He lianyue is he lianyue. He soon converges and looks at him again, but his eyes are cold. He glances at Shangguan Tuo.

Shangguan Tuo keeps his mouth shut.

Then he lianyue's cold eyes fell on Nangong yueluo, his face was still without waves, but his eyes were full of disgust and anger.

Is this woman really a monkey? Dare to play with him.

He snorted coldly, then turned around and walked towards Dali temple.

Ma Chang'an, the Minister of Dali temple, quickly followed, followed by shangguantuo and helianye.

A crowd also entered Dali temple.

Sima Chang'an said respectfully: "prince, please take the seat."

"It's better for Lord Sima to judge. We can listen in the hall." He lianyue sat down gracefully.

Sima Chang'an wiped a cold sweat secretly, then sat down and looked at Helian Yue.

"Mr. Sima, what do you think we should do? Is it a trial? " He Lian Yue Hua Mou a Lin, voice line light way.

Sima Chang'an quickly took back his sight, took a startling slap, and said with dignity: "what's the matter? Tell me in detail. "

Zang Mingxue, as a representative of the victim's family, told Sima Chang'an that the carriage was out of control yesterday, injured people, killed his son and ran out of the gate.

As well as this morning people blocked at the gate of the city to denounce Nangong yueluo, the dispute is fairly objective.

"Nangong yueluo, yesterday your carriage was out of control and hurt people, you can know the crime." Sima Chang'an's black eyes were full of fierce voice.

Although Nangong yueluo was embarrassed, she stood proud, raised her chin, and said with thin lips: "yesterday I went to Li's house to see Miss Li in a carriage. Who would have expected that someone in the crowd would throw the firecrackers on the horse in the downtown, causing my horse to be frightened, out of control and run out of the city

"The servant girl and the carriage fell off the cliff together. She survived by luck, and asked adults to make decisions for her. Find out who threw the firecrackers yesterday. It was this man who scared my horse out of control and hurt everyone

Zang Mingxue immediately went up to him and said, "master Sima, although the horse was frightened, my official dog was killed by the prime minister's carriage. I'm going to take Nangong yueluo's life. "

"Lord Zang, you said my carriage killed your son, but miss Ben didn't see your son's body. How do you know your son was killed by my carriage?" Nangong yueluo is also an excited voice.

"Nangong yueluo, you have gone too far. My son died because of this. Don't deceive others too much?" Zang Mingxue clamored.

Nangong yueluo raised her proud head and said: "even if those people are hurt by this, I am responsible, but you people all want to hurt me and kill me. If you don't bring the injured to court today, how can I know that some of you are injured? "

"Don't frame me up for other injuries, blackmail me together." Nangong yueluo has a domineering face and won't let him.

"My Lord, you are going to make decisions for us. There are people injured in our family. You can send someone to take it to the court. "

Sima Chang'an looked at he lianyue and asked for his instructions.

He lianyue nodded slightly, and Sima Changan immediately said in a high voice: "come on, go to these injured people's homes, and bring them to the court."

People wait in place. Nangong yueluo immediately enters her magical mode. People stand like a pine, but the thunder like snoring sounds again.

Everyone in the hall looked at the moon setting in Nangong like a monster.

Sima Chang'an's eyes rolled to the ground.

Is Nangong yueluo conscious and afraid?

She's on trial. She's a defendant.

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