Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 837: Honey belly sword

Chapter 837

The ingredients of Xuanjing cake are very common, using powder made from the cheapest fairy rice in the fairy world, and adding some saccharin extracted from sweet fruit, the steamed product is Xuanjing cake.

There is no problem with Xianmi, so the problem should be the sweet fruit.

Mu Wushuang is not very familiar with the fruits of the fairy world, but she knows that sweet fruits are definitely edible, so the first thing she observes is that the food is counterbalanced, to see if a few sweet fruits are added together, will they produce Addictive chronic poison.

Then she found out that her research direction was right.

The twelve kinds of sweet fruits are mixed together, which produces a strong addictive toxicity. Even monks may be addicted, which can directly turn children into dementia.

The Xuanjing cake should use diluted saccharin. The addictive toxins are relatively small. The monks can excrete themselves, but the children can’t practice. They can become addicted by eating one piece. The addicted will eat more and more until they become dementia. Staying, I still want to eat Xuanjing cake.

If you continue to eat it, you will die suddenly for at most six months.

Mu Wushuang believed that Emperor Luohu and Wenren Lingyan absolutely knew the dangers of Xuanjing cake and knew that Xuanjing cake could kill those innocent children, but they were not ashamed at all. On the contrary, they were justified and inhumane. At all.

Now that the reason has been found, what we need to do is to find a pill to relieve the addictive toxicity.

All things form a living, and all beings are mutually beneficial. The twelve kinds of sweet fruits are in front of her. It is not difficult for her to find a solution.

She ordered Long Yi to find these twelve kinds of sweet fruit trees, and then extracted dozens of essences from the flowers, roots, leaves and stems of the fruit trees, and made various attempts.

In the end, she finally concocted an antidote that could relieve Xuanjing cake's addictive chronic toxins.

Then came a large number of refining detoxification pills. Long, one, and two took turns to go out. The fruit trees in the entire Yaodu were uprooted by them. It is not enough that the uprooting is complete. The twelve kinds of fruit trees in the surrounding area also have no roots. The rest is pulled away.

Fortunately, these sweet fruits are ordinary first-order fairy fruits, which are worthless and have no sense of existence, so they did not arouse much idea.

After refining hundreds of detoxification pills, she asked Long Yi Long Er to speak out, telling the people who were still waiting for her to detoxify that she was exhaustingly refining the detoxification pills to eliminate the addiction of Xuan Jing cake, so that everyone could take a moment. An uncomfortable.

But she did not go out, but went back to the stone wall to practice.

Two days have passed since the outside time, and more and more people gathered outside the restaurant. Many of them came from places outside the Yaodu with their children.

On the opposite side of the restaurant is the best teahouse in Yaodu. The cheapest cup of immortal tea is worth tens of thousands of profound spirit stones, but Yaodu has always had no shortage of rich people, so the business in this teahouse is very good.

In the middle of the teahouse is a stage, singing the drama of the three immortal emperors conquering the Pluto. Among them, the Qianxing Immortal Emperor plays the most part, and the demon cultivators watch it with gusto every day.

I don't know if it is really relish or pretending to be.

A man and a woman sat in the window wing room on the second floor of the tea house.

The male is the son of Emperor Luo Hu, and the female is the second princess Wenren Lingyan.

Wenren Lingyan's complexion was more gloomy than a few days ago, in other words, since she revealed her true face that day, her complexion has been ugly.

Her hand clenched fist was hidden in her sleeve, even when she was drinking tea, she did not take it out. Emperor Luohu knew that her little finger had been broken, and her mood was uncertain. There were no people in the previous few days. It was finally because of Xuanjing cake today. Promised to meet him.

"Yan'er, your hatred, I will definitely avenge you, Wen Renshan that bitch, but relying on the immortal emperor's favor, do whatever he wants, one day, I will let her die in your hands!"

Emperor Luohu looked at Wenren Lingyan with gentle eyes, and said affectionately.

Wen Ren Ling Yan raised his head, squinted at him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Luo Hu, I heard that you have been very close to Wen Renshan these few days, why, acting as a double agent?"

Emperor Luohu's pupils shrunk slightly, and he laughed: "Yan'er, you know what I think of you. In my heart, I have already regarded you as a wife. It is you who have always been detached from me so that I cannot see your thoughts. I deliberately approached Wen Renshan that bitch, and I didn't want to avenge you, I laughed at you."

Wenren Lingyan's expression was a little loose, but he snorted again: "You are talking nonsense, you are clearly looking at Wenrenshan's abyss jade slip, and you think I always think I am ugly, don't think I don't know. !"

Emperor Luohu did not expect Wenren Lingyan to see so thoroughly, but he was not panicked, but he was relieved. Wenren Lingyan is a very coaxing woman. She speaks in this tone, which shows that she already believes him in her heart. Up.

"Who can't be tempted by the abyss jade slip!" He deliberately said: "Yan'er, if I can have the abyss jade slip, I can be promoted to the realm of immortal venerable with confidence, as long as I am promoted to venerable immortal, I can marry as I wish. You have entered the door! For so many years, we are really nameless, I am very aggrieved, I just want to see you every day and never separate from you!

Wenren Lingyan pursed his mouth and looked at his eyes, as if confirming the authenticity of what he said.

Emperor Luohu suddenly picked up her intact hand and placed it on his heart: "Yan'er, you feel my heartbeat. Whenever I see you, my heartbeat will speed up because you always Every time it will make my heart move, in this life, I will not marry you!"

Wenren Lingyan felt his pounding heart, and his heart loosened a lot.

Emperor Luohu hit the iron while it was hot, holding hers and continuing to gently say:

"Yan'er, how could I dislike you? You are so beautiful and so good. The two of us are like a natural pair. I can't find someone who fits me better than you. You have to be more confident, Yan'er, No matter what you are, I like it. I will become what you become. If you prefer a young look, I will travel all over the fairy world, find the world of immortality, and find a way to stay young for you , Don’t hold everything in your heart, just tell me if you have anything, I am your man, I will carry everything for you."

Two lines of tears were drawn in Wenren Lingyan's eyes, and she said:

"Luo Hui, if you were born two thousand years earlier, it would be great. I have no birth but a king, but I am old."

He was born two thousand years earlier, and she would not have met the previous man. She would listen to her father's words and grow old together with Luo Hu, a man who loved her so much, to have a group of her own children.

But destiny makes people miserable, Luo Huo appeared too late, she was old and ugly, she was not worthy of his deep love.

"Yan'er, I don't allow you to say that about yourself, you are not old, we still have tens of thousands of years, I will definitely think of a way to keep you young and make you the happiest woman in the fairy world!"

Emperor Luohu held Wenren Lingyan's hand tightly, and said very seriously.

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