Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 821: Show some color

Chapter 821

"Everyone can eat Longxueguo, but this lady doesn't welcome the dumplings. Presumably, the longxueguo doesn't even know what it is. Eating it is a waste. Don't you think?"

Wen Renshan deliberately aimed at Mu Wushuang and said loudly.

Everyone is naturally happy to have dragon beard fruit to eat, and everyone says yes.

If you have money, you can’t eat Longxu fruit. Longxu fruit is a tribute fruit that can only be eaten by the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty. Although it is only six-rank, it is really a fairy fruit that can only be eaten with the highest status. Early adopters?

Too much deception!

Long Xuanxi frowned, saying as if someone rares her Dragon Beard fruit, he would not eat it for him! He is too dirty!

"Mother, the dragon's beard fruit should be planted by the lake, I want to show her some color!"

He looked at the tightly packed fruit trees around the lake, guessing that it should be Wen Renshan's most proud of Longxu Guo, so he spoke to his mother.

"Okay, you just let it go." Mu Wushuang nodded.

It's also time to teach Wen Renshan a lesson. She agrees with her son's ideas, otherwise she would think that the mother and son are good bullies.

Long Mo concentrated deeply and summoned the nearby fairy beasts. There was an enchantment around the dragon bear fruit fairy tree, and some fairy beasts couldn't get in at all. He had to see how to make Wenrenshan ashamed.

At this moment, he heard his father's steady voice:

"Son, the dragon beard fruit tree is delicate and has a fatal flaw. The roots lack water and will absorb the nutrients of the fruit."

Long Xuanxi's eyes lit up, and his father was indeed a father. He even saw his purpose and told him the shortcomings of the dragon's bear fruit tree.

"Thank you daddy!"

He passed through, and then immediately summoned the fairy beasts underground, and ordered them to directly gnaw off the roots of the dragon's whisker fruit tree. The roots are gone, and the fruit tree will absorb the nutrients of the fruit in such a way that it lacks water.

He was suddenly looking forward to hearing how wonderful the expression on Renshan's face was later!

Wen Renshan didn't get people to drive Mu Wushuang mother and son out, and she said that deliberately, just to humiliate them. The echoing voices around them made her very proud. She wanted to see if the two mothers and sons had any face. Sit here!

"Papa! Open the barrier!"

Following Wen Renshan’s clapping hands, the maids stepped forward and opened the barriers around dozens of dragon-beard fruit trees by the lake. Everyone watched attentively, waiting to see what the dragon-beard fruit looks like. Guo’s name has never seen Dragonsula before.

However, the faces of the two sisters Wenren Lingwan were very ugly, and none of them had seen Longxuguo. The father actually gave all the fairy trees to Wenrenshan, who is his biological daughter?

If it hadn't been for this banquet today, they wouldn't have known it, and their father would not have paid attention to them.

Seeing Wen Renshan's proud and majestic face, both of them had the desire to leave directly.

Eat a fart dragon fruit!


All the barriers were opened, revealing dozens of lush and lush fruit trees, with fruits that looked like dragon's whiskers hanging on them, which was very strange.

But... why does this fruit look so dry?

Does the dragon bear fruit grow like this?

Moreover, it is a sixth-grade fairy fruit, but you can't feel the strong breath on the fruit. What is going on?

Wen Renshan still didn't notice it, and said proudly:

"Dragon fruit is a fairy fruit that can only be eaten by Daxia royal family. Uncle knows that I like to eat all kinds of fairy fruit, so this time I went to Daxia Dynasty to order dozens of dragon fruit trees. Today, this lady is generous. Once, I will reward you for eating the dragon's beard fruit, and I promise you will not be happy after eating it."

As she was talking, a breeze suddenly blew.


She ate the unthinking dragon beard fruit in her mouth and was blown by the wind, and it all fell to the ground. The air suddenly seemed to freeze, and the needle fell silently.


Unexpectedly, the first person to laugh out loud was actually Emperor Luohuo.

Immediately afterwards, Wenren Lingyan burst into laughter, pointed at the bare fruit tree, almost breathless with laughter.

"This princess is laughing so hard, sister Shan'er, would you let us eat leaves?"

Wenren Ling Wan also pursed her lips and smiled.

Mu Wushuang slapped his son quietly and praised him: "Good job!"

"No! Impossible!"

Wen Renshan's eyes widened, and angrily questioned several maids: "What's the matter! Why did the dragon fruit fall to the ground!"

The maids were all hesitating and speechless. This dragon fruit has been meticulously served by them, and the enchantment has not been moved. How could this happen?

It was Wen Renshan's most important maid, Pearl, who was also anxious and said, "Miss, someone must have maliciously damaged the dragon bear fruit!"

"Who dare to sabotage? It's because you didn't serve well! Shan'er, these maids did something wrong, and they can be punished earlier, so they don't have to make mistakes the next time and lose your face." Wenren Lingyan said deliberately.

"Miss, forgive me! I really don't care about our business!"

The maids of Pearl and the others knelt down and begged for mercy.

Wen Renshan clenched her fists.

At this moment, Emperor Yuanyang suddenly got up and walked towards the dragon's silk fruit tree.

Wenren Lingwan frowned, what is he going to do?

I saw that Emperor Yuanyang directly uprooted a dragon beard fruit tree, Wen Renshan was about to scold, this is the fruit tree given to her by the uncle. It is very delicate and inseparable from water. Pulling it out can easily kill the fruit tree.

But she soon saw that the roots under the dragon's beard fruit tree had disappeared, as if they had been eaten by something.

"Miss Shan, it is the underground fairy beast that ate the roots of the dragon beast, so these dragon beasts became shriveled and withered."

Emperor Yuanyang spoke quietly, his tone not rushed.

Wenren Lingwan frowned again when she saw this.

Emperor Luohu squinted his eyes and understood the intentions of Emperor Yuanyang. He didn’t expect that Emperor Yuanyang would also be interested in the abyss jade slip, but I’m afraid no one in this world would be interested in the abyss jade slip. .

Emperor Yuanyang has begun to show his courtesy to Wen Renshan, and let him take the lead!

He couldn't let him start first, Emperor Luohu thought, but what he said at this time seemed too deliberate to make Wenren Lingyan suspicious.

"You actually let the fairy beast eat it! Damn the fairy beast! Come, dig the ground three feet, and find these fairy beasts for me, skin them all for me and hang them on the tree to see if there are any fairy beasts who dare to eat. Miss's stuff!"

Wen Renshan said viciously.

Her dozens of dragon-beard fruit trees were all destroyed. Without roots, they were about to die. How unreliable she was, this was given to her by her uncle, and she wanted to vent her anger with those fairy beasts!

However, after she gave the order, the people under her staff did not find a fairy beast from the ground. It turned out that after Long Xuanxi summoned the fairy beast, they immediately dispersed.

Wen Renshan lost her lining and face, and her face was even uglier than pig liver overnight.

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