Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 865: Father is the best

Chapter 865

The guests trembled and frightened, and the screams of Emperor Yuanyang's screams seemed to penetrate into everyone's ears.

In the black air, people couldn't see the miserable situation of Emperor Yuanyang, but they could see the murderous appearance of the monster that gnawed away one hand of Emperor Yuanyang in twos or twos.

That was Emperor Yuanyang, one of the three great emperors in the demon world!

Rather than just an unknown person.

Even the emperor Yuanyang at the peak of the fairy king realm was so easily sucked by this freak. What's more, if the emperor wanted to raise this freak with them, they would have nowhere to escape!

The one who was more nervous and afraid was undoubtedly Emperor Luohu. Knowing that there was nowhere to escape, he hid behind Wen Ren Lingyan.

However, Wenren Lingyan suddenly realized that Emperor Luohu also deceived her through the incident that Emperor Yuanyang had threatened her father with Wenren Lingwan?

"Luo Hui, tell me honestly, do you really love me?"

Wenren Ling Yan looked at him and asked calmly.

Emperor Luohu didn't know how terrifying a woman was rationally. When is this, he is going to die, she even asked him if he loves her?

"Yan'er, don't you know what I think of you?"

Although Emperor Qianxing was ruthless when Emperor Yuanyang threatened the princess, Emperor Luohu was unwilling to give up a chance to escape, so he answered Wenren Lingyan like this.

"Really? I know that you and the Emperor Yuanyang are different!" Wenren Lingyan said happily, "Since you and I really love each other, Luo Hui, I am willing to die with you!"

The expression on Emperor Luohu's face froze. He thought she would say that he would not let Immortal Emperor hurt him no matter what, but he did not expect to say that he was willing to die with him.

Fuck your mother's stinky girl! I don't want to die with you, an old lady!

Emperor Luohu not only was not moved, but cursed in his heart.

Wenren Lingyan thought Emperor Luohu was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She pressed his finger on his mouth and said:

"You don't need to say anything, Luo Huo, I know you don't want me to die, but without you, it would be meaningless for me to live. Rather than separating from Yin and Yang and being a mandarin duck, it would be better to die together and stay together in the next life!"

Emperor Luohu glanced at the self-intoxicated Wenren Lingyan, and looked up at Immortal Emperor Qianxing. Immortal Emperor Qianxing was squinting at this time, and his eyes seemed to carry a calm and peaceful feeling under control of everything. It's clear.

He sneered. Immortal Emperor definitely didn't want Wenren Lingyan to die, because Wenren Lingyan and Wenren Lingwan's two daughters were the tools for him to marry other forces. At first, the Emperor Immortal gave Wenren Lingwan the emperor of the Su family. Zi, is also a great-great-grandson of Tiansha ancestor, just to win over the Su family.

Now even if he and Emperor Yuanyang are dead, and there is another emperor, he can also marry the Demon Realm and the Daxia imperial family and other big families. The Qianxing Immortal Emperor will not worry that his daughter will not be able to match.

The immortal emperor must have heard Wenren Lingyan's words just now. He was indifferent because he was the immortal emperor, powerful and invincible, and could easily save Wenren Lingyan.

Emperor Luohu looked at Wenren Lingyan and touched her hair and said, "Yan'er, you can't die. You have to live well. Only if you live can I feel at ease. After I die, I will go to reincarnation and wait for you. If not, I will wait for you two lives, two lives cannot wait, I wait for your third, fourth, and 100th life, and one day I will wait for you."

Wenren Ling Yan was so moved that he burst into tears, threw himself into his arms, shook his head and said, "No! I will die with you! I am enough of this princess of the Demon-Breaking Realm, and I will never have anyone control my marriage, next life , We have to be together!"

"No! Yan'er, don't be so stupid, and Immortal Emperor won't let you do such stupid things. I'm worried that you will be punished by Immortal Emperor. Don't you think about it anymore?"

Wenren Ling Yan turned to look at the gloomy Immortal Emperor Qianxing, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "He can't control me, Luo Hu, you are waiting for me on Huangquan Road."

She knew that her father Qianxing Immortal Emperor would not let her die, but as long as she wanted to die, it was impossible for her to die.

Emperor Luohu sneered in his heart, very good, he would be able to hold back when he died.

Mu Wushuang captured this scene in his eyes, with complicated colors flashing under his eyes. Human nature is so complicated. It is stupid to hear people Lingyan. He can't even tell whether a person loves her or not.

But death may be a relief to Wenren Lingyan, and the only way she can get rid of the control of the Qianxing Immortal Emperor.

If she is still alive, maybe there will be a second person like Emperor Luohu, or Immortal Emperor Thousand Stars will send her to the Demon Realm for marriage to consolidate the relationship with Immortal Emperor Beixuan.


There was a short scream, as if it came from the emperor Yuanyang’s soul. Then, the black mist dissipated, and the emperor Yuanyang fell to the ground, his majestic vitality was only left. After a few threads, the whole person was as dry as Wenrenshan, the red hair on his head turned into dry white hair, there was no extra flesh and blood on his body, only the crumpled skin attached to the skeleton.

And the lower body of the freak's snake body was even stronger, and the scales exuded a feeling of horror. At this moment, a golden horn grew on its head!

"Turn a snake into a dragon!"

The emperor's pupils dilated and said in surprise.

"Great! It has also awakened the purest bloodline in the depths of Yuanyang's bloodline, turning it into a half-blood in one fell swoop!"

Wen Renli said to Immortal Emperor Qianxing with some excitement.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were shocked, and at the same time they felt extreme fear. This freak is powerful again!

It completely swallowed all the essence of Emperor Yuanyang's body, just like it had swallowed Wen Renshan, such a spirited emperor, now lying on the ground like an old man, venting more and less, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, No one can believe that this is the Emperor Yuanyang!

This freak is powerful and weird, no one can directly absorb the cultivation base of others for their own use, but it can!

"Next, it's Luohu's turn."

Immortal Emperor squinted his eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This emperor is suddenly looking forward to what it will become in the end."

"Don't move him! Father! If you hurt her, step on my body!"

Wenren Ling Yan made the final struggle for Emperor Luohu.

But it was also in vain.

The freak has focused on Emperor Luohuo, who is one of its fathers and its most delicious food.

The freak opened his mouth, exposing sharp teeth, and made a rat-like "squeak" sound, but it was more ear-piercing than a rat's sound. Many people with low cultivation levels broke their eardrums and spilled blood. This sound made People are dizzy!

Mu Wushuang was surprised that the cultivation base of this freak actually approached Xianzun! It's just random sounds that have such terrifying power.

Wouldn't it be more horrible if it swallowed Emperor Luohuo?

"Monster! Don't come over!"

Emperor Luohu shouted.

"Squeak! Father is the best!"

There was a strange noise in the monster's mouth, and there was a cold and strange fierce light in its eyes.

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