Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 832: Over the wall

Chapter 832

The door was opened and Long Er watched Long Yi walk out of it.

Long Yi glanced at him and said to him: "The mistress has something to explain, you are here to guard."

Long Er nodded, "Don't worry, I will take care of the mistress and the little master, you go and do things."

Seeing Long Yi walking away, Long Er suddenly scratched his head. How did it feel strange? Is it an illusion?

But there is no difference?

But to be on the safe side, he still sent a message to Long Yi: "Long Yi, wait a minute."

"Wait, I'm inside."

Long Yi said to him: "It was the mistress just now, she teased you on purpose, you didn't notice it!"

Long Er's chin almost fell off. Long Yi, who had just passed by, pretended to be the mistress?

Mother! This is too similar, the look and tone of the eyes under the mask are almost the same!

The strange thing just now should be discovered by the mistress, otherwise he really can't feel the difference! The mistress is too good at observing people. It can be said that she has a very thorough understanding of Long Yi. Even a person who knows Long Yi so much has not recognized him just now!

"Then you pretend to be the mistress inside?" he suddenly asked Long Yi.

Long Yisheng gave an unlovable "um".

Long Er almost laughed out loud. Long Yi actually changed to become the mistress, so he must be very twitchy. Thinking about this scene, he really wanted to laugh what to do!

Such a funny thing, you can't be alone, he quietly passed the news to the other brothers.


Mu Wushuang, disguised as Jackie Chan, went out of the restaurant and found that someone was following her.

There were several people following her, and it seemed that they weren't a group. She probably belonged to Wen Ren Shan Wen Ren Ling Yan and Emperor Luo Huo.

Wen Renshan bears a lot of grudges. She has offended the other side, and the other side must want her to die.

Wenren Lingyan and Emperor Luohu are in the same group. She saved so many children today, which definitely made them even more irritated. Today, they saved more than twice as many people as they saved a few days ago. I was so angry, let alone today.

She narrowed her eyes and walked quietly towards the crowd.

When she reached the crowded street, she gathered her breath, shrank her feet to an inch, and walked directly out of another deserted street a few miles away. She swept with her divine consciousness, and no one followed. , She found a place where there was no one, changed her face into an ordinary face again, shrank into an inch, returned to the street just now, and saw the people following her were still looking for her.

She swaggered over and wrote down the faces of these people.

"Let you live a few more days, and I will find you to settle accounts in a few days."

She thought.

Following the direction of the ring, she arrived at the mansion where the emperor was.

The mansion is majestic and there are people on duty at the door.

She rolled her eyes and went to the side of the wall, holding the shark beads, and stepping in.

She complained in her heart, in order to see the emperor, she actually started to climb the wall.

Going over the wall, you can see the peerless beautiful man, this wall is worth it.

But just as she jumped off the wall, she was caught in a generous embrace, and the familiar ambergris rushed into the tip of her nose.

She hammered his chest with a small fist: "Why are you so quiet that you scared me, you pay!"

"What's the loss? Is it okay to make a promise?" someone said shamelessly.

"Greasy mouth! Put me down!"

She kicked her feet in the air.

Long Mo Shen was in his arms, how could he let it go, he curled his lips and said: "You jumped into my arms by yourself. This is called throwing your arms and giving you a hug, and a fool will let go."

"You clearly knew that I was coming, and deliberately waited here."

Mu Wushuang said this on his lips, but he stretched out his hand to hook his neck and his eyes were sentimental.

"You ran back, I still have a lot to say, no, you don't go there, I have to come to you myself."

She looked at him with bitter eyes.

Long Moshen hugged her and walked into his room. The two kissed her for a while before he said, "There are some things that I have to deal with. Because the husband didn't intentionally let you stay in the inn, Shuang'er ,Do not be angry."

Mu Wushuang's anger disappeared. In fact, she was not very angry at all, at most she was a little bit sad.

She asked:

"After the banquet that day, did the second princess and Wen Renshan completely turn their faces?"

"Yeah." Long Moshen played with her hair and said: "Wenren Lingyan's bracelet is broken, revealing his true face, Wen Renshan is very mocking, the two fought, Wenren Lingyan went to Wenren Shan greeted her face, wanted to destroy her face, and used poison, which caused Wen Renshan's face to rot. She filed a lawsuit against the Emperor, who punished Wenren Lingyan."

"How to punish? Didn't Wen Renshan be punished?"

She asked.

Wenrenshan is not provocative, can Wenren Lingyan hate her so much? All blame themselves.

He smiled and said: "Wen Renshan is about to get married with Emperor Qi Yao, how could Emperor Xian punish her?"

"You still laugh! You haven't told me how you are going to push this marriage."

"Didn't Shuang'er guess it?" He squeezed her full earlobe.

"Is it the abyss jade slip?"


Sure enough, she was right. The emperor wanted Emperor Yuanyang and Emperor Luohu to compete with each other. He then deliberately promoted the development of the matter in the process. Then, he would have his own way to terminate the engagement.

"Xiandi Punished Wenren Ling Yan and broke a finger with his divine tool."

He said, this is to answer her previous question.

Mu Wushuang's eyes widened, the immortal emperor actually let Wenren Lingyan break a finger, or use a divine tool, let me go, this difference is really a world!

Although a finger is nothing, Wenren Lingyan is the second princess of the Demon Realm. Her status is noble. To break a finger is equivalent to cutting off her dignity. This punishment can be said to be very serious.

"Isn't Wen Renshan so proud?"

she says.

"The rot on Wen Renshan's face is difficult to treat, and he needs an extremely rare fairy medicine, or magic medicine."

He said casually, moving manually.

She understood that Wen Renshan was half disfigured. No wonder the Emperor Xian punished Wen Ren Lingyan like that.

I can only say that they deserve it.

"Emperor Yuanyang privately recognized Wenren Lingwan's son as a godson, and he urged Wenren Lingwan to go to the Emperor to ask for an abyss jade slip." Long Moshen said.

"Did Immortal Emperor give it?" she asked, but she was not surprised, because Emperor Yuanyang did this in her guess.

Didn’t the Emperor Yuanyang’s painstaking performance at the banquet just make the princess care about him? And for the purpose of doing this, in addition to self-protection, he must also try her to get an abyss jade slip.

"Naturally not."

He touched her slender hand with his fingers.

"Emperor Immortal values ​​Wenrenshan and Emperor Qiyao more, and this useful thing like Abyss Jade Slip will not be given to others."

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