"Yesterday, I was at home, and my family can testify. But you are not only ugly, but also dissolute. You have a secret relationship with others, and you want to rely on me. I tell you that I never want to see you in the future. "

"If you dare to beat me again, I will break your leg."

It turns out that this man is Chi yinghan of Chi mansion. His eyes show disgust and disdain.

"Brother Han, I'm really your man..." Li Hanyu's tears rolled down, his eyes were heartache, even with despair.

At this time, but see that goose yellow brocade dress of woman come forward, a face surprised way: "cold elder brother, you really and jade son already......"

The beauty conceals her face, and the butterfly feather is covered with mist.

"Yuner, I didn't. Last night I was in Chi Fu, and I can testify all over Chi Fu. " Pool yinghan a see in front of the woman busy explanation way.

"Brother Han, if you really do something to her, you have to be responsible for her. I will never allow you to have negative yu'er. Yu'er is a good girl with a good heart. " The girl's eyes were full of tears.

In a few words, we can see his kindness.

People around her angrily point at Li Hanyu and scold her for being ugly and shameless.

However, the pool yinghan see beauty in front, tears, good heartache, listen to her words, more hate Li Hanyu.

"Yun'er, you are the floating cloud in the sky, she is the mud on the ground, the difference between her and you is that a man will not abandon you and choose her. I will be polite to her, because she is your Jinlan sister. But the shameless Jinlan sisters are better off... "

Chi yinghan's heart killing words fall into Li Hanyu's ears, as if a knife had been inserted in her heart.

She has lost her brother Han. If brother Han doesn't want her, she has no face to live in this world.

Li Hanyu's eyes were dark and despairing.

Turn around and jump off the bridge.

Nangong yueluo grabs Li Hanyu.

"Miss Li, everything in the world can be given up at will; Only this life can't be given up easily. "

"This little brother, don't pull me, I have no face to live in this world..." Li Hanyu said with grief.

"Who told you that you have no face to live in this world?"

"I have lost my innocence!" Li Hanyu said as big tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Who told you that you had lost your innocence? Is that the mark on your neck that someone deliberately pinched out? " Nangong moon falls, lips slightly pursed.

"What? Brother, do you mean I'm not talking to people around my neck... "Li Hanyu looks at Nangong yueluo through the curtain of tears.

"Of course not. Please see, this trace is pinched out by hand." Nangong yueluo said that she raised her hand specially and pinched a pinch mark on Li Hanyu's neck.

Li Hanyu didn't cry out in pain. At the moment, the pain in his neck is the heartache of being humiliated, reviled and rejected by his beloved.

Sure enough, Li Hanyu as like as two peas on the neck, but the color is different.

Chi yinghan was even more angry when he heard this. He swore: "Li Hanyu, I've never seen such a unscrupulous person as you. It's a wonderful play to direct and perform yourself. If you want me to marry you, you are delusional. In this life, I only love yun'er, and I will marry her as my wife. "

"Brother Han, I didn't..." Li Hanyu couldn't argue.

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