Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 819: Master of the Abyss Tower

Chapter 819: Master of the Abyss Tower

Seeing that Mu Wushuang was a raw face, Zhou cried out at the banquet at will, wanting to call someone to blast her mother and son out.

Lin hurriedly said: "Madam, this person is my friend. I invited her in and let her come in for a long time. I will let them take them out."

Although Lin was a little unhappy with Mu Wushuang's untimely utterance, the other party rescued her daughter, so she should help to speak.

She looked at Mu Wushuang and said to her: "You quickly apologize to Miss Shan and don't interrupt indiscriminately in the future."

Mu Wushuang frowned slightly, she just asked a question aloud and asked her to apologize?

What if you don't apologize?

"No problem!" Wen Renshan said suddenly.

She likes to fight against the two princesses and sisters, but she is disgusted by Wenren Lingyan, so she wants to keep people behind.

"There are too many people who don't know Abyss Yujian, and it's normal for this elder sister to not know!"

Big sister?

Big sister of your sister!

My bone age is only over 20, and your bone age is almost a thousand. Are you embarrassed to call my elder sister? Are you blind?

Mu Wushuang complained in his heart.

But there was a decent smile on her face: "I would like to hear the details."

Wen Renshan nodded with satisfaction. Since she has got two Abyssal Jade Slips, she must show it off. She wants to emphasize the importance of Abyssal Jade Slips, which is her most important dowry!

"It's normal if you haven't heard of the Abyss Tower Ship, because only a big family or a cultivator with the top cultivation level can have the opportunity to touch this level. Well, you are only at this level. Naturally, you can't touch this level."

She glanced at Mu Wushuang, and saw that she was only at the early stage of Jinxian's cultivation base, and said lightly, with the feeling of despising Mu Wushuang's cultivation base.

Mu Wushuang was a bit speechless, Wen Renshan herself was just a master of Jinxian's cultivation base, what is she proud of?

Is she proud of her fairyland?

People nowadays don't know low-key at all.

Wen Renshan randomly ordered a female guest and said, "You are Wu Hongjiang's granddaughter. Come and explain to her the origin of the Abyss Tower Ship."

The female guest pursed her lips and stood up. She seemed to be a little reluctant, but this is also reasonable. Wen Renshan is too shameless. This woman is also famous in Yaodu, her grandfather Wu Hongjiang is the head of the second sect of the Yaodu. He has a distinguished status. On weekdays, others flatter her and call her grandfather's name rudely like Wen Renshan. He has never.

And even asked her to explain things to a little person of unknown origin, just look down on her!

But who made Wen Renshan the most beloved niece of the Immortal Emperor? Wen Renshan would call her name for the existence of Zhongxing Pengyue. If she doesn't stand up, she might be remembered by Wen Renshan.

Besides, the three emperors are here, she still has to take the opportunity to perform well, and then said:

"This abyss tower ship is said to be a supreme artifact that fell from the immortal realm to the immortal realm in ancient times. It wanders in the abyss void. Some people say that it is the intersection of the immortal realm and the immortal realm, and some say it is cosmic. The place of origin, but no one can be sure where it is, only knowing that it is such a powerful existence as the Immortal Emperor, it is difficult to stay in the void beyond the Abyss Tower Ship for more than half an hour."

Hearing this, Mu Wushuang remembered the scene when she put the divine sense out of the tower ship and collected it in an instant. If she didn’t collect it quickly, that strand of divine sense would not only be abolished, but would also affect her body. To hurt the root.

What this girl Wu said seemed a bit similar to the tower ship she entered.

"It is said that the Abyss Tower Ship is the magic weapon of the great figures in the immortal world, and the vitality of the great figures remains on it. If the great people are in a good mood, they will be projected into the Abyss Tower Ship. I have a few pointers. It is said that the Emperor Jiuyou entered the Abyss Tower Ship After getting the guidance of a big man, he was promoted to the emperor."

Emperor Jiuyou? Isn't that the emperor's father in the fairy world?

She subconsciously looked at the emperor's uncle, and it happened to meet his deep and quiet pupils. Her heart was throbbing, guilty, awful, revealing! Wear it!

Uncle Huang must have noticed it!

He is so smart, he must be able to guess that she already knows when she looks over it.

I knew it, I just stopped looking at it.

"Twin, listen carefully."

Someone gave her a deep voice.

Listening to his tone, she knew that there was no luck, he already knew.

"The abyss jade slip is the key to unlock the abyss tower ship. It is said that there are a total of fifty-eight abyss jade slips, which were scattered throughout the immortal world in ancient times. As long as the abyss jade slips successfully recognize the master, they will imprint their divine consciousness imprint on them. , The person who enters the Abyss Tower Ship for the first time can get a chance. When Emperor Xia Wen, the prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, first entered the Abyss Tower Ship, he obtained the essence and blood of the ancient barbarian god. It is the reincarnation of the barbarian god, but thanks to this drop of blood from the barbarian god, he has his current reputation."

Mu Wushuang was puzzled again. The first time she entered the tower ship, she didn't get any hair.

Is her tower ship and the abyss tower ship different?

"But." Seeing that everyone listened patiently to her story, Miss Wu couldn't help feeling a little proud, so she spoke more in detail.

"However, the Abyss Tower Ship is divided into different levels. If the person who has obtained the Abyss Jade Slips has a low level of cultivation, he can only enter the bottom layer of the Abyss Tower Ship, which has 36 seats. When the Abyss Tower is opened every year At that time, thirty-six people can enter the lowest level, but the opportunity for the lowest level is even smaller, so those who can get the abyss jade slip will wait until the cultivation base is high before entering, so that they can get a good opportunity in one fell swoop."


Mu Wushuang concentrated his attention, that is to say, when the Abyss Tower was closed or opened, then she may have entered the Abyss Tower before, but it has not been opened yet.

This girl just now said that the bottom floor has thirty-six seats, exactly the same as what she saw.

She was faintly hot in her heart. Before the Abyss Tower was opened, she could go in. Not only could she go up to the first floor, but also to the second floor, and she could also sit on the first seat. That piece of jade left by the king of Hades. Jane, what does it represent?

She felt that this girl Wu did not speak in detail, perhaps, girl Wu did not understand the situation of the Abyss Tower very clearly.

"You are right, but as early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Abyss Tower was recognized as its master!"

At this time, Wen Renshan said in a high-pitched voice.

Mu Wushuang pricked up his ears silently.

"After the Abyss Tower recognizes the Lord, those opportunities are controlled by the owner of the Abyss Tower. Although the opportunities are random, the owner can control whether to give them or not!" Wen Renshan said casually.

"Then the master didn't give the opportunity to come in for nothing!"

Someone asked.

Wen Renshan sneered and said: "However, the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship has disappeared for hundreds of years. It is estimated that he has died long ago. Now everyone who enters the Abyss Tower Ship can get a chance. It is also a great opportunity!"

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