Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 849: Filial piety

Chapter 849

"How dare you reject this emperor! You know that this emperor has never accepted anyone as a righteous son!"

Immortal Emperor Qian Xing had never expected that this young man who had just ascended into the world of immortals had rejected his proposal.

It has been a long time since he met such a young man who didn't know good or bad.

The demon cultivators below did not expect that the Emperor Xian wanted to recognize this young man as a righteous son, but he refused without hesitation.

Under the world, I don’t know how many people want to have a relationship with the Immortal Emperor. Is this man mentally ill?

Or, he didn't even know what immortal emperor represented in the immortal world?

Many people also feel that it is a pity that if they missed such a big opportunity, they will have no such luck in the future. If he recognizes the immortal emperor as his foster father, he can walk sideways in the entire demon world.

Especially those young banshee cultivators, seeing Wu Yan's handsome appearance, one by one couldn't wait to thump their chests up and promise him.

"I said, I already have a foster father, and there is no need for another foster father."

Wu Luo said quietly.

Seeing displeasure flashed across the face of Emperor Immortal, Wu Yan knew that he didn't believe him and thought he was refusing, so he said:

"My foster father, you must have heard of the immortal emperor's name. He is known as the Proud World Demon God. I inherited his garb and recognize him as a foster father. I will carry forward his orthodoxy and I will not recognize the master and foster father. ."


Immortal Emperor Qianxing's expression changed, "What are you talking about? Proud World Demon God?"

The demon cultivators below were also stunned, and they all showed incredulous eyes.

Mu Wushuang asked the big brother next to him:

"Big brother, I am young, and I have never heard of the Ao Shi Demon God, who is the Ao Shi Demon God?"

"You haven't even heard of the Ao Shi Demon God, are you a demon race?" The big brother snorted and explained to her:

"The Proud World Demon God is the fairy emperor of the demon world hundreds of thousands of years ago. He was revered as the demon **** by the demons of the fairy world. He was almost promoted to the fairy emperor. It can be said to be a person who has frightened the ages. It is a pity that he can't take that step and finally escapes. But the shackles of the years have fallen, but the place where he fell is a mystery, and even his disciples have not obtained his inheritance."

What the big brother didn't say was that the disciple of the Ao Shi Demon God was the current Qianxing Immortal Emperor. It was the disciple accepted by the Qianxing Immortal Emperor after he ascended to the immortal realm, and was the only disciple.

Of course he did not dare to say this. The Thousand Stars Immortal Emperor was here. When the Ao Shi Demon God fell, the Thousand Stars Immortal Emperor had not yet become the Immortal Emperor, and his master’s inheritance had not been obtained. If he could obtain it, he would definitely be able to get it many years earlier. Chengxiandi.

If what this ascending young man said was true, I am afraid the Thousand Star Demon Emperor would be in a bad mood.

Long Yi Long Er was not far behind him. What the big brother didn't say, the two quietly added a voice message, speaking in more detail.

It turns out that the Chiri Palace in the Demon Capital was originally the residence of the Aoshi Demon God, not created by the Qianxing Immortal Emperor himself. The ancient formations of the Five Elements, Eight Diagrams, and Purple Qi in the East were all laid out by the Aoshi Demon God, including the largest dragon vein underneath. , It's just that the dragon vein withered after the fall of the Ao Shi Demon God. Later, the Qianxing Immortal Emperor went to the underworld to **** the dragon energy from the dragon vein and transferred to that dragon vein before he recovered.

There are still many ancient families in the Demon Realm, and it is because of the Ao Shi Demon God that they surrender to the Thousand Star Immortal Emperor. Now if Wu Liao really gains the Demon God inheritance, the future pattern may change.

After understanding this, Mu Wushuang looked at Immortal Emperor Qianxing's expression intently.

Immortal Emperor Qianxing has a long face, and when he is not smiling, his face is very serious. He carries the coercion of the immortal emperor on his body, which is frightening and makes people unable to see his facial features.

"In that case, young man, you are still the emperor's junior."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing squinted his eyes, his eyes revealed an obscure light, and his tone could not be heard.

Wu Luo's heart jumped suddenly, such a coincidence! This Qianxing Immortal Emperor turned out to be a disciple of his adoptive father. Could he be the smelling wing in the soul of his adoptive father?

If he had known Wen Renyi was Immortal Emperor Qianxing, he would not reveal his identity.

In the mouth of the adoptive father, Wen Renyi is an unfilial disciple, otherwise he would not have gone to the Xiaosanqian world and fell.

But he arched his hands calmly and said, "Is the immortal emperor the disciple of the foster father? I only got the burial mound of my foster father. I opened the mound by coincidence. I don't know that the foster father still has his apprentice, and he is disrespectful."

"The emperor is the only disciple of the demon god, and everyone in the fairy world knows it, but, young man, the emperor values ​​you so that he recognizes you as a righteous son. You should not lie to him. If you are really the righteous son of Master, why The emperor can't feel any power of the same origin in you?"

Immortal Emperor Thousand Stars only released a little coercion, which made Wu Liao unable to breathe and could not speak.

The current Qianxing Immortal Emperor wanted to kill him easily, and all the charges were laid for him.

Mu Wushuang was anxious, and hurriedly sent news to the emperor. Before the emperor returned her, suddenly, another person stepped out of the void.

This person was extremely old, his body rickety and almost bent to the ground, as thin as a stick that could be blown down by a gust of wind.

But as soon as she appeared, Immortal Emperor Qianxing's face changed slightly and turned around:

"Ancestor Tiansha, why are you here?"

God ancestor!

This old woman is actually the ancestor of the gods! She is a figure of hundreds of thousands of years!

The demon cultivators of Wugou City were shocked.

What day is today? Not only did an air fortuner soar up and saw the Immortal Emperor Thousand Stars, but also the ancestor of the Heavenly Devil who hadn't appeared for tens of thousands of years!

Mu Wushuang naturally didn't know such an old character.

But Long Yi and Long Er explained to her.

This ancestor of the evil spirit is a member of the four hidden families in the demon world. He possesses powerful supernatural powers. He is a person of the same period as the Qianxing Immortal Emperor. Zun Pinfeng’s cultivation base is just about to run out of life.

The hidden family has the ability to pass on forever, even the emperor must be polite to the people of the hidden family.

The Proud World Demon God back then came from this hidden family of the ancestor of Tiansha. The ancestor of Tiansha was a descendant of the Proud World Demon God. Although the blood relationship was thin, this hidden family respected the ancestor of the world.

The ancestor of Tiansha suddenly appeared, probably because of Wu Liao.

"Why, if only you are allowed to come, the old man will come too?"

The voice of the ancestor of Tiansha was old and hoarse, and it sounded a kind of powerless feeling.

"Where the ancestor Tiansha said, of course you can come..."

"It's good to come." Qianxing Immortal Emperor's words were interrupted by the ancestor Tiansha: "The old man is here to pick up the demon god's righteous son, Qianxing Immortal Emperor, if you have something to say to your junior, just say it quickly Right."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing said coldly:

"Junior Brother, is he worthy of this emperor's call to Junior Brother? Tiansha ancestor, he is not the righteous son of Master, you should not be deceived."

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