Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 888: Laugh so my stomach hurts

Chapter 888

Bei Xuanjia's face was no longer innocent, and only the cruel expression of hating iron and steel in his eyes.

A seemingly innocent face looked a bit sullen.

"Bei Xuansheng deliberately humiliated your brother and me, can I bear it?"

Bei Xuanyun gritted his teeth and said.

"Can't help but you have to bear it too! Who calls our mother a concubine, low status, not as noble as their mother and concubine!"

Bei Xuanjia said with a cold face:

"You remembered it for me. I am now favored in front of my grandfather, and my status has risen. You will also be valued. But if you are disgusted by the North Xuansheng Bei Xuanjie, you will still hurt me, I All his efforts have been wasted!"

Bei Xuanyun clenched his fist, he naturally understood this truth.

He is obviously more qualified than Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie, but their two brothers are of noble blood, so his grandfather likes them, and himself, his grandfather might have forgotten his character long ago.

The younger sister circled around their two brothers all day just to show his face in front of her grandfather. Now the grandfather finally has some affection for her younger sister, and he can't drag her back.

"But I am not reconciled, sister, we are obviously better, as long as we give us more time, we can become the fairy king, or even the immortal sovereign, but their two brothers are always pressing on our side, so that I will never get ahead! "

Bei Xuanyun said painfully.

While speaking, his eyes suddenly showed a cruel expression, and said:

"Jia'er, I killed them, and then took away their abyss jade slips. When I enter the abyss tower ship to get a great opportunity, I successfully promoted to the fairy king, showing enough potential, my grandfather will definitely not punish me. Will value me!"


A slap severely hit Bei Xuanyun on the face.

Bei Xuanjia's face was extremely ugly:

"If you do this, you will only plunge my mother and I into an unrighteous place. Grandfather, you don’t know him at all. He places too much emphasis on blood, and grandmother’s blood is noble, so he always respects and loves grandmother, even if there Many concubines will not embarrass the grandmother and give them enough respect. The prince concubine was also selected by the grandfather, and the blood is noble, so he will like the two brothers!"

"So even if you kill them, my grandfather won't like you. My grandfather seems to love me now, but it's actually because he loves the house and Wu. The two brothers like to take me with him, so he will look at me! If you really do When that happens, my mother and I will die because of you!"

"What's more, just now my grandfather asked them to take the Abyss Jade Jane to recognize the Lord. You want to **** the Abyss Jade Jane, it's nonsense!"

"Then what should I do! Isn't it just being despised by their brothers day after day? I can't stand it!"

Bei Xuanyun roared.

"Hibernate! What we have to do is to hibernate like a snake to prevent them from thinking that we are threatened, and then wait for an opportunity, an opportunity to turn over, and then give them a fatal blow without letting grandfather notice. So now it is still Until then, we will have to wait, and we will definitely be able to wait until then!"

Bei Xuanjia looked at the distant sky and said.

"Brother, although our blood is low, I believe that one day, you will become the ninth-five-sage and the supreme of the devil world."

"Jia'er, do you really think so?"

Bei Xuanyun asked in surprise.

Bei Xuanjia looked at him and nodded: "My brother has a strong aptitude. If one day, they can't become a great weapon, then it will be the day of my brother's early days."

Bei Xuanyun nodded: "Sister, don't worry, my brother will listen to you, hibernate his dark side, be kind to others, and no longer be jealous and out of control like today."

Bei Xuanjia let out a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved, "It's good for my brother to think like this. I just slapped my brother. Does my brother hurt?"

"No pain, Jia'er's slap is to wake me up, it doesn't hurt at all. Jia'er, rest, I'm going to practice, I must cultivate to the realm of the fairy king as soon as possible, so that you and your mother will regard me as Rong."

"Go, brother, you have worked hard."

Bei Xuanjia waved at him.

When she left the enchantment, she closed the door, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Her elder brother, really can't support the wall with mud!

No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to take that step. In the magic palace, there are countless immortal kings, and he is not even an immortal king. What is it to fight with the two brothers?

Even she is about to take that step.

It's impossible to expect him to get ahead, Bei Xuanjia only hopes that he will not come to disrupt her plan, otherwise, she can even kill her brother by herself.


"Uncle Emperor, tomorrow is the time to open the Abyss Tower Ship, right?"

Nestled in the arms of the uncle, Mu Wushuang asked lazily.

Her voice was like a cat that had just slept full, lazily.

Long Mo deeply caressed her smooth back and nodded eagerly.

"I'm a little nervous. I haven't been in when the Abyss Tower Ship opened. What should I say when I see those who come in?"

Mu Wushuang remembered that tomorrow was the time when the Abyss Tower Ship opened, and automatically ignored the hand on his back, thinking about tomorrow.

"Just say anything."

Long Mo said absently.

She heard his heart-warming voice at once, and quickly pushed him, and said, "I just woke up, what are you doing?"


"Huh?" She stared at him.

"Cough." Long Mo gave a deep cough, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"When the time comes, Shuang'er doesn't have to say anything, you just have to sit there and it will be the focus of all eyes."

The owner of the Abyss Tower Ship has not been seen by many people. When the owner is seated in the seat, everyone will be curious about her.

However, in the Abyss Tower Ship, she didn't have to worry about someone being able to recognize it. Even the Immortal Emperor, who entered the Abyss Tower Ship, couldn't see her identity and appearance through the mask.

She is the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship, and she can control the transactions in the Tower Ship, and can also control whether the Tower Ship gives people opportunities.

"You are the master of the Abyss Tower Ship. Everyone who enters your territory must listen to your rules. Give to whomever you want a chance. If you don't understand anyone, you can play tricks like my old man. , Don’t give him a chair, don’t let him trade successfully."

Long Mo said with a deep smile.

After hearing this, Mu Wushuang's lips also lifted up. Pluto used to play tricks on the emperor. When she thought of these scenes at the time, the more she wanted to be funny, she almost burst into tears in the end.

I can't see that the emperor's uncle is still holding grudges. He turned these things out again, and in accordance with his resentful tone, her smile made her stomach hurt.

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