Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 833: Jade Seal of Merit

Chapter 833 Jade Seal of Merit

"Why is the Immortal Emperor Qianxing so partial? Wen Renshan's aptitude is only slightly better than his two daughters. He is cruel to his own body, holding his niece in his hands, it is too big a gap, right?"

Mu Wushuang leaned his head on the shoulder of the emperor's uncle, and asked with some doubts.

Long Moshen said: "It's not due to qualifications, Wen Renshan was taken over by him when she was born."

She blinked, and she was picked up by the Immortal Emperor when she couldn't see her aptitude when she was born.

"Could it be that Renshan is the illegitimate daughter of the Immortal Emperor?"

She asked.

"No." He only shook his head and said: "But you saw the Zhou family that day. She has a twin sister who had a relationship with Immortal Emperor Qianxing in the lower realm."

"The Immortal Emperor Qianxing had no feelings for Zhou's sister, so he took over and raised Zhou's daughter as his own daughter? I didn't expect that he was also an affectionate man."

She did not expect such a situation.


"Huh? What's not?"

"Zhou's twin sister was killed by the Qianxing Immortal Emperor, and the Qianxing Immortal cultivated the ruthless Dao, killing his wife to prove. Zhou's sister was a wife, and the mothers of the two princesses were later wives, and both died Under him."

Long Moshen said casually, focusing on her cherry lips.


Mu Wushuang opened his mouth once.

Proof by killing his wife!

Immortal Emperor Qianxing is really a ruthless person!

Also killed two wives!

To be his wife is simply a blood mold for eight lifetimes!

"He is so cold and cold-blooded that he is extremely selfish!"

She saw such a person for the first time.

"Don't talk about him, uncle emperor, how long will it take for your affairs to be resolved?"

She raised her head and asked.

"January." He groaned, "Are you tired of demons?"

"No, how can I get tired of Yaodu, you don't know what I have gained today!"

She curled her lips and smiled, stretching out her hand, and a black jade seal appeared in her hand.

"Eternal Life Jade Seal!"

Long Moshen said in a slightly surprised voice.

"It turns out that the emperor also knows the eternal jade seal. Last time, I left the eternal jade seal in the corner of the storage ring. I forgot to tell you about it with the emperor. This is what I found under the bones of nine-headed birds. The nine-headed bird left it to me."

She said, and handed him the jade seal: "Uncle emperor, look, my immortal jade seal is pretty, isn't it?"

"Pretty, but not as beautiful."

She gave him a sideways look, "I am a human being, and it is a thing. Isn't it comparable? By the way, the emperor, have you seen the eternal jade seal? You didn't even look at the bottom of the jade seal, you can recognize it at a glance."

"My father has a piece."

He said.

Mu Wushuang raised his eyebrows and hummed, "Is it the father of the Immortal Realm or the Cangming Continent?"

Long Mo squeezed the tip of her nose deeply, and said, "Don't Shuang'er know everything?"

"I want to listen to you!"

She patted his hand.

The big hand that was slapped off sticked back again, and there was a wicked smile on his face, which was as noble as a god, but also smelled of petting.

"Okay, Shuang'er already knows it, so I won't lie to you for my husband. The father of my fairy world is the Emperor Jiuyou of the Heavenly Palace, and I am the son of Emperor Lingtian."

"Then what about me?" She deliberately asked, to see if the emperor would keep it from her.

"You are the unparalleled princess whom Pluto loves so much." His voice was a little low.

I heard the emperor's uncle personally admit that even though she had already got the answer, at this moment, there was still an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

She doesn't remember anything, and maybe she won't have the memories of her previous life in the future.

The emperor's uncle spoke of the word Pluto with a sense of sorrow in her tone, but she still had a sense of strangeness.

She has no memory, so it is difficult to regard legendary figures like Pluto as her father.

But the nine-headed bird, the immortal jade seal, the abyss tower ship, etc. she inherited were all left to her by Pluto, and she and Pluto are inextricably linked.

Suddenly she felt her big hand tightening. As soon as she raised her head, she ran into his deep purple eyes. He said:

"Shuang'er, do you know? Your existence used to be an extravagant hope for me. I just hope that you live well. You don't need to remember the past, and you don't need to bear any hatred. Everything is mine."

"I understand." She knew how much the emperor had paid to find her, but...

"I also want to share the burden for you. From the moment I know who you and me are, I already know how many difficulties and obstacles we will face in the future. I don't want to put you alone in danger. We are a husband and wife. It’s time to face it together. You worry that I will be uncomfortable, but you don’t know, I have experienced the third life, and I am no longer the unparalleled princess spoiled by Pluto, and we still have two children, even for children, do you think Will I put myself in a dangerous situation?"

Long Mo deeply rubbed her hair, looked at her beautiful phoenix eyes, and said:

"I am a man, and I will fight outside things."

"No, you are male chauvinism."

He laughed, purple eyes deeper and more charming, and a kiss fell on her smooth forehead, "Okay, listen to Shuanger, next time I have any plans, I will discuss with Shuanger first.

Mu Wushuang's eyes rolled, the emperor's uncle was deliberately perfunctory, but she had a way in the future.

"This is what you said, no matter what plan you have, you must discuss it with me!"

"Well, I promised you."

"This is pretty much the same, then you can talk about the eternal life jade seal."

She deliberately twitched the emperor's ears to make him remember it, don't forget.

The corners of Long Mo's deep lips raised, and he looked at her with a fond and gentle eyes, but his tone was a little hoarse, "Shuang'er, if you tell me something for your husband, you have to repay your husband."

Mu Wushuang slapped his chest with a slap, and his face was half red: "You are ashamed to say, it's been ridiculous for a few days!"

"You are the one who teases first, and it is ridiculous, huh?"

She covered his mouth: "Don't say this anymore, ask you something serious!"

Long Moshen’s eyes were full of joy. Looking at her red jade face, although a certain thought came up in her heart, she quickly suppressed it, "Okay, tell Shuang'er something serious, not serious ."

When she was speaking, the heat was sprayed on the palms of her hands, the palms of her palms were itchy and crisp, her face suddenly reddened, and the tips of her ears were red.

Uncle Huang is really sultry!

If it weren't for his ferocity, she really wanted to rebel against the guest, now think about it, let it go, she has to dress up for a few days before fighting.

"Your immortal jade seal is a jade seal of merit. The whole body of the jade seal of merit is black. Once it absorbs the power of merit, it will eventually become golden."

Just listen to the emperor's uncle suddenly said.

She was a little surprised. She thought that all the eternal jade seals were black, but did not expect that the color of each eternal jade seal was different?

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