Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 822: Damn

Chapter 822

Wen Renshan was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke. Although the reason for the dragon's wilting was found, she could not catch the fairy beast under the ground to vent her anger. Wenren Lingwan and the two sisters were still ridiculing and saying that even the fairy beast would not be seen. She didn't want her to hold this banquet.

"Emperor Qi Yao is right. Your banquet is too boring. Sister Shan'er, we didn’t let us eat the dragon fruit. This banquet is just a waste of our precious time. Let alone, this princess doesn’t want to be here. Surrendered."

Wenren Lingyan stood up while talking, preparing to leave the field early.

But Emperor Luohu didn't want to leave yet, so he didn't get up.

Wenren Lingyan glanced at him and said, "Luo Hu, what are you still doing here?"

Emperor Luohu had to stand up too, but he looked around, looking for a chance to stay, the Abyss Jade Jane was bound to win, and he could only work on Wen Renshan, leaving the field so early, wouldn't it be Yuanyang? The emperor takes advantage of this.

When he saw the Mu Wushuang mother and son in the corner, his eyes suddenly flashed. Isn't this woman the one Qing Lei Zong said?

He thought she was a bit familiar before, as if she had seen it somewhere, but he didn't remember it for a while.

Now look again, this woman is the person on the portrait painted by the law enforcement elder of Qing Lei Zong!

That horrible woman who dared to pluck hair on his head!

Mu Wushuang felt the killing intent suddenly.

But she looked at Emperor Luohu indifferently, her chin raised slightly, and the tail of her eyes was provocative-come on, the old lady is here, not afraid of you!

Emperor Luohu never thought that this woman was not guilty at all, but provoked him!

Dare to put his dignified emperor in his eyes!

"You are so brave! The emperor must peel you off today!"

He pointed to Mu Wushuang's direction, violently cursing.

Emperor Luohu suddenly furious, making everyone confused, and subconsciously shrinking his neck.

Only Lin's eyes flashed, and she guessed that Emperor Luohu had recognized Mu Wushuang, but she did not say anything. It is better to do less as Emperor Luohu was angry, and she did not have the courage to speak out.

"Luo Hui, what's the matter?"

Wenren Lingyan asked.

She rarely saw Luo Hufa so angry.

Emperor Luohu said coldly:

"It's this woman who dared to make trouble in the dim sum restaurant of the emperor, causing great loss to the emperor. She is still under the eyes of the emperor, delusional to cross the sea without being foolish!"

"You said that someone was making trouble before, is that this dumpling?"

Wen Ren Lingyan narrowed his eyes, looking at Mu Wushuang's eyes with dangerous cold light.

No one knows how profitable Xuanjing cake is. No one knows better than she and Luo Huo. The net profit of the entire demon world is hundreds of millions every day. Because the addiction of Xuanjing cake can't be quit, if the child becomes addicted, then the family will go bankrupt. Not far away, the minimum daily consumption is more than two thousand high-grade Xuan Lingshi. She was only interested in the wealth of Xuan Jing cake, and she agreed to put her name on Luo Hui to deter some troublemakers.

She heard Luo Hui mentioned it before, saying that there is a woman who is very evil and can cut off the addiction of children. Within the sphere of influence of Qing Lei Zong, thousands of children have been let out of the addictive blood. So many children, one day It can lose 20 million yuan, which is a huge fortune in one month.

But what made Wenren Lingyan angry was not the loss of so many profound spirit stones, but the fact that this woman didn't put her, the princess of the Demon Realm, in her eyes, and made trouble openly.

This is tantamount to a blatant provocation to her!

"Yes, princess, that's her!"

Emperor Luohu said.

"Then what are you trying to do, kill her and hang her body on the street of Qing Lei Zong, and see if anyone has the courage to make trouble next time!"

Wenren Lingyan said fiercely.


Mu Wushuang stood up slowly, with a faint smile on his face:

"You said I was making trouble, but is there evidence?"

Emperor Luohu coldly snorted: "Many people in Qing Lei Sect saw you making trouble all day last night. Everyone is a witness! You can't even think about quibbling!"

"What am I doing?"

She pretended to be at a loss: "I've been helping people to save people all night, so where is the trouble?"

The faces of Emperor Luohu and Wenren Lingyan were cold.

What a helper to save people! This woman is really neat.

They are also not easy to say clearly, everyone knows about selling Xuanjing cakes, but it is not good to put it on the bright side. This woman saves people, but it hurts their interests and does not let them go. In the eyes, must die.

"My Lord mainly kills you, kills you if you want, no evidence is needed!"

"Oh, it turns out that the princess of the Demon Realm can kill people, and kill whoever wants to kill." Mu Wushuang said indifferently, "It's no wonder that you and the emperor Luohu have joined forces with Xuanjing cake to harm the children of the demon race. Hundreds of thousands of children have eaten the Xuanjing cake you sell, and I don’t know what Immortal Emperor would feel when he knew it."

As far as she knows, Immortal Emperor Qianxing still values ​​the young children of the Demon Realm very much if he wants to grow the Demon Race and surpass the Human Race Barbarian Demon Race.

If Immortal Emperor Qianxing knew about this, it would be inevitable to get angry.

Although she has a very ordinary perception of the demon world, those young children are so innocent, and if this continues, how many demon world children will become foolish.

When she said this, everyone was shocked. It wasn't about this matter, but that this bunny woman was so courageous that she even dared to expose this matter here. Many people from big sects did not dare to justify this matter. Speak.

Emperor Luohu and Wenren Ling Yan also changed their complexions. Mu Wushuang knew, of course they knew better. Therefore, they suppressed all the troubles and prevented the emperor from knowing about it, and the demon city’s Dim sum Zhai opened less, and there were more shops in other cities, just didn't want the emperor to find out.

Wen Renshan on the side narrowed her eyes. Okay, so many things happened during her absence in Yaodu. She had heard about the Xuanjing cake, but she only knew that it was very profitable, but she didn't know it was Luohu. The emperor and Wenren Lingyan joined forces to make it.

They can’t only make money for making money!

The first thing Wen Renshan thought about was not to tell the emperor, but to get a foot in it and get a share of the pie.

No one can resist the temptation of profound spirit stones, especially at their level. At least hundreds of thousands of high-grade profound spirit stones are used for one practice, and profound spirit stones are the resources for cultivation.

Both elixir and immortal tools require profound spirit stones.

"What a boastful bun!"

Wen Renshan said: "You were rude at this lady's banquet. This lady has not dealt with you yet, and now she is rude to the princess of the demon world. Damn it!"

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