Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 834: Lao Zhangren sees son-in-law

Chapter 834 The Old Man Sees His Son-in-law

"This is a jade seal of merit that has absorbed the power of merit."

Long Moshen raised this immortal jade seal, pointing to the golden lines inside and said.

"Uncle Huang is really amazing, he even knows this."

Mu Wushuang said with a smile, "This is the power of merit that I have absorbed from their parents after helping thousands of children today. Today is also the first time Yuxi has absorbed the power of merit."

"Shuang'er is powerful. The eternal life jade seal has the ability to choose its master independently. You can let it absorb merits, which means it has recognized you as the master. My father Jiuyou Immortal Emperor's piece is the evil jade seal, and he has not yet recognized him as the master. "

Long Moshen said.

She widened her eyes: "I think whoever owns the eternal jade seal is the owner of the eternal jade seal. I didn't expect that the eternal jade seal has the ability to recognize the Lord! But the emperor, what does it mean to read the jade seal?"

"That jade seal is a pure white jade seal. It absorbs the power of evil thoughts. Every time it absorbs a part of the power of evil thoughts, it will turn black. When it becomes all black, it will absorb the power of evil thoughts."

Long Moshen explained to her what the power of evil thoughts is:

"The power of evil thoughts is the negative emotions of violent, unwilling, fearful, scared, gloomy, etc., before the death of the great evil person. It is these evil desires that the Jade Seal of evil thought absorbs."

It suddenly dawned on her that this meant it. She thought this jade seal was a dark jade seal, and holding it would give rise to evil desires.

"What are the other two pieces of jade seal?" she asked curiously.

"One piece is a jade seal of faith, which absorbs the power of faith."


She thought of it before.

"Who owns the jade seal of faith?"

"Before the belief in the jade seal was in the hands of the heavenly Buddha, now it has fallen into the hands of the evil Buddha. I have not yet found out whether I recognize the master or my husband."

"Evil Buddha? Is it the evil Buddha that the followers of the Snow Mountain of God's Domain now believe in?" She vaguely remembered that it was the first disciple of the Heavenly Buddha who convicted the righteous Buddhist school, occupied the Buddhist school, and made all the believers believe in the evil Buddha.

The evil Buddha is for the power of faith!

"Well, the first disciple of the Heavenly Buddha is the most loyal believer of the evil Buddha. He has convicted the orthodox Buddhist school, and the situation on the side of the gods is turbulent."

She nodded to make it clear, and then asked the emperor: "What is the last jade seal?"

The emperor who knew everything shook his head and said:

"The last piece of eternal jade seal has never appeared, and the records of the ancient times are also unclear. No one knows what the last piece of jade seal looked like, what color, and what its effect."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, no one has found the last eternal jade seal?"

She was a little surprised.

Long Mo nodded deeply and said to her: "In the legend, a collection of four eternal life jade seals can open the door to eternal life, but people don't even know where the eternal life world is. In the eyes of her husband, this is just self-deception. A joke is a lie made up by people for eternal life. No one in this world can get eternal life."

"Not necessarily. I think it’s not easy for a person to live more than a hundred years old in my previous life. I think it’s really profitable for a person to live a few thousand years old. To live for tens of thousands of years, if I can reach the realm of the immortal emperor, I can live for hundreds of thousands of years. This is something I can’t even think about in my previous life, but it’s all true, so I think there must be an immortality in this world. It’s just that we can’t find out.”

Mu Wushuang said.

Long Moshen looked at her and pondered slightly, then curled his lips and smiled: "If you can't be with Shuang'er forever, immortality is meaningless."

She hugged his neck and nodded earnestly: "The emperor is right. I don't care about immortality, I just want to be with you forever."

Long Moshen only felt his heart burned. He hugged her tightly, and said in a low voice in her ear: "Shuang'er, you say a few more words, because my husband likes to listen."

"Don't be serious, the business hasn't been finished yet!" she said with an anguish, and quickly took out the jade slip and dangled in front of him:

"What is this, don't the emperor know him?"

Long Moshen held the jade slip in his hand, frowning slightly. This jade slip was too ordinary. No matter if he was injected with divine consciousness, he could only perceive that it was an extremely ordinary jade slip, but he vaguely felt that it was a jade slip. Jane is not simple.

"This is the abyss jade slip?"

He asked suddenly.

"Uncle Huang has seen the abyss jade slip?" She asked: "I'm not sure if this is the abyss jade slip that you say, but I can indeed enter the abyss tower ship through it."


"Just a few days ago."

Long Mo said deeply: "The time for the Abyss Tower Ship to open should be one month later."

In other words, she cannot enter before opening, unless...

Suddenly a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand, which was golden. He said, "This is the abyss jade slip."

"The abyss jade slip is actually golden! I thought the color was the same as my jade slip! Wait, uncle emperor, do you also have an abyss jade slip?"

"I entered the Abyss Tower a long time ago." He nodded and said, before he was reincarnated, he had obtained a piece of Abyss Jade Slip.

Then asked her: "After you entered, did you sit in the first place?"

She nodded.

He laughed, returned the jade slip to her, and said:

"Shuang'er has a good fortune, and they were able to obtain the master of the Abyss Tower Ship. This jade slip should symbolize the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship."

"I guessed that way too. I entered the first and second floors, sitting in the owner's first seat. It should be the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship."

She also said.

"Shuang'er is worthy of being a Shuang'er." Long Mo smiled deeply, as if he looked like You Rongyan, proud of her.

He asked casually: "Where did the jade slip from Shuang'er come from?"

"I bought this jade slip in the underground black market of Qiankun City. This jade slip had a sense of traction for me, and led me to it. The demon repairman who sold the jade slip said that this jade slip was a relic of the King of Hades. It was picked up in the sea, I think it was left to me by Pluto, and deliberately left the air to draw me on it."

"This is what Pluto left for you?"

Long Moshen looked a little strange.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" She looked at the emperor's uncle and asked curiously, how did he feel that his face was so difficult to express!

"It's no wonder that I entered the Abyss Tower Ship several times and was targeted by the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship. It turned out that it was the old man who looked at his son-in-law, how unpleasant to his eyes."


She laughed, her saliva sprayed on the face of the emperor.

The uncle of Jiefu didn't dislike it at all, and wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Uncle Emperor, how did Hades target you?"

She asked with interest.

"When I entered the Abyss Tower Ship for the first time, everyone got a good chance. I was the only one who got nothing. For the second time, the chairs were moved away for me. Everyone was sitting and I was standing."

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