Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 491: Unattainable

Chapter 491

Yun Qiubai only hopes that she can correct her own problems through the change of identity.

In the future, if she can completely repent, she might be able to forgive her.

But she was really disappointed. Yun Wan'er actually thought she was just lying and questioning herself distortedly.

"You go."

Yun Qiubai didn't want to say more to her.

"No! Don't drive me away! I really know that I was wrong!!" Yun Wan'er cried out, she was completely aware of Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai's determination, and she was very flustered.

"Bad girl! Come with us!"

Wang Zhu and his wife went to Layun Wan'er. Oh, no, she is not named Yun anymore. She should be called Wang Wan'er or Wang Cuicui.

Wang Zhu and his wife wanted to take her away, naturally because they were anxious for the spirit stone to redeem their son's life. No matter how much time she delays, it will be almost noon.

They have to save their son earlier so they can feel at ease.

Facing the pulling of Wang Zhu and his wife, Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai turned their backs, not wanting to look at them.

"I do not go!!"

Seeing that Mu Yuanhong and his wife were indifferent, Wang Wan'er broke free of their hands and stood up. There was blood on her forehead, her eyes were fierce, and she looked terrible.

"You don't want to raise me, you have to drive me away! Be what I am!"

She yelled.

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai both turned their heads and frowned when they looked at Wang Wan'er's distorted face. How could she become like this?

Wang Waner continued to shout:

"You don’t support me now, so why did you buy me back in the first place!! Just because I look like Mu Wushuang when I was a child, you forced them to sell me to you! Now that Mu Wushuang is back, you will I'll leave! What do you think of me!"

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai both looked at Wang Zhu and his wife in surprise. When did they force her to buy her?

Wang Zhu and his wife looked a little guilty.

Mu Yuanhong solemnly said to Wang Wan'er:

"Back when your biological parents gave birth to your younger brother, they didn’t have the extra time, energy and spirit to support you, so they took you to the street to sell you money in public, letting you be a maid and a child’s daughter-in-law for someone else’s house. We couldn’t bear it. You bought it and brought back the Shining God Sect, not a forced purchase! If you don't even check it out, you blame us. After so many years, we have raised you for nothing!"

Wang Wan'er's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot for an instant. She looked at her biological parents and they did not refute it. That means that what Mu Yuanhong said was all right!

They have been deceiving themselves!

She really thought she was forced to buy herself by Mu Yuanhong and his wife, and forced her to separate from her parents!

fake! All are fake!

"All liars! You all liars!"

She was so annoyed that she kicked Wang Zhu's chest with one foot, put it on the ground, and stomped a few feet!

Mu Yuanhong stopped, and Wang Waner didn't kill him.

Yun Qiubai was startled. She didn't expect that she still had such a violent side, and she regretted not seeing her face earlier.

Wang Wan'er knew that there was no room for recovery, so she kept all the magic treasures and spirit stones on the ground into the storage ring without saying a word.

In the end, her gaze swept over everyone in the audience, and finally stayed on Mu Wushuang's face. She saw the sneer at the corner of Mu Wushuang's mouth, and her heart was filled with resentment.

She finally figured it out. Mu Wushuang suddenly came to the Guangming God Sect to deliberately target her. All of this was personally guided by her. Mu Wushuang knew everything. She had been watching her jokes!

If it weren't for Mu Wushuang, she would never have fallen into this position!

Mu Yuanhong and Yun Qiubai would not drive her away so decisively!

"Mu Wushuang, you wait! I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!" She said viciously.


A loud slap fell on Wang Wan'er's face.

Wang Wan'er looked at the person who beat her in surprise, Yun Qiubai, who was always gentle, and she who had never said anything hard to her, slapped her without hesitation for Mu Wushuang.

Oh, it's really different.

Wang Wan'er touched the beaten face and sneered at Yun Qiubai.

After Yun Qiubai beat her, he regretted it for a moment, but when she saw the sneer on Wang Wan'er's face, she suddenly became angry with no name, and said angrily:

"You still don't repent, you still want to harm Wushuang! The last thing I regret in my life is to buy you back from your parents!"

Wang Wan'er looked at Yun Qiubai in disbelief, as if she could hardly believe that she would say such cruel words.

"Okay! You wait for me! One day, Wang Wan'er will be someone you can't afford to climb!"

After speaking, she turned and left.

Mu Wushuang smiled. It seems that Wang Wan'er still doesn't realize what she will face, and she still has the courage to say such a thing.

Can't afford to climb high?

It's ridiculous.

"We are also gone." Mu Wushuang said to Mu Yuanhong and his wife.

Yun Qiubai took Mu Wushuang's arm and said, "Wushuang, my parents used to be blind. I didn't know that her character was so bad. If we knew this, we would have driven her away."

"Tell me what these do and how she does it has nothing to do with me." She said.

Yun Qiubai sighed. Looking back, she didn't understand why Wushuang's attitude towards Wang Wan'er was indifferent and repellent, but they thought Wang Wan'er was kind and simple, and they looked forward to a better relationship between their sisters.

At that time, Wushuang became indifferent to them.

Thinking about it now, Wushuang had already seen Wang Wan'er's hypocrisy.

She felt very guilty at this time, and there were many things in her heart that she wanted to say to Wushuang, but Wushuang returned to her usual indifference.

"Grandpa and grandma, we are going back, you have to take care of your health."

Xiao Xuanxi said to Mu Yuanhong and his wife.

"Okay, surly, next time you come to play with grandpa and grandma, okay?"

Mu Yuanhong said kindly.

"Okay." Xiao Xuanxi nodded obediently.

Mu Wushuang walked forward. Long Moshen held his son, nodded towards Mu Yuanhong and his wife, and walked forward.

Mu Yuanhong and his wife wanted to send it off, but Wang Zhu Liu's family stomped their feet.

In the end, they went to Chixiao Hall and took six million high-grade spirit stones to Wang Zhu and his wife. This matter was completely resolved.

As for Wang Waner's whereabouts, there is no way to know.

But Mu Wushuang had already sent someone to keep up with Wang Wan'er, looking for someone to rob her of the magic weapon Lingshi pill all over her body, leaving her with no confidence.

Wang Wan'er was penniless, did not even have a place to stay, and did not have an alchemy furnace on her body, otherwise she would still be able to make a little money by making alchemy.

In the end, she had to go back to her biological parents' home and asked them for Lingshi.

Wang Zhu and his wife love their sons like fate, and they can't wait to save a copper plate for their son, how can they give Wang Wan'er a spiritual stone. What's more, Wang Wan'er once beat them and wanted to kill them. After they learned that Wang Wan'er had been robbed and all the things on her body were taken away, they knew they couldn't get anything from her, and she didn't have access to their king's door.

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