Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 836: Thanks for the reward

Chapter 836

This time, I came to find the emperor. Is she a great harvest or the emperor is amazing? She knows more than the two spirits that have lived for tens of thousands of years.

But it was easy for her to come, not so easy for her to leave.

How can a tiger not eat it when sending sheep to the tiger's mouth?

Poorly, she hasn't slowed down yet, just...


Mu Wushuang left his son and daughter at the emperor's uncle, let him be a dad for a few days, and she ran away in a hurry.

Long Yi was suffocated to death.

As soon as the mistress walked for a day and night, he pretended to be the mistress, but the key was that he was killed by Longer Keng!

Long Er even told his brothers all the news that he was dressed as a woman, and he received merciless ridicule from the brothers!

There is no humanity at all!

Long Yi cursed them to pretend to be women next time!

Long Er still laughed at him outside the door: "Long Yi, if the mistress goes to find the master if she does not go back, you can bear it again, and get used to it. Get used to it."

"Next time I will make the mistress change you as a woman, I think you are more interested in acting as a woman!"

Long Yi gritted his teeth and said.

While talking, the mistress came back.

When Long Er saw the mistress's appearance, she still couldn't react, because she pretended to look too much like Long Yi. If the real Long Yi stood with her mistress, he was sure that he would never recognize who it was. Really Ryuichi.

Fortunately, the mistress does not play this kind of game!

He thought.

"Mother, you are back!"

He spread the word.

"Well, thank you for your hard work with Long."

Mu Wushuang smiled and said with a sound transmission, they transmitted the sound because the two eldest princesses outside were still there, speaking outside the barrier, and they could be heard.

She opened the door and went in. Seeing Long Yi standing there like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, she couldn't help laughing because she didn't know where to put both hands.

"You can come back."

After receiving these words from the mistress, Long Yi hurried into the room inside, recovered his true appearance, and changed his clothes.

He held his mistress's clothes and said, "Subordinates will dispose of the clothes."

"No, keep it for now, maybe you can use it next time." She didn't wear this set, so she gave it to Long Yi, but let's dispose of it and use it next time as a woman. It's worth it.

The dragon staggered with one foot, the expression on his face almost cracked, and finally put his clothes away at the order.

"The subordinate will go out first."


Mu Wushuang suddenly became jealous and said to Long Er outside: "Long Er, come in and see if you can tell who is the real Long Er. If you guess it right, I will give you a big prize."

When Long Er heard this transmission, he wanted to slap himself in the mouth. He was just thinking that the mistress would never play such a boring game, who knew that the mistress would suddenly become interested!

Long Ersheng entered the door unloved, but saw two identical Long Yi, even the same clothes, and the whole person was about to collapse!

Long Yi! Can we not buy exactly the same clothes next time?

How does this tell him to tell!

In the end, Long Er had to blindly blind him, he was lucky, and he was blinded!

Seeing the mistress's face regained its original appearance, Long Er breathed a sigh of relief, but looked forward to it. The mistress said there was a big prize, but he didn't know what a good thing was!

"Long Er got it right! Very good! I decided to reward you with a good thing, and you stretch out your hand."

Mu Wushuang said.

Long Yi quickly stretched out his hand.

"Two hands."

He hurriedly stretched out one more hand, thinking, what prize the mistress gave him, can't even one hand take it?

At this moment, there was something fluttering in his hand, and when he saw it, his face suddenly cracked!

"I will give you a new set of clothes that I haven't worn, and reward you for wearing it with Long Yi next time."

Mu Wushuang chuckled.

Long Yi couldn't hold back his stomach and laughed.

Long Er's face was full of sorrow: "Mother, don't take such a game! Why don't you always play cards according to the routine!"

"You don't need anything. I thought about it. You definitely don't have any women's clothes, so I gave you one. You and Long Yi are good brothers. I gave him one. Of course, you can't favor one another!"

It's so reasonable, it can't be argued!

Long Ersheng has nothing to love! Hearing what the mistress said, let him and Long Yi be dressed up as women next time!

God! He doesn't want to pretend to be a woman! ! Long Er shouted in pain in his heart.

"Hurry up, thank you for the reward!"

Long Yi said gleefully.

Long Er glared at him, and finally thanked the mistress: "Thank you for the reward, Long Er will cherish it!"

What to do if I really want to cry!

Long Er regretted his death. He had known that he would not tell the other brothers!

He was sure that within half an hour, Long Yi would tell all his brothers about the embarrassment!

Both of them went out, and Mu Wushuang couldn't help but laugh. It was really rare that Long Yi and Long Er two had facial paralysis just to have so many facial expressions. Especially Long Er, the sadness on his face was really laughable.

But after laughing, she changed her clothes and thought about business.

The emperor said that her eternal jade seal could be used as a defensive magic weapon, and could withstand a blow at the realm of Xianzun. If the strength of the absorption is enough, the emperor may not be able to win her.

So she wanted her immortal jade seal to absorb more power of merit.

Just now when she came back pretending to be a dragon, a lot of people gathered below, many of them came from other places.

But there are not enough people, there are not as many people as last time.

She still needs to wait so that she can gain more merit in one go.

Moreover, she had discussed with the emperor uncle, and when the matter was over, she wanted to go to other cities in the demon world to save people and gain the power of merit.

But the emperor said he thought it might not work.

So she has to think of other ways to get what she needs.

It would be great if she could invent a pill that could relieve the addiction of Xuanjing cake. In this way, she would still be able to gain the power of merit without showing up.

After thinking about it, she asked Long Er to go out and buy some Xuanjing cake.

When Long Er came back, she entered the space, ate the Xuanjing cake by herself, and started experimenting.

But Xuanjing cake is useless, only children will have an addiction if they eat it.

She thought about it for a while, and asked Long Yi to find a way to get the formula and materials for the Xuanjing cake.

The problem lies in the material, everything is restrained, she will be able to find a solution.

The formula of Xuanjing cake is not easy to make, Emperor Luohu and Wen Ren Lingyan regard Xuanjing cake as their fortune-making cause, how can the formula of Xuanjing cake be revealed.

Even the chefs who make Xuanjing cakes don't have a recipe, and their memories will be erased every day. It has to be said that Emperor Luohu is a ruthless person.

In the end, Long Yi only stole some ingredients to make Xuanjing Cake.

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