Nangong yueluo was pale and timid. He kowtowed to the Ming emperor.

"Emperor, forgive me, emperor, forgive me!"

"Well, you're very well. What's the crime?" The emperor of Ming snorted coldly.

As soon as the Nangong moon falls, she raises her pale face and looks timidly at the Emperor Ming. She sighs at the bottom of her heart.

Is this the ancient emperor?

The end is the king's presence in the world.

More than 50 years old, the maintenance is very good, the body is awe inspiring, the eyes are sharp, sharp fall on her body, if the predecessor, which can withstand such awe inspiring imperial momentum.

Can only be the same to deal with the changes, the moon with the eyes of diemeng diemeng, timid looking at the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Like a frightened fawn lost in the forest, those confused eyes let people see her.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty unconsciously put away his imposing power.

"Nangong yueluo, what did you do in the prime minister's residence yesterday? I'll tell you the details one by one. " Although the Ming emperor put away his momentum, his Majesty was still awe inspiring.

"This..." Nangong yueluo timidly looked at Nangong Wende.

"The moon falls boldly in Nangong. If I ask you, I won't give you a quick answer." The voice of the Ming emperor rises.

"The emperor is calm down, the emperor is calm down," said the minister Nangong yueluo kowtowed several times like a deer.

The emperor of Ming frowned and said harshly, "say."

"It's... It's... I'll tell you..."

In people's eyes, the woman who was just as fierce as Yasha may be really stunned. Now her voice is trembling, her face is white, and her face is full of desire for survival.

The breath of his speech was still very strong, but his voice was trembling, but he was able to report back yesterday's events one by one in the main hall.

Including the original body was ordered by Nangong Furong to pour night incense and brush the chamber pot, Nangong Furong smoked her with cane, then was teased by the guards in the house to destroy her innocence, and all kinds of things after her.

There are no details. They are all told in front of man Dynasty.

In the past, he was afraid of his voice trembling. Later, he may have a bit of resentment in his heart, but the more he talked, the more agile he was. With a hidden anger, he restored the scene with both voice and emotion.

And the public heard that call a tongue.

In the prime minister's house, yesterday's drama was as wonderful as the drama.

What's more, in full view of the public, the Nangong yueluo molested the killing God in the palace, knocked him down and kissed the king in public.

What's more puzzling is that the owl king, who has always killed people like demons, didn't kill Nangong yueluo in public?

But people guess that according to the attitude of the king just now, there is no deep meaning in poisoning?

On one side, Nangong Wende's face was wonderful.

Although there is no secret in Beijing, many officials in the court and the emperor in charge of the prime minister's office are clear about what happened yesterday.

You can listen to Nangong yueluo's scene again, and let them see it with their own eyes.

Emperor Ming raised his eyes and looked at Helian jiuxiao, who was lying lazily on the soft couch, with a clear meaning.

Although Helian jiuxiao still sleeps with her eyes closed, she is covered with a thin layer of frost under her mask.

This woman is really fat!

It seems that it's not clean up!

The Nangong moon on the ground, unexpectedly held back a shiver, a kind of bad feeling.

Nangongyue knows that she has angered the king.

At this time, the Ming emperor timely opening: "prime minister, you come out of this house, more wonderful than the opera."

Nangong Wende just wanted to kowtow to explain, and the Ming emperor stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Commander Xuan, did you find anything else when you took people to the prime minister's residence to capture Nangong yueluo?"

Emperor Ming's black eyes fell on xuanchen's wing.

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