Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 820: Shrew scolding the street

Chapter 820

Wen Renshan's words are very arrogant, but it seems to everyone that she has arrogant capital, because she has two abyss jade slips, and she will definitely be able to enter the abyss tower ship in the future.

Since the Abyss Tower Ship is now an unowned thing, then, with her luck, she will definitely get a great opportunity.

Although people are jealous and envious, it cannot be denied that Wen Renshan is indeed a person with strong luck and is a person valued by the Emperor.

An inexhaustible color flashed across Mu Wushuang’s face. If you guessed it correctly, Hades was the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship, and she could enter before the Abyss Tower Ship was opened. It was the main seat again, and it should be the Abyss Tower. The new owner of the ship!

Then, doesn't she want the Abyss Tower Ship to give it if she has the chance, but not to give it if she doesn't want to?

Wen Renshan is so arrogant, saying that she will definitely get a big chance at that time, and when the Abyss Tower Ship opens, she will have a face.

Well, the face delivered to the door is not white or white.

I really want to see how ugly Wen Renshan's face is by then.

Thinking about it this way, she is looking forward to the day when the Abyss Tower Ship opens. She feels that many of her questions need to wait for the Abyss Tower Ship to open before she finds the answer.

"Do you understand?"

At this moment, Wen Renshan suddenly looked at her, holding her chin proudly, as if she was giving her an expression of kindness.

Mu Wushuang got what he wanted to know, so he didn't bother to pay attention to Wen Renshan. Anyway, Wen Renshan's purpose was to show off her abyssal jade Jane through her questions. She wouldn't be naive to think of Wen Renshan. Will be so kind to her.

Of course, if Wen Renshan had a better attitude, she would not have such an attitude, and maybe she would say thank you.

This is called treating the person's body by his own way.

"You woman, can you be deaf? This lady asks you something!"

Seeing that Mu Wushuang did not respond, Wen Renshan frowned and said angrily, feeling insulted.

Lin did not expect that Mu Wushuang would be so ignorant. Ms. Shan explained to her the origin of the Abyss Tower Ship. After listening to her, she didn't show any signs. It was really rude. She was afraid that Ms. Shan would anger her. Road:

"Ms. Shan asks if you understand, you speak quickly, why do you look like a dumb! Hurry up and apologize to Miss Shan!"

Want to apologize again?

This is the second time Lin made her apologize.

Mu Wushuang squinted his eyes and glanced at Lin. Lin looked no different from yesterday. The little girl next to her stood aside obediently and sensibly. She didn't have the arrogant appearance of having to eat Xuanjing cake like yesterday. It's completely better, you can see Lin's current appearance, as if she gave herself an invitation to charity, and now that she does not meet her expectations, she is a little angry, as if she wants to separate her from her.

She sneered in her heart. She thought Lin was a good one, but now it seems like that.

But she didn't regret saving people, after all, the little girl is innocent.

"Oh, I just lost my mind. What Ms. Wu and Ms. Shan said made me very touched. I didn't expect that the Abyss Tower Ship actually came from the immortal world, but the immortal world was originally a legend. The way of eternal life, I am afraid it is naive to place hope on a ship."

Mu Wushuang said lightly.

"Funny! You don't know anything, so you dare to speak up here! You don't even understand how powerful the Abyss Tower is!"

Wen Renshan sneered.

"Of course I don't know. Before today, I hadn't even heard the name of the Abyss Tower."

Mu Wushuang said frankly.

"Sure enough, it's a bun!" Wen Renshan snorted again, "talking to you is an insult to my identity!"

"Then don't talk to me!"


She is simply **** off for life!

"Come here!" Wen Renshan shouted.

At this moment, Emperor Qi Yao stood up suddenly, Wen Renshan ignored Mu Wushuang, and asked Emperor Qi Yao, "Brother Qi Yao, what are you going to do?"

"Such a boring party, what do you want the emperor to sit for?"

Emperor Qi Yao said coldly.

Mu Wushuang hooked his lips, and the emperor saved the scene.

Anyway, there is the emperor's uncle, she has no fear. If the emperor weren't there, she wouldn't be so boldly angry at Renshan.

"Why is it boring? The fun hasn't started yet!" Wen Renshan said. She didn't want Emperor Qi Yao to leave. Today she and Qi Yao were the protagonists of the banquet. How long will it take for Qi Yao to leave so quickly? Others laugh out loud.

"The **** scolds the street, isn't it boring?" Emperor Qi Yao said with a blank expression.

Wen Renshan's face turned black in an instant, and the emperor Qi Yao actually said that she was a **** scolding the street!

Many people at the scene almost laughed, but they froze in time, otherwise Wen Renshan would definitely show them good looks.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Qiyao hated Wenrenshan so much, he said she was a shrew in public!

This laughingstock can make people say ten days and a half months in private.

Wenren Lingwan and Wenren Lingyan would naturally not let this opportunity to shame Wenrenshan, and each laughed loudly.

Wenren Ling Wan said: "I didn't expect Emperor Qi Yao to be very insightful. I can see the hidden nature of sister Shan'er at a glance."

This is to say that Wen Renshan was originally a shrew.

Wenren Lingyan said:

"The princess said that Sister Shan'er and Qi Yao are not suitable. Sister Shan'er, Qi Yao's mouth is too poisonous. If he takes you to heart, he will never speak to you like this, so take advantage of it. If you are not married yet, you should go to your uncle to take back the will and find another son-in-law for you!"

Wen Renshan bit her back molar and said, "Then don't bother with the second sister. Brother Qi Yao is not talking about Miss Ben, but about Lin!"

Lin lay innocently, but he quickly said with a smile: "Yes, that's me, the emperor Qi Yao said, please stop arguing, I shut my mouth and stopped talking."

"Really raised a good dog!" Wen Ren Ling Yan snorted coldly.

However, this incident can be considered to have passed. Wen Renshan ignored Wenren Lingyan, and Mu Wushuang was temporarily forgotten. Wen Renshan did not want Emperor Qi Yao to leave, and at the same time, he might show off, so he immediately clapped his hands. Road:

"For those of you who came to the banquet today, you have a good blessing. When my uncle went to the Great Xia Dynasty, he transplanted dozens of fairy trees with dragon fruit to this lady. Today is the exact date set by this lady and brother Qi Yao On the day of marriage, I will reward you each with a dragon fruit!"

"Dragon Fruit!"

"Sixth Stage Fairy Fruit!"

Many people said in shock.

They were shocked because the dragon silk fruit only grows in the royal family of the eastern battlefield. Ordinary people can't eat it even if there are more mysterious spirit stones. The Great Xia Dynasty does not sell dragon silk fruit. They did not expect that the emperor would actually do it for Miss Shan. Transplant the dragon xu fruit fairy tree here.

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