Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 864: You lied to me!

Chapter 864 You Lie to Me!

"Xiandi, what do you mean?"

Hearing the words of Emperor Qianxing, Emperor Yuanyang stepped back abruptly, gritted his teeth and asked.

Immortal Emperor Qianxing's words were too obvious, he didn't even conceal it.

Emperor Luohu swallowed a sip of water and retreated behind the crowd.

The Emperor Xian just said:

"It's time for it to devour its father's blood. The Emperor is looking forward to its final appearance!"

A fool can hear it. What he meant is to let this monster swallow him and Emperor Yuanyang, just like he sucked Wenrenshan!

Wen Renshan is about to die soon, she just hangs a breath and hasn't died yet, even if she has the magic medicine, she can't continue her life!

He doesn't want to die, he is the son of Emperor Luohu, and he may become the character of the immortal emperor in the future.

"Xiandi, Yuanyang and I are the emperor's sons and your right and left hands. In the future, we will help you level the immortal world wholeheartedly. You can't let this freak swallow us!"

Emperor Luohu shouted loudly.

"Father! You can't do this! Luo Hui is my fiance!"

The second princess Wenren Ling Yan stood up with a horrified face and said, before she came, she didn't expect things to evolve to this point!

She didn't expect that the species in Wen Renshan's belly was also related to Luo Hu, and she didn't expect that her father planned to swallow the two emperors Yuanyang and Luo Hu for this freak!

"The emperor didn’t count Luo Huo in the first place. Yan'er, your fiance betrayed you and had a head and tail with Shan'er. You have also seen that the freak born by Shan'er has his blood in it. I've betrayed you, such a man, don't worry."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing said quietly to Wenren Lingyan.

Wenren Ling Yan knew that it was not as high-sounding as he said, her father had no humanity at all, he only looked at profit!

"You lied! You obviously don't care about my fiance's character! You only value your own interests! Because this freak was born strong, you chose to abandon Luo Hu!"

Wenren Lingyan said bitterly:

"Didn't you like Wenrenshan the most? But for this freak, you easily abandoned Wenrenshan. In your eyes, family affection is just a fart!"


A slap whizzed from far to near, and hit Wenren Lingyan's face severely, her face instantly swollen like a pig's head.

But Wenren Lingyan's eyes were still unwilling and resentful.

Mu Wushuang suddenly felt that Wenren Lingyan was very pitiful. She was a blind person for love. She openly confronted the Immortal Emperor Qianxing for Emperor Luohu, but Emperor Luohu stayed away and did not stop in front of her. , To block the slap for her.

She didn't even know that Emperor Luohu was just using her. She thought she and Emperor Luohu really loved each other, but in the end, it was just a lie.

But poor people must be hateful. The character who smells the smoke is a real hammer. The Xuanjing cake made by her and Emperor Luohu has harmed so many innocent children. This is enough to prove her badness. .

Mu Wushuang just pityed her for being stupid.

"Luo Hu, you can't escape. This emperor has already set up a formation here. Even if you escape to the end of the world, the formation will also **** up your blood."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing said coldly to Luo Hui who wanted to escape.

Even if he doesn't take the shot himself, Luo Hui is also a dead end!

"Father, you can't do this! No matter how powerful this freak is, it's just a freak, and it's no match for Yuanyang and Luohu!" Wenren Lingwan saw that Emperor Qianxing was determined, and said quickly: "Father , Please, let them go, the freak has swallowed sister Shan'er's cultivation base and blood, it is strong enough!"

"Wan'er, even you have to block you from being a father? Don't forget, you said at the beginning that you didn't have any feelings for Yuanyang, and being a father didn't want you to coax you into being a father."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing coldly looked at Wenren Lingwan.

"My daughter is also thinking about the overall situation!" Wen Ren Ling Wan said.

"Then what's your intention when you came here today wearing a scarlet wedding gown? Wan'er, there is a limit to patience for a father, and being a father hates you for rebelling against being a father."

Immortal Emperor Qianxing's last voice contained a threat of majesty.

Wenren Lingwan lowered her head to cover up the resentment in her eyes.

She is much more rational than Wenren Lingyan, and she also has a son. She can't compensate herself for Yuanyang.

"Yuanyang, I will bear you in this life, and I will pay you back in the next life."

She turned her head and said to Emperor Chao Yuanyang.

Emperor Yuanyang was not far away from her. Hearing this, a crazy color flashed through his eyes, and suddenly rushed over, strangling Wenren Lingwan's throat!

"Xiandi, you let me go and destroy the formation, otherwise I will kill the princess now and let her act as a backstop for me!"

Emperor Yuanyang said fiercely, exerting force with his hands, causing Wenren Ling Wan to breathe extremely difficultly.

They can't die without breathing, but Emperor Yuanyang's hands have a fierce killing intent, as if as long as the emperor disagrees, he will kill her immediately.

Wen Ren Lingwan looked up at Emperor Yuanyang in disbelief. At this moment, she could only see the crazy hatred in his eyes, what kind of love, what kind of tenderness, she could not see a trace at all!

"Yuan...yang...you...lie to me!"

No matter how stupid she was, she understood that Emperor Yuanyang didn't love her at all, and everything he did was to deceive her!

"Wan'er, you should see the true face of Yuanyang now, right?" Immortal Emperor Qianxing sneered condescendingly.


"Shut up!" Emperor Yuanyang dropped the gravity, almost broke Wenren Lingwan's neck, and shouted at the emperor:

"Hurry up and let me go! Otherwise your eldest daughter will die in my hands soon!"

Immortal Emperor Qianxing didn't see the slightest anxiety on his face, as if the person to be killed was not his biological daughter.

"Have you seen it! This is the Immortal Emperor Qianxing! Cold-blooded, selfish and ruthless! Even the life of his own daughter is not in the eyes!" Emperor Yuanyang mocked.

At this moment, the formation suddenly turned, and then, the freak in the field breathed out a black air at him.


The black energy fell on the hands of Emperor Yuanyang, his hands were melted instantly, Wenren Lingwan ran out quickly, and when he turned around, he saw that Emperor Yuanyang's whole body was enveloped by black energy!

The freak roared, a greedy cold light appeared in his eyes, stepped forward, and bit off the other hand of Emperor Yuanyang with one bite.

"Crack, click!"

This is the sound of it chewing bones with its teeth, and it makes people's scalp numb!

Emperor Yuanyang was still screaming in his black aura, and the activated formation made him lose his essence and blood quickly, but the essence and blood absorbed by the formation flowed into the body of the freak along the rich mysterious spirit, causing the strange Tire is stronger!

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