Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 804: running dog

Chapter 804

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this young woman would really make the little boy better when she took action, and she wouldn't be arguing about eating Xuanjing cake!

Such a big addiction, if you don't have it, you won't!

However, some people still don't believe it, thinking that the lady and this woman are in the same group, and deliberately performing this show is to deceive everyone.

At this moment, a woman squeezed in from the crowd holding a two or three-year-old girl.

"Girl, you helped Wen Renyan's daughter during the day, right? I remember! It's you! Girl, please save my daughter! My daughter has similar symptoms to this boy!"

Mu Wushuang glanced at her and remembered that when he ate wontons at the Yan Muyu wonton shop opposite, there was this woman in the shop.

At that time, the woman wanted to come up with her daughter very much, but because of Lin's and Lin's guards, she did not dare to come forward.

"Okay, come here."

She nodded.

The woman was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that Mu Wushuang would really agree, and hurriedly carried his daughter forward.

Mu Wushuang used the same method to release the blood from the nerves of the little girl, and then stepped back.

The people around also quickly backed away, and just after backing, they heard a loud vomiting sound hitting the ground, and the same smell came out.

But people don't mind the smell anymore, just want to see if this little girl has the same effect and is not addicted to Xuanjing cake.

"Mother, I'm so hungry."

After vomiting, the little girl clutched her belly uncomfortably and said.

Everyone's heart is the same as that of the little girl and her mother, and they are all lifted up, is it not working? Does the little girl still want to eat Xuanjing cake?

"Tell mother... what do you want to eat?" the woman asked her daughter nervously.

The little girl pointed to the opposite side: "Eat wontons."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the little girl's mother was even more relieved, tears falling: "Okay, dear daughter, mother will take you to eat wontons."

When I took her to eat during the day, she didn't want to drink a mouthful of soup, and now she is finally willing to eat wontons! As long as it's not Xuanjing cake or eating dragon meat from the sky, she has to satisfy her daughter.

The wonton shop opposite was not affected by the smell, because Mu Wushuang arranged a barrier for the opposite in advance, and the smell could not pass.

The woman thanked her, and almost knelt down, and Mu Wushuang said to her:

"Take your daughter to eat wontons, let her raise them for ten and a half days and they will all be better, but you should be careful not to let her touch Xuanjing cake in the future."

The woman nodded repeatedly, "I won't let my daughter touch that kind of harmful things in my life!"

As soon as the woman took her daughter away, everyone around her gathered around, begging her to save her child.

Now everyone no longer doubts her motives. She hasn't received any money, so what motives are there!

Besides, the woman just said that she also saved Wen Renyan's daughter. Who is Wen Renyan? He is a member of the Wenren clan. Compared with these people, she can drink every day. If the family is involved, how can they lie to them!

She is just selflessly saving people!

Just now, many people who thought of her as a liar were very guilty and a little embarrassed. They actually regarded such a good person as a liar!

For Mu Wushuang, saving these people is just a simple effort, so she nodded lightly:

"Don't worry, I will save everyone present. You can line up and come one by one."

The crowd was overjoyed and quickly prepared to line up.

Suddenly, a group of people wearing the same costumes came over.

Someone whispered:

"It's the law enforcement elder and disciple of Qing Lei Zong!"

Mu Wushuang turned his head and looked over. The leader turned out to be an old man in the fairy king realm, and there were more than a dozen young disciples in the great Luo Jin fairy realm behind him.

They were grand and murderous, and came straight towards her.

Looks very hostile to her.

She squinted her eyes, she and Qing Lei Zong had no grievances and no grudges, these people were fierce, and the people who came were not good. It could not be nothing to look for. There must be a reason.

She glanced at Dian Zhai for the rest of the time, the guy inside with his head held up and his face looked good, her heart suddenly understood, it seems that Qing Lei Zong and Emperor Luo Hu should have a close relationship.

"There is a report from the masses, there is a woman here who is gathering people to make trouble, and the unrelated people will immediately disperse, otherwise it will be no good if my Qing Lei Zong Law Enforcement Hall has dealt with Chi Yu!"

The headed elder glanced coldly at Mu Wushuang, then said coldly to the people around him, with the coercion of the fairy king realm in his tone, which made the people present feel tremendous pressure.

They had to retreat, because Qing Lei Zong’s law enforcement hall was very rude, but they were unwilling to leave. Their children were likely to become stupid. Mu Wushuang was their hope. They didn’t want to look at Mu Wushuang. Something happened.

"Law enforcement disciple!" said the law enforcement elder.

"Yes!" a dozen disciples immediately responded loudly.

"This woman deceives the crowd within the scope of my Qing Lei Sect, gathers crowds to make trouble, and her crime is to be blamed. Come, let her rectify the law on the spot, so as to prevent you from emulating her!"

The old law enforcement elder said blankly, as if Mu Wushuang's life was in his eyes, it was a weak ant, he could kill if he wanted to.

Mu Wushuang's black eyes narrowed dangerously, and he sneered: "Demon talks to confuse the crowd? Gathering crowds to make trouble? The crime is to be blamed? You old man, Bai has grown for thousands of years, and the ability to open your eyes and tell lies is good, then you Tell me, how did I deceive the crowd?"

"You demon girl, dare to commit the crime! Okay, this elder must make you die clearly today! Here you played a scene with a few people to smear Xuanjing cake, and even said Xuanjing cake would be eaten by people. Addictive, it's not about deceiving the crowd!"

The law enforcement elder of Qing Lei Zong said sharply, deliberately letting out coercion, wanting to make Mu Wushuang directly kneel down, who knows the coercion fell on her, she didn't seem to feel it!

The law enforcement elder concentrated slightly. He could see that this woman's bone age was only over 20 years old. How could he resist the pressure of the Immortal King Realm with her cultivation base in Daluo Jinxian?

She must be some kind of treasure that can withstand the pressure of the fairy king realm!

"Smearing? Haha, it's really ridiculous." Mu Wushuang's mouth raised a mocking smile: "Xuanjing cake is addictive. I am afraid no one knows now, but you told me that I was deliberately smearing Xuan. Crystal cake? It seems that you are blind and heart-blind and have problems with your ears, law enforcement elder!"

"Or..." She stared at the law enforcement elder: "Or, elder law enforcement, you are the running dog of Emperor Luohu? If you are a running dog, then it can explain why you want to say that I am smearing Xuanjing cake."

"Damn it! A big rebellion!" The law enforcement elder suddenly became furious.

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