Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 935: Wipe out

Chapter 935

Helianan took out a fourth-grade elixir, and flicked it into Meng Tinghan’s mouth. Soon, the purple color on her face disappeared, and the poison was detoxified. The head was cut in half by Meng Tinghan. Tinghan fumbled and picked it up and set it on his head.

For the fairy, even if the head is cut off, as long as the vitality is not broken, it can be retrieved.

But the sword of Long Xuanxi just now made Meng Tinghan feel a huge blow. Even though she had only entered the stage of Daluo Jinxian not long ago, that little kid is only in the fairyland, how could it hurt her!

"Cousin! Kill them! This little kid just took the time to hurt me when I wasn't paying attention!"

Meng Tinghan gritted his teeth and said.

Oh, taking advantage of her not paying attention? This is ridiculous, Mu Wushuang sneered, if Xixi's cultivation base were higher, it would not be as simple as hurting her.

Although Xixi's sword intent was fierce, but only in the realm of true immortality, as long as he broke through the golden fairyland, the sword intent just now could destroy Meng Tinghan's vitality.

The fourth-rank elixir was hard to come by. Helianan wasted a fourth-rank elixir. His face was very ugly, but he had to save Meng Tinghan. Meng Tinghan followed him to the lower realm. Although the Meng family did not dare after the accident Trouble him, but his mother will trouble him.

"Shut up, go back, even a child can't deal with it, nothing good!"

Helianan said coldly.


Meng Tinghan clenched his fist fiercely. It was this little kid who was to blame for his cousin who would say harsh words to her.

Helianan looked at Long Moshen and Mu Wushuang, and said:

"The deity underestimated your family, but it just made the deity look at you high. Before you die, the deity's charity tells you the identity of the deity, so that you can be a ghost."

"Oh, charity? We don't need your charity, even if you don't say it, we will know your identity."

Mu Wushuang said with a sneer, this Helianan is really shameless, a lot of age, and always like to pretend.

"Cut! What are you worthy of knowing our identity!" Helianya rolled her eyes with a disdainful expression.

"Helianya, your mouth is still so poisonous, it seems that your previous tongue is out of use."

Mu Wushuang said coldly.


Helianya looked at Mu Wushuang like a ghost, how could it be possible? How does she know who she is?

Helianan frowned: "Who are you?"

Sister Helianya doesn't go out much, and the person who can tell her identity in one go must be a person in the spirit world, but if there is such a charming person as Mu Wushuang in the spirit world, it is impossible to be unknown!

So Helianan wondered how she would know Xiaoya's name.

"Helian'an, you don't deserve to know our identity."

She curled her lips and said, "Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Let's confess the lives of all of you here, sir, and leave the rest to you."

Long Moshen smiled and nodded: "You take your children to the side, and for your husband, you will solve these horrible people immediately."

Seeing the two show their affection and despise them so much, Helian Anhelianya and others were furious.

Helianan sneered and said:

"Since you know the identity of the deity, then you should know that today you must die."

He knows all the Xianzun in the fairy world, no one agrees with the identity of the masked man, so he believes that this person must not be the Xianzun, as long as it is not the Xianzun, then he can easily destroy their family.

However, a person's face suddenly appeared in his heart. This person was the Emperor Ling Tian of the Heavenly Palace. The Emperor Ling Tian was also such a tall, reticent, and noble temperament.

But soon, he waved the Emperor Ling Tian from his mind. The Emperor Ling Tian returned not long ago. Maybe his cultivation has not been restored to the realm of Immortal Venerable, and the underworld princess that Emperor Ling Tian liked has been dead for many years. , With his affectionate personality, how could he marry a wife and have children again, so this person is definitely not the son of Emperor Ling Tian.

Thinking of this, the sneer on Helianan's face is even worse:

"You pretend to be calm, just want to bluff your deity. You don't even dare to report your name, you can see that they are just humble little people!"

Mu Wushuang snorted lightly, gave Helianan a mentally retarded look, and then said to the emperor:

"Husband, you have to kill these air-wasting scum quickly. We have other things to do."

"Relax." Long Moshen smiled and nodded at her.

Through the mask, she could feel the emperor's uncle's petting smile.

Immediately she took her son, picked up her daughter, and retreated to the side.

Because Helianan and the others have wasted a lot of time, they should be killed soon, lest they talk disgusting.

Xiao Rouer asked curiously: "Mother, what does scum mean?"

"The dregs are scum and beasts. No, they are not as good as beasts. Let's see this kind of scum who likes to kill people and the whole family and slaughter the whole city at every turn. We must kill the people, baby understand?"

Mu Wushuang said to his daughter.

When Helian Anhelianya and others heard this, their eyes were red with anger.

"Brother, I want to let them fly away, and they will never live beyond life!"

"Well, brother, let them never live beyond birth!" Helian'an said coldly, his eyes shining with bloodthirsty light.

"I understand, Daddy wants to do harm to the people!"

Xiao Rouer said happily.

As the little guy's voice fell, Long Moshen's momentum suddenly rose, and his cultivation rose all the way to the peak of the Immortal Venerable Realm.

Helian An, who was also aggressive and murderous just now, was stunned!

Helian Yameng Tinghan and others were also shocked!

The peak of the fairyland!

how is this possible! How could this man be the pinnacle of Xianzun realm? !

Unbelievable, stunned!

It hasn't been many years since He Lian'an entered the Immortal Venerable Realm, but it was the initial cultivation base. Under Long Moshen's sudden suppression, he couldn't even breathe.

Look at him still not arrogant!

"Who are you! There is no one like you in the fairy world!"

Helianan shouted in disintegration, and touched his waist.

The corner of Long Mo's mouth was filled with a smile, his hand lifted the knife and cut off Helian'an's hand.

Helianan wanted to send a message to the family, and let the family members come here to rescue them and grab the dragon veins, but he didn't expect Long Moshen to realize his thoughts.

"The deity fights with you!"

Helianan roared, preparing to explode. If he exploded, he could still let the soul escape and return to the immortal realm, where he would take revenge in the future.

But how could Long Moshen give him this opportunity.

With the movement of the mountains and the tsunami, the whole mountain range was razed to the ground!

And Helian'an and others were also killed here, and even the souls were beaten to pieces!

They didn't know who the man who killed them was until they died.

But in fact, Helianan had already guessed it. Before his soul was destroyed, he vaguely guessed who killed him. With such a fierce and powerful method, there is anyone besides Emperor Ling Tian, ​​but it is a pity that he can no longer confirm the facts. .

Subsequently, their bodies were destroyed by Mu Wushuang using poison pills. No one in this world knew that she would refine poison pills, so even if the Helian family found them, they would never find her.

After dealing with all this, they will erase the memories of the people and monsters who saw this battle. In the future, if the Helian family finds them, they will have great skills and will not find any clues.

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