Because of Zang Mingxue and her special identity, it's OK not to kneel in the hall.

Falling asleep in front of everyone's eyes?

Sima Chang'an looks carefully at he lianyue again.

But he lianyue's eyes were full of disgust and spit. Sima Changan took a deep breath. But he thought that the king was protecting the woman. Now he was in a bit of a dilemma.

Xiao Wang's unreasonable but the first person, his people, moved the consequences unimaginable.

Fortunately, the bucket of water splashed by the official just now didn't spill on her. When he wanted to come to Sima Chang'an, he shivered.

Signal the subordinate below to wake up Nangong yueluo.

The official went over and called, "Miss Nangong, Miss Nangong..."

This voice is more and more loud, but still can't resist the thunder like snoring.

Is this a woman? Even if it is deliberately pretended, ask which woman in the world will do such an indecent thing.

Is it certain that the king will marry her?

After calling for dozens of times, people still stand as loose as before, even without shaking, but her mouth is wide open, and the loud snoring makes people want to strangle her.

Sima Chang'an saw the moon set in the south palace.

Signal to her subordinates to wake her up.

As soon as the official came forward, he reached for such a push.

However, the moon in Nangong fell back like a straight wood.

According to her so fall, fall to the back of the head, if the fall is not good, make life on the spot.

At that moment, Sima Chang'an was so surprised that he immediately cried out, "hurry up, help her..."

Seeing Nangong moon fall a little bit, he will hit the back of his head heavily.

Sitting on one side, clearly disgusted, spitting at Nangong yueluo, he lianyue moved. Before she fell to the ground, he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

At the moment, everyone in the hall was struck by thunder again, staring at them in a daze.

Nangong month fell in his arms, soft and weak all rely on him, the heart beat unexpectedly for no reason to skip a few beats.

He lianyue, who finds out what he's doing later, has a trace of hatred in his eyes and annoys himself. What's wrong with him.

But for the first time, the body in his arms was so light that he reached out to push her away. A faint heartache rose from the bottom of his heart for no reason.

The bloody smell of the tip of his nose made him dye his disgusting eyes and look down at Nangong yueluo.

But see her exposed skin, clearly visible scars, there is a string at the bottom of my heart was severely seized, feel the whole person is a little irritable for no reason.

This scene, in the eyes of all the people present, has various meanings.

He Lin's warm eyes pass a dark light, and then his eyes narrow slightly.

Isn't it true that the prince is interested in the moon setting in Nangong?

If you want to, why didn't you mention their marriage in the past.

But it's kind of interesting.

There is a sneer in his eyes.

I don't know if Lao Jiu can get his life back?

Pick it up and watch them fight for a girl. Tut Tut, that should be very interesting.

He finds that he seems to have something to do in the future.

"Hululu... Hululu..." Nangong yueluo's deafening snoring sounded in his ears.

When he lianyue bowed his head again, he saw that his chest was wet, and then his eyes moved up. When he found out what the wet piece was, his eyes were disgusted.

The woman snores and drools.

Then, he raised his hand to push the moon away.

Steeply, snoring stopped, Nangong yueluo opened her eyes wide and said, "ah, you apprentice, you dare to despise me in public."

Then, a loud slap fell into everyone's ears.

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