For the sake of more than ten million spiritual stones, she deliberately intervened with the man in black and directed and acted in a play. Unwilling to save her brother.

She still didn't repent and gave her a chance to tell her honestly and admit her mistakes, but she pretended to be dead and clear, all kinds of sophistry, if they hadn't found Jingka, they would have been deceived by her.

They can't raise such a cruel and gloomy adopted daughter.

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