Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 805: Fairy stay

Chapter 805

"Cheap maid!"

The law enforcement elder glared with icy eyes and made no secret of his fierce murderous aura.

"Old dog, this is so irritated, it's really vulnerable."

Mu Wushuang said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

She just said a few words, and he was so annoyed that he wanted to kill without saying the more ugly words.

But this also shows that Qing Lei Zong is indeed implicated with Emperor Luohu.

Perhaps the backing of Qing Lei Sect is Emperor Luohu, otherwise, with the strength of Qing Lei Sect, it would be impossible to dominate in the Demon Capital, and it would have been swallowed by other forces long ago, let alone in the sphere of influence of Qing Lei Sect. The fastest teleportation array is built in.

After clarifying her thoughts, she narrowed her black eyes slightly and sneered in her heart. As expected, it was not a good thing.

"Come here, this **** maid talked nonsense, openly slandered this elder, took her down and executed it on the spot!"

The law enforcement elder snorted and ordered the people below to execute her directly!

Qing Lei Zong did climb onto the thigh of Emperor Luohu, but Xuan Jing cake is not glamorous, and it is indeed wrong, so he does not want to say more, as long as this cheap servant is put to death, to behave like you, see who else dares Make trouble in public!

In the past, there were a few troublemakers who killed the whole family directly. This time, this **** girl wanted to save people, and in front of so many people, she said that Xuanjing cake was addictive. Then she could not stay, she had to The worse you die, the better!

Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey! With a long memory, no one will dare to make such a big battle next time!

It's a pity that he thought well in his heart, but this time he encountered hardship.

Mu Wushuang was not the kind of ordinary person he could kill at will if he wanted to!

As soon as the disciple under his hand rushed over, they were flew out by the huge fluctuations, screaming incessantly, turning into the most shining star in the sky.

"Fairy King Realm!"

The law enforcement elder's eyes narrowed fiercely. This twenties-year-old maidservant has the cultivation base of the fairy king!

There was a huge shock in his heart, thinking that he had cultivated for thousands of years before he could have his current level of cultivation. The little girl in front of him took less than thirty years to achieve such cultivation. for! How can this calm down his heart!

I thought it was just an ant, but never expected that this cheap maid's cultivation base would be even with him! Have the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with him!

The people around were also shocked. This woman who helped others was actually a fairy king!

This is the first time they have seen such a young fairy king!

But why have you never heard of her name in the demon world? The young generation of immortal kings in the demon world is almost a handful, even the emperor Yuanyang and Luohu are in the realm of immortal kings! But when Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Luohu were at their age, they didn't have such a high level of cultivation!

Her aptitude must be comparable to that of the emperor!

But she is too low-key, so low-key that everyone never knew there was such a young female fairy king!


More than a dozen disciples of the Qing Lei Zong Law Enforcement Hall were all shot out, and the screams became smaller and smaller, and it was estimated that they had flown out several miles away.

The law enforcement elder frowned, and said coldly: "Any servant, you are so tired of doing this to my Qing Lei Zong disciple!"

"You want to kill me, I can't even fight back? There is no such reason in the world, dead old dog, I see, you are the one who is tired of life, right."

Mu Wushuang said quietly.

The law enforcement elder snorted: "You said this elder is tired of life? It's ridiculous, you are just the beginning of the fairy king, and the elder entered the fairy king realm for decades before you. You think you can kill the elder with your ability. dead?"

"It doesn't matter whether I can kill you or not, as long as two of my men can kill you."

A cold arc formed at the corner of her mouth, and as soon as the voice fell, Long Yi Long Er appeared behind her.

The two of them have been wearing masks. The masks can isolate people from prying eyes and make people unable to see their true faces. Although they are spiritual practitioners, they are all immortal kings. As soon as the coercion comes out, the face of the law enforcement elders Suddenly changed, and then took a few steps back with a defensive look.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but sneer in their hearts. How high the law enforcement elders were and didn't put their lives in sight. Now they feel the danger and become grandsons! Hide faster than anyone else!

"You old dog, just now you said that I was tired of my life. Why did I get so soon? It's really disappointing. The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the dignified Thunder Zong is so ridiculous that he has such courage and courage!"

Mu Wushuang mocked.

The law enforcement elder looked at the two immortal kings behind her with dread, his face turned pale, and Mu Wushuang, there were three immortal kings on the opposite side, he was naturally not an opponent, if he rashly shot, there would only be one ending-death!

Those who know the current affairs are the best ones. At this time, thirty-six strategies, running is the best strategy!

"Meaner, wait, my Qing Lei Sect will not let you go!"

Leaving this ruthless sentence, the law enforcement elder immediately ran away.

Long Yi and Long Er were murderous, they were about to chase them, but they were stopped by Mu Wushuang.

"No, don't worry about this old dog for now."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the people who were holding the child and had not left, and said loudly:

"Who else wants to treat the child?"

There was no response from the surroundings for a while.

This is the Qing Lei Sect, knowing the law enforcement elder of the Qing Lei Sect, there will be no way to survive! They just wanted to treat their children, and now they have retreated.

Mu Wushuang narrowed his eyes, turned around and took his son's hand, preparing to leave.

"Fairy stay! Save my son!"

At this time, a man walked out with the little boy in his arms, and he said loudly: "The big deal is that our family will not live in Qing Lei Zong in the future. For the future of my son, I will give it up! I can't just watch my child become one. Fool! Otherwise I will have a conscience for the rest of my life!"

This sentence made the parents present bow their heads and watched the children in their arms. The children who were once smart or cute became the dull and dull they are now. If they wait for the children to finally become fools, they Will you feel at ease in this life? I am afraid that he will eventually become the demon of cultivation!

"I want to treat my daughter too! I beg the fairy to stay!"

"Please, the fairy, save my child!"

The people around instantly gathered around, begging Mu Wushuang to save their children. They were no longer afraid of Qing Lei Zong, and there was nothing more important than children.

Mu Wushuang glanced at everyone and said quietly: "Let's line up."

Next, starting from this man’s son, she released nerves to these addicted children at a rapid rate. She thought she could finish it in a few sticks of incense, but she never expected that the people here would gather together. The more people heard the sound, a long queue with the children lined up behind the crowd.

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