Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 806: Seductive voice

Chapter 806

Qing Lei Zong.

The law enforcement elder reported what had happened on the street to the head of Qing Lei Zong and others.

After hearing this, everyone was so angry that no one had dared to slap Qing Lei Zong in the face like this!

What a daredevil! Lawless!

Qinglei ancestor, the head of the Qinglei Sect, is an old thing that has lived for thousands of years. His cultivation base is at the peak of the fairy king realm, but he can't take that crucial step for a long time and cannot become a fairy.

He looked at the anger and anger of the people under him, his eyes narrowed and he was silent.

The other party has three immortal kings, but he is the pinnacle of the immortal king, and he is not incapable of dealing with it, but he is a dignified leader. This little thing made him come out personally, which is detrimental to his face.

However, in addition to him in the clan, there are also two immortal kings, the law enforcement elder and the great elder.

"This woman is too arrogant, she simply doesn't put us Qing Lei Sect in sight!"

The law enforcement elder said angrily.

The ancestor Qinglei said blankly: "The other party has three immortal kings. They must be people of some great power. They are by no means ordinary people. There are only three immortal kings in the Qinglei Sect. The two women's subordinates are all Immortal King, how can we look at Qing Lei Sect again!"

This sounded very self-aware, but at the end of the talk, his expression turned gloomy, and he obviously had a serious murderous intention towards the woman who contempted his sect.

"What should we do then? Is it possible to watch her save so many people under our noses? Emperor Luohu will definitely blame us Qinglei Sect by then!"

The Great Elder of Qing Lei Sect said angrily.

The others nodded in agreement.

It is a trivial matter to lose face, but to be blamed by Emperor Luohu, that is a major matter, they had difficulty climbing on this golden thigh in the first place!

If Emperor Luohu is angry, he will no longer protect them, with their sect's strength, being swallowed by other big sects is just a matter of blinking an eye.

"Naturally, we should report the matter to Emperor Luohu, how to deal with it, he has his own ideas, at best we are not doing things badly, so we won't carry the whole pot."

Qing Lei Ancestor said.

This matter must be told to Emperor Luohu. Someone made trouble and demolished his station. He must be very angry. Then, how could he think of blaming their sect for not doing well.

However, he wanted to be beautiful, but he didn’t even contact the Emperor Luohu’s people. The ancestor Qinglei went to and fro several times, and only after contacting Emperor Luohu’s confidant did he realize that Emperor Luohu and Emperor Qiyao Yuanyang They entered the Chiri Palace to meet the Immortal Emperor, but they have not yet come out.

The ancestor Qinglei had to tell the confidant of Emperor Luohu what had happened, and sneered:

"You Qinglei Sect can't handle this little thing, what use is Qinglei Sect?"

The ancestor Qinglei quickly explained that the other party had three immortal kings, maybe people of great power. They didn't dare to offend him rashly for fear of causing trouble to Emperor Luohuo, so they came here to tell the emperor.

The confidant wanted to kill the people in the mouth of Qinglei ancestor before Emperor Luohu left the Chiri Palace to perform meritorious services. He heard that the other party had three immortal kings and immediately turned off the fire, but said coldly:

"It's really useless, don't you know how to investigate the identity of this woman before reporting it? Your Qing Lei Sect is really getting worse and worse!"

The ancestor Qinglei repeatedly apologized, and after he left, he was furious. This person was arrogant. If it weren't for Emperor Luohu's sake, this person would have died many times!

But Emperor Luohu didn't know when he would come out, and he really didn't dare to rush out, fearing that he would get into trouble if he got into a big person. As the master of a sect, he had to think about the sect.

So I had to send someone to find out the whereabouts of the woman.

Mu Wushuang and his son changed their faces, Long Yi Long Er was still wearing a mask, they wanted to check her identity, it was harder than Deng Tian!

Until Emperor Luohu came out of the Chiri Palace, the people sent by Qinglei Patriarch did not find out Mu Wushuang's identity, and she was not in line with any major power in the demon world.

At this time, the sky is already bright, and there are not many people lining up with children on the street, but many parents of children who have been cured are unwilling to take their children away, and spontaneously stand around, acting as a protective umbrella for her. .

Mu Wushuang was very moved. After coming to the demon world, most of the monster races she met were evil people, but among the people saved this time, perhaps some were white-eyed wolves, but most of the children’s parents were A person who knows gratitude is not a person who extinguishes his conscience.

This is normal, just like Jiang'er, the steward, and the fat shopkeeper in Bansha City are all kind demon races. There is no reason why the demon races in the entire demon world are evil.

Therefore, although she offended Emperor Luohu to save people this time, she did not regret it.

What's more, she originally brought her son out to do things. The bigger the trouble, the more satisfied she will be. Anyway, someone will help her and her son.

Feeling the position of someone moving in the ring, he appeared to be coming out of Chiri Palace. After he healed the last child, Mu Wushuang said to everyone:

"You all go back, don't stay here, I want to go too."

"Thank you Fairy for helping! Please also ask the Fairy's name, I will repay you in the future!"

Someone said loudly.

Mu Wushuang said quietly: "The doctor is kind, saving your child is just a matter of effort for me, you leave early, Qing Lei Sect is acting improperly, the methods are dirty, you should be careful."

When she finally reminded them to pay attention to their safety, everyone was moved. Everyone thanked and refused to leave.

Mu Wushuang led her son to leave here first, because it won't be long before Emperor Luohu will know what happened here, she is not afraid, but these people are angered by Emperor Luohu, then she is not saving people in vain.

After she left, everyone left quickly. They knew more about what Qing Lei Sect was doing, so it was better to leave the Qing Lei Sect's sphere of influence as soon as possible to avoid being retaliated by Qing Lei Sect.

But they remembered Mu Wushuang's kindness to the bottom of their hearts. She didn't ask for anything in return for doing good deeds. Although it was just a simple effort for her, she saved countless families.

After they left, the dim sum restaurant selling Xuan Jing cakes exuded a strong stench, and the dim sum men would have a strong psychological shadow.

Mu Wushuang and her son are as white as ever. They love to be clean, and they have arranged the barriers. Even under their feet, there is no dirt and no smell in the nose. She deliberately let these children vomit at the door of the dim sum restaurant. , Deliberately disgusting them.

Just a few steps out of the Qing Lei Sect's sphere of influence, Mu Wushuang felt that the ring was fluctuating.

The next moment, the emperor's uncle's deep and pleasant voice appeared in her mind:

"Shuang'er, did you bring your son into trouble again? Huh?"

In the end, the upper-pick "um" sound made her ears pregnant. The emperor's uncle's voice was too attractive and foul!

She snorted and replied:

"Emperor Qi Yao's voice sounds full of anger, it seems that the spring breeze is good, and he wants to embrace the beauty."

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