"Back to the emperor, when I took people to the prime minister's residence, I found some porridge on the ground, so I took some back on my handkerchief." Xuan Chen Yi heavy voice way.

Sun Wang's two imperial doctors came forward to see that they were the same as Nangong yueluo's clothes.

"I saw that a maid in the courtyard behaved strangely, so I brought this maid with me."

"Where is the maidservant woman?" Asked the emperor.

"Back to the emperor, people are outside the hall."

With one eye of the Ming emperor, Zhao Jin'an understood it and sang, "bring people in."

The one who was brought up was a pink butterfly dressed in pink. He had never seen such a scene before. He was as white as a sheet of paper, and his whole body worshipped.

Shivering all over, I don't know how to speak.

"Say, but you poison your young lady?" The Ming emperor sounded like a bell, showing the majesty of the emperor.

The whole person crawls on the ground of the pink butterfly a listen to poison, this body tremble can't lift head at all, upper and lower teeth tremble ceaselessly.

"Slave... Slave... Maid..."

When the maidservant's words were still falling, a murderer suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were as sharp as a sword. His thin lips lifted slightly and said, "since you can't speak, it's useless to keep your tongue."

Helian jiuxiao hands up

Crawling on the ground, the pink butterfly kowtows and cries: "Lord Xiaowang, please forgive me. Maidservant says, maidservant says."

"Tut, can I cure tongue disease?" He Lian nine Xiao hook lip jokingly way.

Civil and military officials, the body trembled, feel like they are close to the truth!

The minister, who claims to have guessed the truth, even more looks at his nose, nose and heart. He does not dare to expose his thoughts for fear that the king will kill them.

The pink butterfly comes with the truth.

From the description of pink butterfly, people understand.

It's the poison that the maid named lvzan gave to nangongyue.

"Come..." the Ming emperor sounded like a bell, and then he asked for an order.

A lazy voice interrupted him.

"Don't go. The maid must have been killed. When the matter is handed over to the Ministry of criminal justice, a hall will be set up in the prime minister's office to supervise it. "

Nangong Wende's face was wonderful, and his eyes were full of fury.

The Ministry of punishment will plead guilty even when the prime minister's office opens a court to hear a case and is severely tortured.

He wanted to plead, but how dare the emperor resist in public?

"Li Shangshu, do you hear me? Get the order! You give me a good trial, careful investigation

The end of the check word falls, and Nangong Wende's heart trembles.

"Yes." Li Shi'an, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, respectfully received the decree.

Nangong yueluo lowered her eyebrows and gathered her eyes, but there was a sneer at the bottom of her eyes.

Father and son join hands to play a good game of chess!

First, check Nangong Wende, and second, check her Nangong yueluo.

Overnight, it's so different, how can it not make people suspicious?

Ha ha, but she is not afraid to check, such as the fake Nangong yueluo.

The pink butterfly on one side thought that she had escaped a disaster and was relieved.

However, someone raises his hand!

"Ah..." screamed, a cut tongue fell on the hand of Nangong yueluo.

The pink butterfly is so painful that it cries "Wuwuwuwu...".

"No one told you that my diagnosis for tongue diseases is very expensive?"

Helian nine Xiao words fall, thin lips evoke evil cold smile, let a person tremble.

Nangong yueluo looks at a piece of tongue that falls on his hand and scolds secretly: Damn, evil man!

Nangong yueluo just wanted to throw away the truncated tongue, but his head was blown away by kengdai's medical space.

My God, the medical space let her pick up the broken tongue?

Nangong yueluo has been attacked by the medical space for several times. Knowing the temperament of the medical space, she has to accept it.

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