Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 807: Abyss Jade Slip

Chapter 807 Abyss Jade Slip

Long Moshen heard Shuang'er's jealous voice, and remembered the situation reported by Long Yi's voice transmission, and smiled, with a splendid brilliance in his eyes.

Seeing this, the emperor Yuanyang on the side looked full of gloomy birds and hummed coldly:

"I also forgot to congratulate Emperor Qiyao, Emperor Xianxian gave the marriage, she will soon marry Miss Wenrenshan, but I don't know what the sake girl will feel when she learns about this?"

"It won't take the Yuanyang emperor to worry about it. You should take care of your injury as soon as possible, so as not to be told by the Immortal Emperor that you have not made progress, but have regressed."

Long Mo replied expressionlessly.

Speaking of this, Emperor Yuanyang's face was even more ugly, and his red hair was about to explode.

Emperor Qi Yao seized his divine tool and ruined his cultivation, but when the immortal emperor knew about it, he didn't blame Qi Yao in a word, but said that his cultivation was not as good as a human, and he was injured.

But you must know that before this, he was the head of the three emperors in the demon world, the emperor that the immortal emperor valued most, and he was trained as the next immortal emperor!

This time he is considered to have a great realization. In the eyes of the emperor, only interests are the most important. Which emperor is better, he will go to which side, his artifact is taken away, and the foundation is injured. The emperor does not value him, and instead values ​​him. Qi Yao has become the Immortal Venerable, because Qi Yao can be promoted to the Immortal Venerable, it shows that his luck is stronger, and he...

Emperor Yuanyang gritted his teeth and bitterly, he shouldn't have agreed to the gambling agreement and let Qi Yao take away his artifact! Lost luck!

"Yes, Yuanyang, you will have to work hard next time. This time even the emperor praised me for progress. You were the strongest among us, but now you are not as good as the emperor. The emperor is not disappointed. Weird!"

Emperor Luohu took the opportunity to go down the rock. He was handsome and his eyes looked very affectionate. At first glance, he was the kind of man who likes to confuse people with rhetoric.

He belongs to the grass on the wall, and the wind blows on both sides. In the past, when the Emperor Yuanyang was valued by the Emperor, he was very close to the Emperor Yuanyang. Now that the Emperor Yuanyang lost his momentum, he turned his head and went to the Qiyao Emperor. The son made a good deal, and the Emperor Yuanyang fell into trouble.

In the eyes of Emperor Luohu, the Emperor Yuanyang who had lost the artifact was inferior to him, and one day he would lose his luck and be kicked out of the ranks of the Emperor.

"Qiyao, congratulations on getting married with Miss Shan, the first beauty of our monster city. This is really a happy event. Let's go, my brother will take you to drink and celebrate!"

Emperor Qi Yao said lightly:

"You don’t need to drink, but this is indeed worth celebrating. I heard that Miss Shan got two inheritable abyss jade slips in the ancient ruins this time. She let out a word and one of the abyss jade slips will be given to her in the future. My husband, if the emperor is married to her, the other abyss jade is simply owned by the emperor. Today, the emperor is going to the Wenren family banquet to meet Miss Shan, so I will invite him again. Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Luohu drink a bar."

His tone was indifferent, with a sense of superior mastery.

Abyss Jade Jane!

When Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Luohu heard this, their pupils turned round!

At their level, they understand the importance of the abyss jade slip better than anyone!

The first one that people want most is the eternal jade seal, and the second is the abyss jade slip!

The former can increase air transport, as long as four immortal jade seals are collected, the world of immortality can be opened and the way to immortality can be found.

The latter is a symbol of status. With the abyss jade slip, you can enter the abyss tower ship. The abyss tower ship is said to be the supreme artifact that fell from the immortal world to the immortal world in the ancient times!

Why is it a symbol of status, because the abyss jade slip is extremely rare, but as long as you have the abyss jade slip and successfully brand your own mark, let the jade slip recognize the master, you can enter the abyss tower ship with a specific noble identity. Get the chance!

There are some ancient families in the fairy world that have an abyss jade slip that can be passed down. They are proud to own the abyss jade slip. Just like the giants such as the Tiangong, the Helian family, and the Great Xia Dynasty, they have only one abyss jade slip!

If they can also have the abyss jade slips, then their identities will be different!

Legend has it that every year the Abyss Tower Ship will be opened for one day. On that day, all those who hold the Abyss Jade Slip can enter the Abyss Tower Ship. If luck is good, there will be big figures in the immortal world projected, as long as they can be pointed by them. The last sentence can benefit infinitely!

Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Luohu were jealous almost at the same time!

Wen Renshan's luck is so great that she won two abyss jade slips in one breath! However, she happened to give another piece of jade slip to Qi Yao!

Qi Yao is now promoted to the realm of Immortal Venerable, and he is already in the limelight, but he did not expect to have such a chance!

If he really got that abyss jade slip, wouldn't he be even stronger and throw them two farther away!

No way! Can't let him get that abyss jade slip!

Seeing the indifferent expression of Emperor Qi Yao's ambition, Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Luohu were extremely upset, and had already made up their minds to cut his beard!

Why should all the benefits be taken up by Qi Yao!

When he becomes stronger, in the future, the two of them will have no place to stand!

Emperor Yuanyang said coldly: "Then congratulate Emperor Qiyao again in advance. You have to watch Miss Shan and don't let her marry another man!"

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left.

Emperor Luohu's eyes flickered, and he was about to find an excuse to leave, when he saw his confidant coming, and then said a few words in his ear, he was furious:

"God brave! Someone dared to demolish the emperor's desk! I'm so tired and crooked! Go, the emperor is going to chase him to the end of the world, and he has to peel it off and remove it!"

Emperor Luohu and his men also left in an instant.

The faint smile on Emperor Qi Yao's face was reduced, and he looked at the direction of Emperor Luohu's departure with cold eyes. There was a murderous opportunity looming. For a long time, he looked back at the Scarlet Sun Palace behind him and turned away.

As he walked, he spoke to Shuang'er:

"Hold what kind of beauty? Under the world, only my twin can be called a beauty. Shuang'er wants to give her husband a hug?"

When Mu Wushuang heard this, his old face blushed. After waiting for a long time, who would have thought that he would say these words, but the emperor's uncle's coaxing skills are improving day by day, and the sweetness between her eyebrows and eyes cannot be suppressed. Up.

"I'm not ashamed!"

"Shuang'er is too old for her husband?"

"Don't slap your tongue, hurry up and answer directly, did Immortal Emperor Qianxing give you a marriage?"

Long Mo laughed deeply. Shuang'er really cared about this issue most. He wanted to be late, and waited for certain things to become a foregone conclusion before telling her. Now it seems that if she didn't tell her clearly, she would be in a bad mood. .

He said: "The son of Emperor Luohu has been found. You throw off the tail behind you and change your face again. I will find you and your son.

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