Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 889: Give public hope

Chapter 889

The Abyss Tower Ship has four floors.

Before Mu Wushuang's current cultivation base, he could only enter the first and second levels.

But during this period of time, she worked **** the stone wall to cultivate, and her cultivation level rose a little. In the middle of the fairy king realm, when she entered the abyss tower ship again, she successfully entered the third floor.

There are only six chairs on the third floor, also depicting ancient totems, simple and noble, and the material is better than the lower two floors.

The uncle said that he entered the third floor of the Abyss Tower Ship from the beginning.

He couldn't go up to the fourth floor. He guessed that he should be a figure of the Immortal Emperor level before he could go to the fourth floor.

Because Immortal Emperor Qianxing and Immortal Beixuan, as well as his father, Immortal Emperor Jiuyou, each have an abyss jade slip.

"I feel that if I reach the cultivation base of the Spirit Venerable Realm, I can enter the fourth level."

She said to the emperor.

Perhaps because she is the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship, she does not need to reach the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor, but she also has a certain cultivation base to go up.

"When I open the Abyss Tower Ship tomorrow, I will try to see if I can close the fourth floor so that no one can enter."

She said again.

Anyway, she can’t go up, so I don’t know who is on the fourth floor. Maybe she can’t control the fourth floor. If the Qianxing Immortal Emperor Beixuan Immortal emperor got any benefits from entering, then she would have to beat her chest. Pause.

"Shuang'er is right."

The corner of Long Mo's mouth was full of smiles, and there was a smile in his deep eyes. He held her cheek with both hands and kissed her forehead.

Mu Wushuang nestled into his generous chest, very satisfied.

When I was with the emperor, many things seemed to be nothing.

Even if the time together is limited, she doesn't feel sad, because their hearts are always together, and because the emperor uncle gave her a great sense of security, she can work hard for the future with him.

The two held them quietly, no matter how much suffering there will be in the future, at this moment, their hearts are very peaceful.


The second day.

The opening time of the Abyss Tower Ship was in Chenshi, and everyone with the Abyss Jade Slips was gearing up to enter the Abyss Tower Ship.

"Shenger Jie'er, with your qualifications, you will definitely get a great opportunity in the Abyss Tower Ship. Grandfather will enter the Tower Ship with you, and witness your approval of the Tower Ship."

In the Demon Palace of Xuanbing City of Demon Realm, Immortal Bei Xuan said to Bei Xuan Sheng and Bei Xuan Jie with a big laugh.

Since Emperor Beixuan thought that today was a good day, he specially summoned all his children and grandchildren to gather together, wanting them to witness the moment when Shenger and Jie'er had a great opportunity.

Immortal Beixuan's middle-aged appearance and tall stature is different from Immortal Qianxing's imposing and self-angered. His face looks very kind, perhaps because he has a smile on his face, so he doesn't give people too much pressure. sense.

However, judging from the scene where all his children and grandchildren are cautiously bowing their heads, everyone has a lot of respect for him.

Naturally, the huge hall could not stand all his children and grandchildren, some of them stood outside.

Because Bei Xuan Jia was loved by Emperor Bei Xuan, he stood at the front of the hall.

But Bei Xuanyun does not have such a good position. As the son of Ji concubine, he only deserves to stand outside the hall. He can't see the expression of Emperor Bei Xuan, but he can hear the mood of Emperor Bei Xuan. How good is it.

He sneered in his heart, he was also a grandson, but Immortal Bei Xuan only treated Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie as grandsons, and the rest of the grandsons were not like grandsons.

He looked around, and everyone's faces were filled with hatred and jealousy.

All resources are tilted towards his two most beloved grandchildren. How can the rest not be jealous and resentful?

However, because Bei Xuanyun had what his sister said yesterday, he hid all emotions in his heart, without showing the slightest dissatisfaction on his face.

"Grandfather, we are talented, we are lucky, but two little abyss jade slips, grandfather, you take it too seriously!"

Bei Xuanjie said loudly.

If someone else talked to Immortal Beixuan like this, they would have been sent off a long time ago, but because the person speaking was Beixuanjie, not only did Immortal Beixuan's face not be angry, he explained to him patiently:

"The abyss tower ship is a powerful treasure that fell from the immortal world to the immortal world in ancient times. It is a supreme artifact. The table and seats inside are forged from the materials used to make the artifact!"

"What? The materials of the artifacts used in the tables and seats? This is too extravagant!"

Bei Xuanjie said in shock.

His twin brother Bei Xuansheng also showed surprise.

Not to mention the other princes, princesses, princesses and others.

Even the chairs you sit on are made of forging artifacts, and the origin of this abyss tower ship is really amazing!

"What's this?" Immortal Emperor Beixuan's eyes showed the color of memory. "The Abyss Tower Ship is located in the abyss of the universe. The storm there can tear all of you to pieces in just one breath. This is the emperor. It can only stay for half an hour at most."

"The abyss of the universe? Is that abyss the road to immortality?"

Bei Xuansheng said.

Immortal Emperor Beixuan shook his head: "My grandfather doesn't know how far even my grandfather can move in the abyss storm, but the abyss tower ship can travel steadily in the abyss of the universe without any erosion. It can be seen that it is not Things of the fairy world."

Not only he couldn't guess the origin of the Abyss Tower Ship, but also the blood cliff ancestor of the Immortal Emperor level back then, unable to pry into its mystery.

It’s just that the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship is a bit weird, and his temper is uncertain. Both he and the ancestors of the blood cliff guess that the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship is a person in the immortal world. After all, the emperor can't see the Abyss Tower Ship, let alone Other people in the fairy world.

Fortunately, the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship has not appeared for many years.

"Grandfather, you said before that treasures can be traded in the Abyss Tower Ship. What is the trading method?"

Bei Xuansheng asked thoughtfully.

Immortal Emperor Beixuan gave public hope to the two grandsons and patiently explained:

"When you enter the abyss tower ship, you will be directly attracted by the seats and sit on the seats assigned to you by the tower ship. From now on, unless you fall, only you two can sit on those two seats forever. When you become an immortal emperor like your grandfather, you will be able to enter a higher level, but only if you have a free seat.

My grandfather told you to trade treasures earlier, it means that you sit in your place and get a great opportunity, there will be a treasure on the table in front of everyone. This treasure is not a product of the immortal world, and some may not even be grandfather. Acknowledge, there are useful ones and some tasteless ones. You take out the treasures and put them on the table. If the Abyss Tower Ship thinks that your treasure is worth the same as the treasure on the table, your treasure will be swallowed by the table, and you can too Take the treasure you want. "

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