Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 890: Tourist Long Jiuyou

Chapter 890

Immortal Emperor Beixuan said it very carefully. The two brothers Beixuansheng didn't care much about the Abyss Tower Ship, but they got serious when they heard that their grandfather took it so seriously.

After listening to the grandfather, the two were full of confidence.

Bei Xuansheng said loudly:

"Grandfather rest assured, grandson will definitely get a good chance to come back and let grandfather's face shine."

Bei Xuanjie also believed: "My brother and I have good qualifications and good luck. There must be a big opportunity waiting for us in the Abyss Tower Ship. I heard that Emperor Xia Wen, the Crown Prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, entered the Abyss Tower Ship for the first time. What I got is the blood of the ancient barbarian gods. My brother and I will definitely get a better chance than Emperor Xiawen!"

"Good! Good!" Immortal Emperor Beixuan said twice, "Yes", his face flushed: "Grandfather is waiting for you two to bring good news to grandfather. If you can get a big chance, grandfather will seal you up in advance. The two are my devil emperor!"

The audience was shocked when he said this.

Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie have just entered the realm of immortal kings. There are still many immortal kings in front of them. Because the emperor Beixuan is too picky, only two emperors have been sealed, but the two emperors died early. Under the hands of Emperor Ling Tian.

So that there is no emperor in the Devil Realm now.

But even if he wants to be the emperor, he should also be the emperor of Bei Xuansheng and the person who became the immortal king earlier than Bei Xuanjie. In any case, it is not the turn of the two of them!

And Bei Xuan Sheng and Bei Xuan Jie have been cultivating in the Demon Realm. The Emperor Bei Xuan has leaned a lot of resources on their heads. They have never experienced the Demon Realm. Who knows how their luck is?

Immortal Emperor Beixuan felt that their luck was good because they were both born on the day he succeeded in crossing the catastrophe. In the eyes of other descendants, this was simply unjust.

There is no emperor in the Demon Realm now, and everyone is staring at the position of emperor, including Bei Xuan Immortal Emperor's own son Bei Xuan Zhan, who is also the prince of the Demon Palace.

When Bei Xuan Zhan heard these words of Emperor Bei Xuan, his face was pulled down.

The father was partial to his two biological sons. He didn't think there was anything, but he was very happy back then.

But as the two sons grew up, the father's heart became more and more biased, and his heart was twisted if he didn't even care about his own son.

If the Demon Realm wants to be an emperor, it should also be an emperor. How can there be any saying that it goes beyond the son and gives the grandson the emperor?

Didn't it make the whole demons laugh at him?


Bei Xuanjie asked immortal emperor Bei Xuan excitedly, but did not see his father's face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Of course, my grandfather has always treated you as emperors and nurturing them. If you can brighten your grandfather's face this time, your grandfather will make an exception to preempt you as emperors of the Devil Realm!"

Immortal Emperor Beixuan said loudly.

Both Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie were very excited. Compared with the status of the princess, the status of the emperor is of course more domineering. When they have the title of emperor, they will be able to compete with the emperor Lingtian and Xiawen. People of this level are shoulder to shoulder, and the entire fairy world will know their names!

"Grandfather, it's about to be the time when the Abyss Tower Ship opens, don't worry, grandson will never let you down!"

Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie said confidently.

The emperor Beixuan laughed.

On the spiritual side, in a secret room of the Helian family, the current Patriarch of the Helian family, He Lianhui, solemnly handed over an abyss jade slip to his grandson He Lianyu.

"Your brother is dead, and this abyss jade slip is an unowned thing. Now it belongs to you. You are your generation, except for your brother, the most outstanding Helian tribe. This time, you enter the abyss jade slip. Among them, you must get a great opportunity to come back and avenge your brother!"

He Lianhui narrowed his dangerous eyes and explained He Lianyu.

"I will definitely get a great opportunity to avenge my brother!" He Lianyu fisted.

His elder brother He Lianyuan touched the mystery of the law of reincarnation decades ago. In order to better understand the mystery of reincarnation, he was reincarnated and reincarnated. Seeing that his elder brother was about to return in full, just a few months ago, the soul of the elder brother The lights went out completely.

Someone killed his elder brother before he ascended to the immortal realm, but if he only killed him, he still had a chance to return, and the soul lamp would not be extinguished, but he was completely extinguished and could never return!

This incident made the grandfather, father and others extremely angry. The best young generation in the Helian family died so unclearly!

It's a pity that they don't know which world the elder brother was born into. Now that the elder brother's soul lamp is off, it is even more difficult to find who killed him.

Even so, it has become He Lianyu's mission to avenge his brother.

Their Helian family will revenge if they have a grudge, even if the enemy is at the end of the world, he is bound to pick out the enemy and destroy him!

Holding the abyss jade slip left by his brother, He Lianyu swears in his heart.

At the same time, in the spiritual world palace.

Emperor Jiuyou also held an abyss jade slip in his hand.

"Don't you hate entering the abyss tower ship? Why did you take out the abyss jade slip again?"

Queen Jiuyou asked curiously.

She remembered that he had entered the Abyss Tower a few times before, and they were all defeated. He also said that the owner of the Abyss Tower had deliberately targeted him.

She thought to herself, how could the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship even recognize you?

Immortal Emperor Jiuyou snorted and said, "Today is the day when the Abyss Tower Ship opens. Your precious son is not willing to come back now. I will see if I can find this stinky boy in the Abyss Tower Ship!"

The fairy empress Jiuyou suddenly realized, pursing her lips and smiling: "So that's it, but I thought you didn't care about the depth of ink, but I didn't expect you to still think of him."

"I don't want him! This unfilial son, I know I am angry all day long!" Immortal Emperor Jiuyou refused to admit.

"Don't talk about it, it's time, I'll go in and find this stinky boy!"

As he said, he took out a ray of spiritual knowledge and went in.

But an embarrassing scene happened. This strand of his spiritual consciousness was directly bounced back by Yu Jian, and then Yu Jian posted a cold voice:

"Sorry, the fourth floor of the Abyss Tower Ship has been closed. Tourist Long Jiuyou has no permission to enter."

Immortal Emperor Jiuyou's face suddenly turned black.

"Puff haha! The Abyss Tower Ship was only aimed at you before, and now you are not allowed to enter, hahaha!"

The Fairy Empress Jiuyou smiled unkindly.


"Sorry, the fourth floor of the Abyss Tower Ship has been closed. Tourist Bei Xuanhong has no permission to enter."

In the huge magic palace, an icy voice that couldn't distinguish between men and women sounded, making the whole magic palace silent, and the needles could be heard.

I saw Emperor Beixuan's entire face was blue and black, and his face was extremely gloomy.

He grunted coldly:

"Visitors? The emperor has entered the Abyss Tower Ship for so many years, but he is still only a tourist? Is the Abyss Tower Ship deliberately targeting the Emperor, so the fourth floor is closed?!"

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