Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 936: Hades Sword

Chapter 936

"Uncle Emperor, you searched Helian'an's soul before, and what did you find? Did he report the dragon veins to the Helian family?"

On the way back to Xiaosanqian Continent, Mu Wushuang asked the emperor.

"Helianan is greedy for merit, and the Patriarch Helian promised him that after the dragon vein is found and sent back to the Helian family, he will give him a treasure on the dragon vein as a cave mansion and give him many benefits. After the dragon vein clues were in Qianlong Continent, he never disclosed the news to the Helian family, worrying that his paternal master would send others to rob him of merit, and ordered the others not to contact the upper realm."

Long Moshen said to her gently.

"In this way, we don't have to worry about the Helian family finding the Little Three Thousand World and Qianlong Continent. That would be great. I am also worried that the Helian family will find Bodhi City and anger them."

Mu Wushuang said with peace of mind.

"Well, we led them to other small worlds. They will only find their cause of death in that small world, and will not find Qianlong Continent."

Long Mo nodded deeply.

"By the way, Uncle Emperor, how did Helianan find the Bodhi Temple in Qianlong Continent? What is the clue?"

She thought of this suddenly and curiously said.

"It's a sword of Pluto."

"Huh? Daddy Hades' sword? What sword?" She asked quickly.

Long Moshen stretched out his hand, and there was a simple bronze sword out of thin air in his hand. This sword looked very ordinary, and there were stained patina on the body of the sword. It was just an ordinary magic weapon, it seemed that it was not even a fairy. .

"Is this the sword of Daddy Hades?"

"It is said that it is the sword of Pluto's early days. It is not of high grade, but he likes it very much. He has been close to his body. This sword is occasionally obtained by Helianan. The dragon-shaped carving on the sword is painted by Helianan as a map. So Helianan found Qianlong Continent."

Long Mo pointed deeply at the bronze sword in his hand. The scabbard had long since disappeared. Only the body of the sword was left. The body was engraved with a dragon-shaped engraving, densely packed, indeed like a map.

"It's just a map, how does he think there will be dragon veins?" She looked at the quaint bronze sword, with rusty spots on it, and it seemed that no one had touched its blade for many years. She raised her head. Asked curiously.

"The reason why he believes there will be dragon veins is because this sword is called dragon veins."

Long Mo said deeply.

"This sword is called Longmai?"

"Yes, it's called the Dragon Vein, because my husband has seen it worn on Pluto's body, it is indeed inseparable for a moment. Everyone knows that this sword is more popular with Pluto than the mirror of reincarnation, but for unknown reasons, after the fall of Pluto, this sword is also missing. , Accidentally obtained by Helianan, Helianan thought that Hades’ sword must be mysterious, and later drew a map. The address on the map pointed to the Sifang continent in the small world of Canglan. They found the Hades in the Sifang continent. Clues left."

"What clue?"

"An ancient pagoda that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. The uppermost layer of the ancient pagoda indicates the Buddha statue in Bodhi City on the Qianlong Continent."

"So Helianan and the others came to Bodhi City!" She said: "Then let's go to the ancient pagoda and see if we can find a way to erase the clues left by Pluto's father, so as not to be touched by the Helian family. ."

"No, Shuang'er, Helianan has already destroyed the ancient tower."

Long Moshen said.

She frowned, "The ancient tower that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years was destroyed by Helianan? There are traces of Pluto's father in it."

Long Mo deeply touched her hair and said, "The people of the Helian family acted so aggressively, but you don't have to be sad, we got the sword of Hades, didn't we?"

He held up the bronze sword in his hand.

"Well, the emperor is right. We got the sword of Pluto's father. I will keep this sword. This is one of his few...relics."

She said with a loss.

Long Moshen took her into his arms and comforted her softly.

Before long, they returned to Bodhi City in Qianlong Continent.

As soon as they entered the city, many people gave Mu Wushuang a kind smile, and some kindly called her "Saint Aunt".

She couldn't laugh or cry, she didn't want to be a Buddhist saint, why now everyone calls her saint.

"Auntie, my mother is a saint, what about me?"

Xiao Rou'er asked.

"You, you are a saint's daughter, then you are the little saint!" The aunt said with a smile, looking at Xiao Rou'er's cute and beautiful face, the more she liked it.

"What about my brother?" Xiao Rou'er asked again.

"Your brother is the little saint son." The aunt said with a smile.

"I am a little saint, and my brother is a little saint!" Xiao Rou'er was so excited, she kept chatting on her own.

Mu Wushuang helped his forehead with a smile:

"Auntie, you may be mistaken, I am not a saint..."

"How could we have made a mistake, Saint Auntie, your arrival made the Buddha open his eyes, illuminating all living beings, and the Buddha's manifestation. The people in our city, some people who were originally suffering from disasters and diseases, were all cured. You This is our saint in Bodhi City. From now on, we will not only worship Buddha, but also you!"

The aunt said happily.

At the same time, Mu Wushuang felt the power of merit flying from the sky, bit by bit, digging into the eternal jade seal in her space.

She looked at the emperor's uncle and said, "This should be the appearance of dragon veins, which made them heal, but they counted on me and gave me the power of merit."

"The dragon veins were originally hidden by the Pluto in this Bodhi city. Without the dragon veins, their illness would not be cured. Isn't it normal to count the merits of the Pluto on his daughter?"

Long Mo said to her with a deep smile.

Well, this is also a reason, but it makes sense.

Saying goodbye to the aunt and the others, the family walked towards the Bodhi Temple.

As soon as I arrived in Bodhi City, I saw the abbot of Zen Yuan and others standing outside the temple, as if waiting for them all the time.

"Amitabha, Saint Aunt is back."

The abbot of Zen Yuan nodded to them.

"Abbot, how do you know we will come back?" Mu Wushuang asked.

After taking away the dragon veins, most people should not come back. Mu Wushuang was worried about the people of Bodhi City, so he and his uncle returned.

"The saint aunt has a kind heart and cares about the common people. It is expected to come back." The abbot of Zen Yuan said, "Our line-keepers have completed the task of passing on for tens of thousands of years. From then on, I am devoted to Buddha. Before, Lao Na had something to give to the auntie."

"Is there something to give me?"

Mu Wushuang was a little surprised. She had already obtained something as powerful as Dragon Vein. Is there anything else to give her?

What will it be?

"Amitabha Buddha, also invite Saint Aunt and Lao Na."

The abbot of Zen Yuan walked inside the door.

Mu Wushuang nodded and walked up.

"The rest of the donors, please stay."

The abbot of Zen Yuan stopped Long Moshen and the two children from following.

Long Mo's deep brows narrowed slightly.

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