Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 850: Excalibur

Chapter 850

"Whether he is the righteous son of the demon god, the old man will know if he tries it, so I don't need to worry about the emperor."

The ancestor Tiansha spoke in an old voice, with an indifferent tone in his tone.

Others are afraid of Immortal Emperor, she is not afraid, and there is no need to give him face.

"The ancestor of Tiansha, Master disappeared back then, but there was nothing left saying that his old man would accept a righteous son. After hundreds of thousands of years, someone suddenly appeared and said that he was the righteous son of Master. , Don’t think about whether there is any conspiracy."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing said in a cold voice, the coercion was still pressing on Wu Yan, making him unable to say a word.

There was a touch of murder in this coercion, as long as the ancestor Tiansha hesitated a little, he would take the opportunity to kill Wu Su.

"It seems that the demon **** really doesn't like you. You are the only apprentice of the demon god, and you don’t know about it." Tiansha ancestor buckled again, took out a jade slip, and threw it to Immortal Emperor Qianxing: "Look for yourself."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing took the jade slip suspiciously, and everyone could feel that his face was very ugly.

Just as everyone was guessing the contents of the jade slips, they only heard the ancestor Tiansha said in a hoarse voice:

"When the demon **** left the immortal world, he once left this jade slip for our Su family. The demon **** said that he would find a destined person to accept as a righteous son. Not only would he pass on the whole body to the righteous son, but also let us use the demon **** of the Su family. The righteous son is the young master, assisting him to become the new immortal emperor!"

When this word came out, everyone was shocked.

When the Ao Shi Yao Shen left the immortal world, he left such an order and made the Su Family, one of the hidden families, to assist the Yao Shen Yizi with all his strength. This young man was too lucky!

Not only did the demons of the lower realm gather soaring fortune, they also possessed the aura of the emperor, but they were also the righteous son of the proud demon gods. As soon as they rose up, they were regarded as young masters by families like the Su family!

What makes people even more surprised is that Immortal Emperor Qianxing, as the only apprentice of the Ao Shi Demon God, did not know this. It can be seen that the news that the demon **** and the teacher and apprentice did not agree with each other was true. Otherwise, Immortal Emperor Qian Xing would not be here. Looks like a face.

This is really a big gossip!

"Xiandi, this person is the righteous son of the demon god, and the young master of my Su family. If you still don't let go of the coercion, why do you want to kill your junior?"

The ancestor Tiansha stared at Immortal Emperor Qianxing with a pair of muddy, light-colored eyes.

Immortal Emperor Qianxing narrowed his eyes and said quietly: "Since the ancestor believes that he is the righteous son of Master, then at least he should be asked to take out the relics of Master to prove his identity."

"The relic is not simple..." Tiansha ancestor said.

After she finished speaking, the Immortal Emperor Qianxing interrupted: "Ordinary relics cannot prove that he is the righteous son of Master. If Master accepts him as a righteous son, he will definitely pass on Master’s destiny to him. Zu, don't you think?"

The magic weapon of the demon god's real name?


Someone accidentally exhaled.

The reason why the Ao Shi Demon God is honored as the Demon God is because he has a super divine weapon-the God Sword!

This sword was even jealous of the ancestors of the blood cliff, because it was a super artifact that transcended the artifact. It was a treasure of the ancient times. It was almost the same as the power of the Pluto in the reincarnation. It was extremely powerful and could even kill the emperor. !

Back then, the ancestors of the blood cliff had suffered a loss on this Excalibur.

But since the disappearance and fall of the Proud World Demon God, together with this super divine weapon, it has disappeared. Some people say that the Divine Punishment Sword has already produced spiritual wisdom. After the death of the Demon God, he cultivated his own human form, but because the sword body killed too much, so Was destroyed by the Heavenly Dao's descending Heavenly Tribulation.

"Yes, it is the Divine Punishment Sword!"

Immortal Emperor Qianxing said faintly, his gaze swept Wu Yan, who was sweating coldly under his pressure, and a cold light flashed under his eyes.

Wu Yan could see it clearly. He had heard his adoptive father talk about Wen Renyi, so he knew why Qianxing Immortal Emperor insisted on killing him.

The ancestor Tiansha came between the two, and her rickety body resisted the coercion of the immortal emperor for Wu Su, she said:

"Regardless of whether he has the Divine Punishment Sword, as long as he can take out the relic of the demon god, he is the righteous son of the demon god."

"The ancestor of the Tiansha is afraid to be confused. If this young man is just a little better at robbing the tomb, and has obtained the relic of the master, but has not been recognized by the soul of the master, wouldn't it be fooled by him?"

The immortal emperor’s voice is still very weak, but when it comes to the latter, the tone of his tone carries a dangerous meaning: "Or, the ancestor of the gods, you have united this young man and want to replace the emperor? The emperor believes that the Su family will not make it. This kind of rebellious and unruly thing, if you insist on treating him as the young master of Tiansha ancestor, then it's no wonder that the emperor's men are not merciful."

The turbid eyes of the ancestor Tiansha narrowed: "It seems that the immortal emperor is trying to kill the old body and the young master!"

"The ancestor of Tiansha doesn't need to argue with strong words. If this young man can't take out the Divine Punishment Sword, this emperor will send you on the road for the crime of treason."

The ancestor of Tiansha sneered: "The Immortal wants to kill the old man, and the old man is fighting for this old life, and it will hurt you seriously."

The Su family is a hermit family handed down during the Primordial Era, and there are so many means.

"Just try it." Xiandi was indifferent.

"Wait!" Wu Luo suddenly raised his head and said:

"Qianxing Immortal Emperor, you mean, as long as I take out the Divine Punishment Sword, I can recognize my identity?"

The ancestor of Tiansha coldly snorted: "You don't need to be approved by him, just the old man recognizes you."

Qianxing Immortal Emperor said: "The Divine Punishment Sword is Master’s natal artifact. If you can take it out, you can prove your identity as Master’s righteous son, but if you can’t take it out, it means you and the ancestor Tiansha Unite to deceive the world, commit the following crimes, and want to replace the emperor, the emperor will personally send you to the Yellow Spring."

Mu Wushuang sneered. Immortal Emperor Qianxing clearly wanted to find an excuse to kill Wu Yu, and also killed the ancestors of the evil gods by the way, so that the other hermit families could settle down.

Immortal Emperor Thousand Stars definitely thought that the Divine Punishment Sword could not be in Wu Yan's hands, otherwise his tone would not be so determined.

"The fairy emperor thinks that I can't take out the Divine Sword Sword. Why don't I take a gamble. If I can't take out the Divine Sword Sword, I will kill or cut, but if I can take out the Divine Sword, righteousness. Father's Chiri Palace will be returned to me."

Wu Yan raised his head and said.

He knew that Chiri Palace, and could also guess that Dao Chiri Palace was such a good practice site that it must be occupied by Immortal Emperor Qianxing, so he made the condition.

"Is the immortal emperor gamble or not?"

He looked at Emperor Qianxing.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but admire that this newly ascended young man was a clever mind. He deliberately proposed such a gambling game, which is related to the Chiri Palace. This is the holy land of the demon world and the palace of the emperor. The emperor may not agree to it. This big bet.

Immortal Emperor didn't agree to bet, then this young man would have won the life of him and the ancestor of Tiansha.

"Mystery, young man, you can't fool this emperor. The Divine Sword of Death has been destroyed by the catastrophe. If you had admitted that you did not have the Divine Sword of Death, the emperor might let you use other methods to prove your identity, but you Bet with the Divine Punishment Sword to prove that you are not the righteous son of the master at all!"

Immortal Emperor Qianxing coldly shouted.

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